![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs186/1114495419784/img/100.jpg?a=1115661159406) | High Performance Broadband Over Copper |
December 31, 2013
Cashing In On Serving SMBs With "Bandwidth to the Building" Using Actelis Networks
Having chosen the location of their operations based on cost and convenience, most small and medium business customers (SMBs) are located well outside the fiber footprint. Getting fiber to them is too expensive given the moderate demand that they represent individually, but collectively SMBs represent a huge market opportunity as they drive nearly 70% of the economy worldwide and are starting to use the network and cloud services much more intensively to level the competitive playing field.
What's the best way to cash in on this opportunity? You can advertise services across the metro, allow Sales to wander wherever they feel prospects may exist, and deal with provisioning services where they are sold. Or you can heighten your profitability by taking a much more strategic approach enabled by Actelis Networks.
Click here to read the entire article
Overcoming Objections Of The Customer That Resists Broadband Services Over Copper
Even these days, a service operator's Sales team will find that some small and medium business customers (SMBs) are convinced that getting a quality service requires getting service over fiber. If not addressed, that perception could be a barrier to selling Ethernet or Carrier Ethernet services over copper in some accounts. The good news is that this can be easily overcome, because the "push back" is merely the byproduct of having an outdated, point-in-time view based on having been barraged by years of repetitive advertising.
Small and medium business customers were exposed to billions of dollars of advertising over the past couple of decades, advertising paid for by fiber-centric service providers that were explicitly trying to portray fiber roll outs as being the mark of a network quality. These operators were seeking to create perceptions of differentiation based on these huge investments, and they succeeded. Too well, in fact, because in succeeding they not only convinced those that could take advantage of fiber of its quality, they also convinced some of the very many customers that they would never be able to afford to run fiber to that this is the technology that they should definitely want. SMBs were only small users of broadband services at the time, but in future they would (and have) become an important source of demand and growth for high speed broadband and Ethernet services.
Click here to read the entire article
Serving Small Cells More Effectively In The Metro With Copper
Many operators believe that the majority of small cells will require somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 - 60 Mbps when installed, and understandably they want future scalability as well. This kind of bandwidth is easily available to the majority of outdoor small cell / micro cell locations with EFM over Copper from Actelis today.
But beyond bandwidth, one of the most complex issues associated with small cell deployment, an issue that is more difficult to solve, is getting that bandwidth where it is needed. Small cells must be placed precisely at the exact locations where they are needed if the network is to be fully optimized. No one wants to design their network based on placing small cells where cost effective backhaul is available.
Click here to read the entire article
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs186/1114495419784/img/76.png?a=1115661159406) EFM over Copper Enables Flexible HD Security Camera Placement
Notice how any time there is a significant crime or accident and there seems to be video of it available? That's because HD security cameras are going just about everywhere these days. Be it for homeland security, public safety, or industrial and utility site monitoring, high definition video cameras are being rapidly deployed in a great many locations.
But how do you get the bandwidth where it is needed cost effectively? With Actelis' EFM over Copper, of course. Actelis Networks has a long history in the backhaul market for intelligent traffic systems and surveillance cameras, applications where the very high reliability and low maintenance requirements of its solutions are particularly important.
Although Actelis offers both VDSL2 and G.SHDSL based EFM over Copper solutions, for HD surveillance camera applications, G.SHDSL tends to be the preferred technology due to it having greater distance capabilities than VDSL.....making placement all over the metro possible.
Actelis will continue its leadership in broadband over copper for backhauling traffic from Intelligent Traffic Systems and surveillance cameras with drop and continue functionality, the design of increasingly efficient form factors, flexible mounting options, and fanless operation enabling placement in even the smallest of vaults.
Click here for our Transportation Case Study in Sacramento
The Advantages of Integrating Power, Small Cells and Transport
Many operators have a difficult to attain but all-important end goal in mind: integrating as much of the infrastructure required for outdoor small cells as possible into a relatively small enclosure, and using a minimal amount of power - in the neighborhood of 100 W or less - when doing so.
One of the challenges that must be overcome to do this is the heat generated by the transport equipment. EFM over Copper can support this objective easily. Check the spec sheets on microwave equipment, and very quickly you will understand why it often has such large an elaborate heat sinks built into the design.
Those operators that are serious about achieving the greatest possible integration of a holistic small cell site solution need to seriously consider using copper rather than competing technologies that require significantly more power.
View our webinar with Light Reading on Solving Small Cell Backhaul and Power Challenges by clicking here: Light Reading Webinar Rebroadcast
Actelis Leverages MEF CE 2.0 To Enhance Operator Revenue Opportunities
One of the challenges for customers that were early adopters of Ethernet services was the lack of standardization, causing confusion for customers being presented with different options as well as potential interoperability issues. The Metro Ethernet Forum has been tackling that problem by enhancing and extending its initial MEF CE1.0 service definitions with the MEF2.0 standards.
Actelis is the first EFM over Copper vendor to be certified for all of the MEF2.0 services. That gives service providers the ability to offer standardized services that are consistent and easier for customers to understand and trust. Support for many of these features is already included in Release 7.4 - with the remainder on the way. Contact your Actelis' Sales rep for more details. Click here for more info on Actelis CE2.0 Certification
Increase Customer Density for Lower OpEx and TCO
Scaling EFM over Copper for mass deployment in a way that maximizes profitability also requires maximizing the number of customers that can be served per RU of equipment (the customer density). Two factors determine the customer density of an EFM over Copper solution: the port density per RU, and the number of pairs required to offer the required bandwidth over the distance involved.
The reason maximizing customer density is so important is that it directly impacts the bottom line. Experience has shown that with Actelis, our customers can improve customer density by 50%, serving 50% more customers per RU) - while using less than half of the line cards and copper pairs required by competing EFM solutions.
We turn copper into a strategic asset!
Grow your customer base, service revenues, and profitability
with Actelis' high performance broadband over copper.
Contact us at marketing4@actelis.com