Trivia Challenge
Kick off to College Football
Human Resources will award a $25 gift card to the employee who submits ALL of the correct answers to the following (10) trivia questions plus the tie breaker question. In the event of a tie after the tie breaker has been applied, the winning name will be drawn from a hat. The deadline for submission is September 9th at 5pm. Submissions can be emailed to Shenna Adamson or faxed to 770-531-7137. ALL entries must include your name and phone number to be eligible to win.
1. Which teams two Heisman Trophy winners also led the team to its only two national championships?
2. Which team has the best BCS Record in the BCS Era (1998-2012)?
3. In the BCS era, which BCS team has the best Home Record?
4. How many BCS (Bowl Championship Series) games has Notre Dame won?
5. Who was the first African-American coach in SEC history?
6. Who became the first (and only) player to win the Heisman, the Maxwell, the O'Brien and be selected first overall in the NFL Draft (1987)?
7. During the 70's the view of this field allowed fans to enjoy the game free of charge from the railroad tracks.
8. Which SEC team got their nickname from Oliver Goldsmith's poem, The Deserted Village?
9. What is the most commonly used mascot in college football?
10. Which school scored the most points ever in a game?
Tiebreaker - Georgia's first unofficial mascot was a goat. When was the goat first unveiled, what team did Georgia play and in what year was that game played?
Hall County Animal Services
The Hall County Animals Shelter will be having a mini-adoption event at the PETSMART in Flowery Branch on Saturday, September 14th from 10:00am-2:00pm. The $85 fee includes spay/neuter, rabies vaccination, heartworm test, first round of shots and microchip. Call the Shelter for more information: 678-450-1587
Spay/Neuter Coalition, Inc. will be at the Ag Center on Sept. 21 to sign animals up for low-cost surgery. This is strictly for sign-ups. The actual surgery will be scheduled for a later date at our Shelter. But free vaccinations will be available that day for domestic dogs and cats. The event will run from 10:00am-4:00pm. |
Hall County Sheriff's Rape Response Luncheon
Director of Rape Response, Inc., Jeanne Buffington, coordinated a luncheon hosted by the Hall County Sheriff's Office to familiarize volunteer workers and staff with the Deputies, Investigators and local Police Officers whom they will be in contact with whenever these crisis situations occur. Invaluable protective order information, important details on the law pertaining to domestic violence and introductions to specific individuals who deal with similar issues on a daily basis were the topics of discussion. We were glad to take part in this event! Thanks to the whole Rape Response crew for making it a success, and their efforts in improving the services which we can all offer to Hall County citizens...
Celebrate Labor Day at Laurel Park
Hall County Government invites residents to enjoy spectacular fireworks on Monday, Sept. 2 at Laurel Park, benefitting the American Legion Paul E. Bolding Post 7. Hall County Parks and Leisure, Sheriff's Office, Fire Services, Public Works, Public Safety and the Correctional Institution donate services each year to support this longstanding local tradition.
Laurel Park is located at 3100 Old Cleveland Hwy, Gainesville. Gates will open at 9 a.m. for visitors to enjoy the sports facilities, playground, spray ground, dog park and views of Lake Lanier. A spectacular fireworks display, provided by the American Legion and Hall County Government, begins at dusk. Parking is $5 per car. Snow cones, hot dogs and other concessions will be sold by North Georgia Boy Scouts.
Hall County Solid Waste/Landfill Department News
On July 26,2013, Solid Waste Director, Johnnie Vickers and C.O. Dillion Clay successfully completed the Landfill Operator Certification Training Course at the Univerity of Georiga.
Additionally, we ar proud to report a score of 95 for theompliance Audit which is conducted annually by the Environmental Protection Division.
For Sale
2007 Nissan Altima 3.5 SL Sedan 4 door. Exterior is silver in color, with black leather interior, sliding sunroof, etc. with 97,000 miles. $13,000 OBO. Contact Todd Abercrombie at 678-600-1910
David's Bridal mermaid white wedding dress size 4 with extra length added. Custom 3-ribbon bustle. "White" line by Vera Wang sash - black, floral front detail. White custom-designed floral hair piece by Heirbloom owner, Ahndea May with birdcage veil. White BCBGeneration heels, size 7.5. Also Diamond Engagement ring - White gold, princess cut center stone and small diamonds going down side of band. For prices please contact Mikhail Conner at
Beautiful 18kt white gold diamond engagement ring, round center stone. Aproximate weight of 1.20ct with two round shape diamonds on either side. Approximate weight of .40ct. Recent appraisal right at $7,000.00. Asking $5000.00 OBO. Appraisal and photos available. If you are interested, please contact Melissa Summer at melsummer@hallcounty.org
Seagull 25th Anniversary with solid spruce top and mahogany sides and back. Beautiful collector guitar with new strings, abalone bridge pins, no blemishes and padded factory case for $350.00. Also have Alvarez RD8 acoustic. Sounds and plays fantastic. Great for any level player. Comes with new strings and an Alvarez hard shell case for $150.00.
Contact David Nix at (706) 499-0807 or email dlnix@windstream.net
Exercise Equipment
Pulley full-workout system. Already set up but will have to be broken down to move...It is large and heavy. Can work arms up to 80lbs and legs and traps/chest up to 130lbs of weight (slide weights included) with this system. I set this system up by myself in half a day with no directions (and I never saw it set up). I believe I do have directions for it now though (will have to find them). Also selling a weight bench with bar and 100lbs of weights. It has an arm and a leg attachment with it. Can send pictures if interested. $300 for all--ready-made workout room! Contact Heather at 678-300-4069.
Authentic Michael Kors Medium Grayson Logo purse that I purchased personally from Macy's at the end of 2012 for $350. I'd like to sell it for $200. It is in fantastic condition, I can provide photos. Interested people can inquire via e-mail: missmikhail@gmail.com
FOR SALE A HOVERROUND POWER CHAIR FOR $3,000.00 OR MAKE A RESONABLE OFFER. BOUGHT NEW FOR $7,000.00 AND ONLY USED 3 TIMES. Please contact Patsy Savage at psavage@hallcounty.org
65 inch MItsubishi Big Screen T.V. Model Number WD-6009. Purchased new for $1200.00. Asking $450.00. Please contact Gene Joy at 770-530-0152
Used Lap-Traveler Mobile Laptop Stand. Regular Price $239.00. Asking $100.00 Firm. Please contact Gene Joy at 770-530-0152
Treadmill wanted. Please contact Donna Reaves at dreaves@hallcounty.org
Please email items that you have for sale or items you are currently looking to buy to sadamson@hallcounty.org.
Welcome to Hall County Government
August New Hires
Julie Kokoschke - Administration
Josh Cheeley - Allen Creek Soccer Complex
Miguel Hernanxez - Buildings
Gibram Ezeckiel Herrera - Buildings
Kimberly Harbin - Business License
Hannah Aldrich - Clerk of Court
Linda Maciver - Clerk of Court
Kenneth Harmon - Correctional Institute
Kaitlyn Head - County Agent
Kristen Hernandez - Drug Court
Jason Cook - E-911
Kristi Bradley - E-911
Samantha Parson - E-911
Susan Vickers - E-911
Charles Stanley - H.E.L.P. Grant
Tammy Edge - Human Resources
Sylvia Thompson - Human Resources
Gerald Lanich - Parks & Leisure
Kreed Coley - Parks & Leisure
Matthew Nix - Parks & Leisure
Wesley Satterfield - Parks & Leisure
Margaret Schaap - Parks & Leisure
Virginia Priddy - Public Defender
Judith Kennedy - Probate Court
Matt Leipold Public Defender
Christopher Van Rossem - Public Defender
Bradly Davis - SRO
Jeffery Forrester - SRO
Elaine Gray - SRO
Sammy Stephens - SRO
Bridgett Hughes - Tax Commissioner
Jessica Donato - Tax Commissioner
Randall Williams - Tax Commissioner
September Birthdays September 1 Debby McNabb, Ricky West September 2
William Allison, Michelle Daniel, Curtis Gilreath, Robin Jones, Maurice Robbins, Mary Sweat
September 3
James Brady, Janie Nutting, James Waldrop
September 4
September 5
Jordan BUffinton, Athen Mullinax, Bertha Peters, Sidney Sears, Robert Smith III
September 6
Nathan Crowe, Deborah Cuffy, Linda Maciver, Sharon McClain, Marty Nix, James Reagan, Johnnie Vickers, William Weiss
September 7
Drew Couch, John Hornick, Charles Lee, Joyce Miller, Katie Mincey
September 8
Bobby Brumbelow, Susan Guevara, Pamela Rust
September 9
Casey Allison, Jason Cook, Lisa Harris, Andrew Howell, Melanie Johnson, George Knapp, Khip Miller, Fredtavious Payne, Don Smallwood
September 10
Karla Andrade, John Foster, John Hope
September 11
Miranda Joubert, Eric Segars, Daniel Sexton, Dwaine Wilson
September 12
Spencer Cape, Bobby Hunt, Tom Lewis, Lloyd Stephens
September 13
Steven Brown, Timothy Davidson, Keith Langford, Ana Montes, Michele Smith
September 14
Stephanie Berry, Richard Gunn, Allan Pittman, Michael Richards, Derrick Watson
September 15
Roberty Burgess, John Dawson, Darla Eden, Burt Sanders, Jeffery Stamey
September 16
Maura Bautista, Richard Foote |
Hall County Sheriff's National Night Out

Target of Gainesville (514 Shallowford Rd NW Gainesville, GA 30504) hosted another National Night Out against crime, on Tuesday (8/6/13). The community was invited to participate in this free social event. Hall County Sheriff's Office partners at Safe Kids of Gainesville-Hall County, other community public safety agencies and neighbors across the county joined together to commemorate the nation's premiere crime prevention event!
The Night Out against crime was designed to: (1) heighten crime prevention awareness, (2) generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs, (3) strengthen neighborhood spirit & police-community partnerships, and (4) send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back to prevent and deter crime in our community.
Everyone at the Hall County Sheriff's Office would like to say a big "Thank you!" to our friends at Target and community partners for a wonderful night out in the city of Gainesville. We were happy to share information on our Neighborhood Watch Program, Georgia's new Boating Laws, Child Passenger Car Safety, Internet Safety and much more. We also enjoyed the food, music and fun with neighbors while making a stand against crime in our community!
Saturday, September 21st, 2013
Join us in a 5K Mud/Obstacle run through the beautiful mountains of North Georgia featuring RFID chip timing. The race will start and finish breath taking views of teh Testnatee River.
Time: Mud/Obstacle 5K-9:00am
Far Winds Farm
3307 Sandy Flats Road
Cleveland, Ga. 30528
Entry Fees:
5k Early Bird Registration (before 9/7) $45.00
5K Late Registration (after 9/7) $65.00
Participants must be over the age of 14 and have the ability to swim.
All proceeds benefit Family Promise of White County
Healthy Hall County
Use of Fitness Facilities at Community Centers
We are proud to announce that even though the initial Healthy Hall County program is over, you and your covered dependents will still be able to attend the Community Center Fitness Facilities for FREE.
If you signed up for that program you will still be able to use your Healthy Hall County Card to get free access. If you never signed up for that program but would like for you and your covered dependents to be able to go for free you can sign up at the Community Center of your choice.
Thank you to Hall County Board of Commissioners and Hall County Parks and Leisure!!
8 week challenge
Greg Cochran, Old Skl Fitness
September 9-November 2
Informational Meeting/Sign Up
**September 5th at 5:30pm**
Hall County Government Center
2nd Floor, Board of Commissioners Meeting Room
There will be two separate groups for this 8 week challenge:

Fit Group - Boot Camps that will consist of Plyometric workouts which will be a little more demanding.
The "fit group" will take a fit test that will be designed by Greg Cochran especially for them at the beginning of the 8 week challenge. At the end, the participants will complete the same fit test. The Female and Male who does the best will be awarded with a $200 Gift Card!! Boot Camps for the Fit Group will be held on Monday and Wednesdays at the Hall County Government Center at 5:30pm. Saturday Boot Camp will be held at North Hall Community Center at 10am. This will be designed for both groups.
Weight Loss Group- Boot Camps that will consist of full body workouts that will be low impact to burn calories.
The "weight loss group" will do a mandatory weig h-in before the 8 week challenge begins and at the time it ends. The top 3 Females and top 3 Males that have lost the most weight during the 8 weeks will awarded with:
1st place - $200 Gift Card
2nd place - $100 Gift Card
3rd place - $50 Gift Card
Boot Camps for the Weight loss Group will be held on Tuesday and Thursday at the Hall County Government Center at 5:30pm. Saturday Boot Camp will be held at North Hall Community Center at 10am. This will be designed for both groups.
You will only be eligible to sign up for ONE group, however, you can attend all boot camps if you would like. The boot camps are set up for specific days for that particular group. But, you can also attend the boot camp for the other group.
For more information please contact Shenna Adamson at sadamson@hallcounty.org. Sign up Deadline is September 6th!
Personal Computer Repairs - Daniel Sexton
Weddings By Design (wedding planning) - Sheila Williams
Interested in losing weight and/or improving your Health? Then Advocare is for you! - Beverley Walker
Thirty-One Consultant
Christy Brookshire
Pics by Wanda
Wanda Sutton
770-503-0870 or 770-540-0342
Hair & Make-up
Weddings, Events, Parties
Shenna Adamson
Handmade and up cycled items, Crafts, Jewelry, gifts and home decor.
Alisha Philyaw
Origami Owl Custom Jewelry
Rashelle Edwards, Independent Designer
rashedwa@yhc.edu - redwards.orgamiowl.com
Mary Kay Consultant
Wendy Frazier
Paracord Bracelets, Lanyards, Necklaces, Keychains and Monkey Fist.
Tony Roberts
paracordsurvivalinstincts.com or facebook at the same name (paracordsurvivalinstincts)
Tupperware Consultant
Brandy Ravan
Mann for all Occasions
Chad Mann
Having a party? Car Show? Wedding? Reunion? Grand Opening? Or, any other event? We can make the occasion an unforgettable celebration! Call for more information: (706)594-2084 |
September 17
David Kimbrell, Kenneth Lane, Michael LEfevre, Jerry Taylor
September 18
Shirley Gailey, James Johnson, Robert McNeill, Oscar Medina
September 19
Nicole Dunn, Bradford Morris
September 20
Grace Akan, Eric McClure, Monica Wurtz
September 21
Debra Boyle, Randall Brown, Christy Clark, Jacquelyn Dennen, Thomas Hyde, Bradley Orr, Genesis Pineda
September 22
Diane Bales, Kevin Buecker, Dawn Faulkner, Lindon Franklin, Douglas Grant, Clifford Jolliff, Gene Joy, Rod Mosley, Andre Niles, Rondald Roush, Zachary Smith, Bobby Wilson
September 23
Jeffrey Copeland, Cliff Kelley, Niclaus Murphy
September 24
Kristopher Boggs, Tammy Edge, Ronnie Forrester, Damon Migliore, Richard Stephens, Sheila Waldrep
September 25
Jason Martorano, Gary Moore, Whit Powell, Mark Savage, Shanda Sexton, Kimberly Smith
September 26
Gary Congleton, Theresa Harbin, Gibram Herrera, Chris Matthews
September 27
Justin Blanchard, Scott Cagle, Michael Crook, Natalia Duque, Sandy Harkins, Arthur Strehle
September 28
Richard Bosten, Daniel Funk Tonya White, Steven Wilbanks
September 29
Jared Jackson, Gina Johnson, Deborah Mack, Thomas Porter
September 30
Kenneth Chandler, Lisa Cook, Jason Deaton, Joshua Hall, Karen Owens, Donald Petering
On the Download...
Using Delayed Delivery in Outlook
If you have ever needed to remind yourself about something to do or ensure an e-mail does not arrive to a person before a specific time, the delayed delivery feature in Outlook can help.
1. Within Outlook, create a new e-mail message. In the message, click the Options tab and the button for Delay Delivery.
2. After clicking Delay Delivery, the properties dialog box appears. Ensure the "Do not deliver before:" checkbox is selected and enter a date and time you want the e-mail to be delivered. Once you have completed that, click the Close button.
3. After the dialog box has closed, you'll be back at your e-mail. Just fill it out as normal and send. It will not attempt to deliver the e-mail until the time you specified. If you need to edit the e-mail or just delete it, it will stay in your Outbox until the time comes to deliver the message.
Your first call should be the Hall County Help Desk at 770-531-6704. The Help Desk is available for any County computer work-related issue Monday-Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.
If your need is less urgent, you can also email the Help Desk, and a technician will contact you.
Employment Anniversaries
years of service
5 Years 10 Years
Layne Acrey Mary Ann Virts-Anderson
Jonathan Parker Katie Preston
Christina Cleveland Charles Wallace
Steven Leikvoll
Jerry Riley 15 Years
Bernice Wimpye Bradley Wheeler
Nathanael Murray Jason Smith
Victoria Cook
Robert Hulsey 30 years
Jimmy Wilson
Steven Wilbanks |
Shenna Adamson Human Resources Coordinator |