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Waterbury, CT 06710 
Toll Free: 866-488-8625
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June 2015

At Tindall Law Firm, LLC we enjoy sharing valuable tips regarding the law; offering articles on hot issues in the law; commenting on topics of interest; and helping you navigate the tricky world of the law, which is ever changing.  

At any time if you have any questions on any of the materials you find in our newsletter or any other legal issues, please do not hesitate to contact me. If there is any legal issue of interest that you would like to see addressed in our newsletter, please let us know.
All the best, 
Attorney Tavis Tindall

Tips from Tindall
What factors influence drowning risk?

Summer is here, please remember to be safe when ever you are in and around the water.


Listed below are some of the main factors that affect drowning risk.

  • Lack of  Swimming Ability: Many adults and children report that they can't swim. Research has shown that participation in formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning among children aged 1 to 4 years.
  • Lack of  Barriers: Barriers, such as pool fencing, prevent young children from gaining access to the pool area without caregivers' awareness.  A four-sided isolation fence (separating the pool area from the house and yard) reduces a child's risk of drowning 83% compared to three-sided property-line fencing.
  • Lack of Close Supervision: Drowning can happen quickly and quietly anywhere there is water (such as bathtubs, swimming pools, buckets), and even in the presence of lifeguards.
  • Location: People of different ages drown in different locations. For example, most children ages 1-4 drown in home swimming pools. The percentage of drownings in natural water settings, including lakes, rivers and oceans, increases with age. More than half of fatal and nonfatal drownings among those 15 years and older (57% and 57% respectively) occurred in natural water settings.
  • Failure to Wear Life Jackets: In 2010, the U.S. Coast Guard received reports for 4,604 boating incidents; 3,153 boaters were reported injured, and 672 died. Most (72%) boating deaths that occurred during 2010 were caused by drowning, with 88% of victims not wearing life jackets.
  • Alcohol Use: Among adolescents and adults, alcohol use is involved in up to 70% of deaths associated with water recreation, almost a quarter of ED visits for drowning, and about one in five reported boating deaths. Alcohol influences balance, coordination, and judgment, and its effects are heightened by sun exposure and heat.
  • Seizure Disorders: For persons with seizure disorders, drowning is the most common cause of unintentional injury death, with the bathtub as the site of highest drowning risk.
 Learn more 
So what makes summer driving so dangerous?


Here are a handful of reasons why summer often trumps winter in the danger department.


More teens on the road

When school's out, more teen drivers hit the roads. Sadly, more teen drivers on the road can mean more danger for the rest of us. The unavoidable lack of experience (we have all been there) can lead to questionable judgment that can increase the risk of an accident. And data shows that teens are more likely to be involved in accidents than other age groups. Combine teen driving with intoxication and it can be a deadly scenario for the teen and others on the road with them.


Drivers on vacation add to road congestion

We all have our favorite summer destinations, and suffering through traffic jams is the price we gladly pay for getting there. Congested roads make for harder driving conditions and the potential for road rage, so plan ahead. Also be ever vigilant for those impatient drivers who might cut you off.

Vacation drivers are unfamiliar with the roads, which can lead to erratic or unpredictable driving This is especially true when they are distracted looking at the sights. Further, because they are unfamiliar with the roadway, they may drive too slowly, which can also cause accidents.


Tire blowouts

Summer can do a number on your tires. As AAA explains, hot weather causes the air inside your tires to expand, which can lead to a blowout in well-worn wheels. Check your tires on a regular basis during the summer months, especially during heat waves.



Summertime is a popular time for road construction. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that fatalities in construction and maintenance work zones averaged 669 from 2007 through 2012. Always be a little extra cautious when you drive around construction zones.


Just remember to be careful out there this summer and if you should find yourself the victim of a negligent driver, please do not hesitate to call our office at 203-755-0018, as we are very experienced in handling these matters and helping you get back on your feet at the hands of someone who needlessly fails to follow the basic rules of safe driving.





At Tindall Law Firm we work hard for clients every day. We all want to see clients receive the justice and compensation they deserve. 
As a family-based business, our staff is close, and we extend that friendly, caring attitude to our clients. We treat our clients as if they are our own family and truly care about them as more than just a number.
It is this quality along with superior service and competent representation that has allowed us to become the "lawyer for life" for all of our clients and their families and friends to whom they refer us. 


Tavis Tindall
Tindall Law Firm