Outliers: Students in ACTION Newsletter
September 2016

Outliers: Students in ACTION is a monthly publication during the academic year highlighting students and events in the Science and Math Education in ACTION Choose Ohio First grant program at BGSU. 
Reflections from the ACTION Director
by Dr. Daniel Brahier
Dr. Brahier chats with Ashley, Anna, Hannah and Christian at the ACTION Academic Excellence Dinner
The new academic year has begun!  As I scan my Facebook page, I see countless posts made by graduates of ACTION, making statements such as, "I am so excited to start this school year" and "I met my students for the first time today and absolutely love my classes!"  The energy level in these young teachers is contagious, and their students are ultimately feeling the effects of that enthusiasm.  At our Summer Bridge Program this July, I pointed out to the parents of our 33 new ACTION scholars that Choose Ohio First and BGSU will jointly spend about $1-million on them between now and graduation.  But I also pointed out that our new cohort would collectively teach more than 175,000 middle and high school children in their careers and that is why the investment is so important.  We need middle and high school teachers who are excited about science and mathematics and can pass that positive spirit on to their students.
This summer, we greeted 29 new first-year scholars in Cohort 8, as well as 4 new second-year transfer students into Cohort 7 (engaging in a program in July known as STARS - Summer Transfer and Returning Students).  ACTION now serves a total of 112 students - the largest group in the history of the program.  We are anxious to formally greet the students in the weeks to come, as we will celebrate a Welcome Back Spaghetti Dinner, an Academic Excellence Dinner, and a food tent event at the Family Weekend football game for students and their parents - all of which are in August and September.  Meanwhile, we continue to strengthen the popular Peer Mentoring Program that was instituted last year, as well as building on success in the Mathematics in ACTION Tutoring Hub in which ACTION scholars tutor high school mathematics students from around Ohio.
We recently established a new Twitter account to send out regular "tweets" to our scholars, friends, family, and anyone with interest in the ACTION program.  If you have not already done so, we encourage YOU to follow us on Twitter (ACTION @ BGSU) to track our program and the many exciting opportunities we offer to our scholars.  Meanwhile, we will soon begin recruiting Cohort 9 - up to 30 incoming freshmen for the Fall of 2017.  Application information is scheduled to appear at the ACTION website (bgsu.edu/action) in mid-September, with applications due by January 15, 2017.  If you know of high school seniors considering a career in teaching science and/or mathematics, please send them our way to explore the website, and encourage them to follow us on Twitter.
I look forward to my sixth year as Director of Science and Math Education in ACTION - a program that is unique to Bowling Green State University and serves as a model of teacher preparation for other institutions around Ohio and the country.  If my staff or I can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us.  I wish our scholars and their families all the best as we begin the new academic year!

We are excited about the four students who have transferred into ACTION and are joining Cohort 7 as rising sophomores this year. We asked each of them what they were involved with at BGSU last year and why they want to teach science and/or mathematics:
Hannah Tomor
AYA Integrated Science
Hometown - Oak Harbor
I am involved in the outdoor program at BG where I worked at the rock wall and this summer I led one of the Freshman Wilderness Experience trips. I also helped train other staff members with specific things related to leading trips such as knot tying, trail etiquette, ration planning and nutrition, personal hygiene, and how to handle group stressors.

My high school chemistry teacher had a big impact on me wanting to teach science. I respected her as a teacher and she helped me love science by making class fun while also maintaining order in her classes. I enjoy hands-on activities in class and science labs allow for this throughout the year. I would like to be able to help students understand the world through a scientific perspective.

Emma Bordner
Middle Childhood Education (Science & Mathematics)
Hometown - Attica
A few organizations I have been involved with at BGSU include educational groups such as BGCTM and BGSEC, a religious group called Veritas, and an all-girls workout group called CHAARG. 

My dream is to make a difference in the lives of youth by pursuing a career in the field of math and science education. I want to encourage my students to find the drive that I have to learn, especially in math and science because they are used in daily life. Numbers are all around us, and math is used in everyday tasks, such as measuring units of sugar while baking, or determining how much money it will cost to fill your car with gas. The process of simply baking a cake or driving a car utilizes properties of science. My passion for learning is something I love to share with others. 
Brandon Kohler
Middle Childhood Education (Science & Mathematics)
Hometown - Wapakoneta

I have gotten very involved in BGSU Residence Life and am currently the Vice President of Admin and Finance for Resident Student Association as well as a member of NRHH. I am part of the BGSU Men's Chorus. 

Science has always been one of my strongest subjects.  I was always curious as to why things happened the way that they did. Furthermore, science is a broad enough subject that has content areas that can catch the attention of most students.  Inspiring scientific curiosity into my future students is a thought that motivates me daily to achieve my best results within my college education.   I fell in love with math from a young age, and I continue to appreciate its patterns and processes daily.  I want to make math fun and engaging for students to inspire them to care more about mathematics and realize the practical uses it provides. 
Hailey Ginnever
Middle Childhood Education (Science & Mathematics)
Hometown - Arcadia
Last year I got very involved with Math Camp and I am a member of BG Council of Teachers of Mathematics (BGCTM) and also BG Science Education Council (BGSEC). I am active at H2O Church and volunteer at the Wood County Senior Center. 

I aspire to help students discover and relate classroom experiences to the real world. Math and science require determination for solving and creativity for thinking outside of the box, while offering an abundance of hands-on activities. Once I realized teaching was the career for me, I created my own classroom in the basement and forced my brother to do multiplication worksheets and made him take observations of a fake flower. I seek to give my students the same desire to inquire what a plant is made of or how to find an unknown variable.

ACTION Graduates 
ACTION Choose Ohio First graduates have a high commitment to staying in Ohio. Several are pursuing a Master's Degree, while many of our 2016 grads have secured teaching jobs for the 2016-17 school year in districts across Ohio including:
    Mason High School - Mason
    Woodward High School - Toledo
    Van Buren Middle School - Van Buren
    Lakewood School District - Lakewood
    Tippecanoe High School - Tipp City
    Pfeiffer Intermediate for Perry Local Schools - Massillon
    Mayfield Elementary - Middletown
    North Ridgeville High School - North Ridgeville
    Elida High School - Elida
    Bellefontaine Middle School - Bellefontaine
    Holt Crossing Intermediate - Grove City
We are so proud of all our graduates as they begin to utilize the first hand experiences and skills gained through ACTION and the College of Education and Human Development at BGSU

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Summer Bridge Highlights
Another successful Summer Bridge is in the books! Our 29 new ACTION Cohort 8 scholars were kept busy on campus from July 5-29, 2016. Weekdays were filled with class sessions, whereas evenings and weekends provided opportunity for these incoming freshman scholars to engage in social and educational activities. 

The recent high school graduates were transformed into college students by the end of the Bridge. Cohort 8 scholars are now familiar with campus, have built a deep and lasting community, and gained confidence that will carry them far the next four years. You can get a glimpse below of Summer Bridge 2016...

Gail and Stephanie wait to help their cohort members over the wall at Camp Miakonda

Lauren, Lisa and Nicole create  during a "Beautiful Math" session

Chris and Gail examine double stuff oreos

Erika and Mackenzie show off a snake during the reptile session

Josh and Alaina work together

Kara, Ally, Nicole, Sydney and Kate have fun bowling

Dr. Larsen shows Karen, Nicole and Kyle a petri dish

Josie and Makenna examine a starfish

Josh and Kyle compare designs

Ryleigh, Natalie and Katelyn pose with their creation

Kate, Emma and Ally provide support to Josh and Chris during a team building activity

Morgan presents her poster to  President Mazey at the Showcase

Danielle and McKenna complete lab work on fingerprinting

Marco, Lauren and Gail collect data for the GLOBE session

ACTION Program | 308 Math Science Building | BGSU | Bowling Green | OH | 43403