Outliers: Students in ACTION
Outliers: Students in ACTION is a monthly publication during the academic year highlighting students and events in the Science and Math Education in ACTION Choose Ohio First program at BGSU.
Note from the ACTION Director
Welcome back to campus to all of our ACTION students! Through another highly successful Summer Bridge program, we introduced 27 students in Cohort 6 to ACTION and are anxious to work with them in the coming academic year. September is always an exciting time as we renew friendships and begin a new adventure of learning.
In June, I sent an email to the top administrators at the university, updating them on some of the highlights of the ACTION program to date. Following are examples of the bullets that I presented to the President, Provost, and Deans:
- 53 out of 93 ACTION students earned a 4.0 GPA in Spring Semester 2014
- Over 78% of ACTION students currently have a cumulative GPA higher than 3.5
- 11 out of 25 first-year (Cohort 5) ACTION scholars had a 4.0 cumulative GPA as of the end of Spring Semester 2014
- 100% of ACTION students from Spring Semester 2014 are enrolled at BGSU for Fall Semester 2014 (excluding the 20 who graduated in May 2014)
- 27 entering first-year scholars will begin this summer in Cohort 6 with an average HS GPA of 3.97 and an average ACT score near 28
- As of Spring Semester 2014, 97% of the 134 selected ACTION scholars have either graduated from or are still attending BGSU since the inception of the program in Summer 2009
ACTION now involves over 100 students and we hope to "grow" the program over the next four years. We certainly have the data to show how our students perform strongly academically, are well prepared for the classroom, and are able to find teaching jobs. Over the past two years, our graduates have been extremely successful in obtaining teaching positions. We are proud of their achievements and look forward to continuing the tradition this year.
As we begin the academic year, our Cohort 6 students will be starting their team research projects in science and mathematics, while Cohort 5 goes into the field to initiate their practicum experiences (which many have already completed over the summer). Meanwhile, our upperclassmen are learning to conduct classroom research, with a number of students taking methods classes this fall and student teaching in the spring. While each cohort is involved in a different academic activity, all are bound by a common goal to become the best teacher of science and math that BGSU can possibly produce. I look forward to working with all of the students and their families in the coming year.
Cory Gallagher - Cohort 2, Senior
Middle Childhood Education
(Science and Mathematics)
As a fifth-year senior, what would you tell underclassmen as you look back?
The past four years have gone fast - it seems like the blink of an eye. Make sure you take time to enjoy college while you are here. Obviously work hard at school and don't slack off, but also try to have fun. Build close relationships and work hard to maintain them.
You started pursuing a degree in high school science education but quickly switched to middle childhood education instead. Yes, I knew I wanted to teach. I always had great teachers, which inspired me to consider teaching as a career as I saw the difference they made in my life. Also, my mom is a special education teacher for 4th, 5th and 6th graders and I would visit her classroom often, gaining experience and a desire to teach. As I considered my options for teaching, a slightly younger age range seemed more appealing than high school. My ideal job would be to teach 5th grade science and math.
What have you enjoyed most about BGSU? I love the small town community. It is nice to see people I know when I walk to classes or am in town. Some of my favorite places in BG are Easy Street Café, Stone's Throw, and Finders Records.
How did you spend your summer? I had a great summer working at a city recreation center as a camp counselor--we had 200 kids ages 5 through 12, but I focused mostly on those who were 9-12. We played sports and did activities with the kids and took them on field trips. Also, my dad graduated from the FBI Academy so we took a trip to Virginia and Maryland for the ceremony.
As you prepare for your senior year (which includes Methods and Student Teaching), how are you feeling?
Right now I feel a bit overwhelmed since it is the first few days of the new semester. I will probably feel better once I get started and am in the swing of things. I am really looking forward to student teaching. Can't wait to actually teach!
With the busy year ahead, what are some things you like to do to relax? I enjoy listening to music and also like Netflix. Playing guitar is another way to relax. I am just learning to play so no public appearances yet! Photography is a hobby of mine so this is a great way to de-stress. Downtown Bowling Green provides some unique pictures and I also go to Wintergarden Park.
Interesting facts...My senior year in high school I traveled overseas with 12 students and 2 teachers to Germany, Amsterdam, and Paris. We stayed with locals in their homes to truly learn and immerse ourselves in the culture. It was an amazing experience. In the future, since I am Irish, I would like to go to Ireland. Also, my brother is getting married on September 13. I'm the best man so I've been preparing my speech. I am excited about the wedding, but it also means my family will miss the ACTION tailgate party--it would have been our fifth one!
Anna Bailey - Cohort 4, Junior

AYA Integrated Mathematics
Tell us about your summer... I spent my summer at Camp Kern, which is a residential YMCA camp near Lebanon, Ohio. My role was to run all the high ropes adventures that included zip lining, rappelling, rock climbing, a high ropes course, and a giant swing. I hung out with kids ages 11-15 the entire summer and had a blast! It was cool to watch the campers bond and grow in leadership skills during the week they were at camp. It was an amazing opportunity and I hope to go back again in the summers since it was a great experience for me as a future teacher. I definitely had to learn flexibility while living in an unstructured environment with little guidance. The entire last week of camp I slept outside in a hammock!
How did you end up at BGSU? As I was looking at schools that were good for education majors, my high school counselor strongly suggested her alma mater, BGSU. I was first looking at AIMS, but since I knew I wanted to teach I was very excited to find out about ACTION when my school counselor gave the brochure to me. It seemed like a great fit.
What led you to pursue a degree as a math teacher? I was really good at math in high school and took advanced math classes. I enjoy the content and concepts! My track coach was my high school counselor so I would often tutor my classmates and teammates in math. I also tutored 5th graders but found that I enjoyed the harder math concepts much better so felt high school teaching would be a better fit.
What are your dreams for the future? I would love to teach Algebra 2 and Calculus at a small to medium-sized high school in the Dayton or Cincinnati area. Also, since I am getting a minor in coaching at BGSU, being a coach would also be ideal.
What are you involved with at BGSU? Working at the Math Emporium takes up a lot of time. I work 9:30-4:00pm every Tuesday and Thursday to help students with various levels of college math. This has been a great experience--I've had to consider different ways to explain concepts to help students understand. I'm very involved at St. Thomas More Church including member of Veritas' core team, leader of the Koinonia retreat last year, and leading a Christian Living Community (CLC). Relay for Life is another commitment where I've served as Spirit Chair and Entertainment and Activity Chair. As a member of BGCTM for teachers, I am the newly elected Vice President for AYA.
Any advice that you would offer to those just starting their college career? Get involved. Try to build your resume now by seeking opportunities. My summer and current employment will help me land a teaching job some day. Also, keep busy but be sure to make time for yourself and not be too busy. If someone offers to help, accept the assistance even if you aren't sure you need the help--you most likely will!
ACTION Graduate Update
Our recent May 2014 ACTION graduates have been in high demand due to the increasing need for qualified science and math teachers. Schools all across Ohio have been offering positions to our talented scholars. Several of our graduates are attending graduate school to further their education while a few chose other employment.
Most of our brand new grads have already started their school year and are teaching science and/or mathematics at Ohio schools such as....
Pine Intermediate School in North Olmsted
Carylwood Intermediate School in Bedford
Springfield High School in Holland
Elida High School in Elida
Mohawk Local Schools in Sycamore
Ada High School in Ada
North Union Middle School in Richwood
Jonathan Alder High School in Plain City
Patrick Henry High School in Hamler
A+ Arts Academy High School in Columbus
Holt Crossing Intermediate School in Grove City
Congrats to all our new graduates as they start a new season of life!
Congrats to 4.0 ACTION Scholars
As mentioned above by Dr. Brahier, a total of 53 ACTION scholars earned all A's during Spring 2014. This is over half of all our participants! As we do at the beginning of each semester, a dinner was recently hosted to honor and celebrate this accomplishment. We are so proud of our scholars for working hard to earn high grades.
Lauren, Rachel, Megan, and Serena take a break from eating to smile for the camera. In the background Alyssa chats with Dr. Brahier
Corrinne, Betsie, and Ashten enjoy the food served as a reward for their hard work to get a 4.0 during Spring 2014

Kevin has a chance to catch up with Dr. Brahier before sitting down to enjoy some dinner

Taking advantage to connect among different cohorts, Sarah, Cory, and Megan sit with
Allison and Molly to interact
ACTION Tailgate Party - for the whole family!!
Hopefully you already have Saturday, September 13 on your calendar to attend BGSU's Family Weekend. Make sure to stop by our tailgate tent starting at 10:30am prior to the BGSU football game to grab an early lunch and interact with other ACTION scholars and families. You won't want to miss this annual event that seems to get better every year! Go Falcons!!
STEM in the Park at BGSU
STEM in the Park has become an annual event for the entire Northwest Ohio community and each year it continues to improve. This free event will be hosted on Saturday, September 27 from 10:00am-2:00pm at the Perry Field House. Children of all ages will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math activities. ACTION will be hosting an activity station spearheaded by Alyssa Lustgarten (Cohort 5) that will use both math and science. It will be fun for all! More information can be found here.
Welcome Cohort 6 Scholars
The 27 members of our newest cohort come to BGSU from all across Ohio:
Sarah Adams, Petersburg
Katie Allen, Piqua
Anthony Boddy, Avon
Harrison Brunner, Dublin
Aaron Clune, New Bremen
Josiah Fox, Northwood
Megan Gillen, Swanton
Emma Hall, Powell
Zoe Hatfield, Athens
April Heideloff, N. Ridgeville
Catherine Hildebrand, Hilliard
Jessica Huot, Dublin
Erin Janecko, Brunswick
Kaitlynn Jensen, Dayton
Emily Knollman, Cincinnati
Allison Lamming, Napoleon
Linda Li, Stow
Allison Linn, Powell
Nick Mazza, Marysville
Taylor Nicholson, Defiance
Madison Pittman, Bellbrook
Mackenzie Rittner, Miamisburg
Hannah Schuster, Hilliard
Alexandria Stough, Tontogany
Jessica Thompson, Mason
Katey Wendel, Versailles
Jesse Westfall, West Unity
Summer Bridge 2014
Another summer program successfully transitioned Cohort 6 to BGSU from July 6 to August 1. As always, time flew by and some wished the program could have been longer to continue the learning and fun.
During the month-long Bridge, students experienced a wide range of activities. Some were educational and others pure fun, but all had the goal of building community and preparing scholars for a successful academic year as first-year students at BGSU. Team-building events were prevalent, especially during the first week, with a low ropes course being a highlight for many. Class sessions during the weekdays were not lectures as many students expected. Instead, participants were pleasantly surprised at the hands-on learning that took place which changed their perspective on how to teach and engage a classroom. These 27 scholars are off to a great start to their college career as you can see below...
Nick & Taylor with their families during the Welcome Dinner
Megan conquers the tires
Emily & Josiah work together on a classroom activity
Erin works hard to balance on the ropes course
April & Linda enjoy class
Anthony takes the lead with team building
 | Katie gets assistance from Dr. Larsen |
Kaitlynn holds a starfish
Sarah, Alexandria, Jessica, Harrison, & Katie take a quick break from Geocaching to pose
Catherine is excited about the fingerprint lab
Madi, Emily, Kenzi, & Katey enjoy the Mud Hens baseball game
Allison shows off a horseshoe crab
Hannah & Aaron test the bacteria in their petri dishes
Zoe has fun with a portion of her icosahedron
Allison & Emma work in the lab
Jason checks work by Jesse, Linda, Anthony, Catherine, & Jessica
Emily describes her poster at the Showcase Event
Upcoming ACTION Events:
Spaghetti Dinner: Tuesday, September 2 at 6:00pm in 1104 OW
ACTION Tailgate Event: Saturday, September 13 from 10:30am-Noon
STEM in the Park: Saturday, September 27 from 10am-2pm at Perry Field House
September 2014
EDHD 3160
Session #1
Dinner 6pm 1104 OW
Megan Kelly B-day
Serena Newburger B-day
Megan Dufala B-day
EDHD 4160
Session #1
Kaitlynn Jensen
ACTION Tailgate Event
10:30am (game at noon)
Marc Garcia B-day
Board Mtg
Miller B-day
Zoe Hatfield B-day
Nicole Sloan
EDHD 3160
Session #2
Rachel Gerges B-day
STEM in the Park 10am-2pm
Practicum Presentations 123Overman
As a Choose Ohio First grant program sponsored by the Ohio Board of Regents, our goal is to produce exceptional science and mathematics teachers who will impact the next generation across the state to improve STEM areas. The need is great for good teachers in these areas.
Science and Math Education in ACTION
308 Math Sciences Building, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403
Phone: 419-372-6562
Fax: 419-372-6092
Director: Dr. Daniel Brahier
Program Manager: Wendy Standinger
Program Secretary: Nancy Hoose