October 2015
Outliers: Students in ACTION

Outliers: Students in ACTION is a monthly publication during the academic year highlighting students and events in the Science and Math Education in ACTION Choose Ohio First program at BGSU. 

Note from the ACTION Director
Dr. Brahier catches up with ACTION grad, Allison (Bailey) Williams, at STEM in the Park

As I briefly mentioned in last month's newsletter, ACTION is launching two new ventures this year, both of which were initiated in September.  At the request of our ACTION scholars, a Peer Mentoring program was established.  Twenty-one of our Cohort 7 first-year students expressed interest in being mentored and were matched with Cohort 5 juniors to assist them with everything from scheduling to housing and personal concerns that typically arise in college.  Mentors were trained in September with presentations from an advisor from Student Academic Services and from counselors in the BGSU Counseling Center, who provided information and tips on how to best meet the needs of our first-year students.  Mentors and their mentees will get together at least three times each semester to discuss issues and concerns and to spend quality time together.  We are excited about this new program and the direct assistance we can provide to our students through the experiences of our upperclassmen.  In the one-on-one interviews I conducted with Cohort 7 students in late-September, several brought up how much they already appreciated the opportunity to connect with peers for answering their questions and assisting with their adjustments to college.
Also in September, we launched the new High School MATH (Mathematics in ACTION Tutoring Hub) Hub.  Located in newly renovated, state-of-the-art space in Olscamp Hall, the Hub features tutoring rooms for high school students taking college-level courses on campus, as well as any high school student who needs help with homework, preparing for tests, etc.  The Hub is funded by the Office of Precollege Programs and is administered through the ACTION program.  We hired two Tutoring Coordinators who, in turn, hired 11 of our Middle Childhood and AYA/Secondary Mathematics ACTION scholars to staff the Hub for five afternoons and evenings per week.  At the present time, all tutoring is being conducted face-to-face, but as soon as interactive technology is installed in the rooms, virtual tutoring will be available for high school students to conference with tutors from home or school.  The Hub provides a wonderful opportunity for ACTION scholars to gain experience with assisting high school students in mathematics, while also building resumes and providing jobs for the college students.  We look forward to expanding the Hub in the months and years to come as word continues to spread about the opportunities we offer to local high school students.
Finally, at BGSU's Family Weekend last month, the ACTION tailgate food tent served over 150 scholars, parents, and family members as we geared up for the big football game against Memphis.  This annual event gave us an opportunity reconnect with one another as the ACTION family continues to grow.  Speaking of "growing" - we have already begun the process of recruiting a new freshman class - Cohort 8 - for next year.  Applications for the new cohort are now available online.  Please help us to spread the word about the program and to encourage interested high school students and their parents to contact our office with questions.  The 106 current members of the ACTION family are anxious to extend a warm welcome to next year's freshmen!
ACTION Student Profiles

Bryant Kuhlman
Cohort 7 - Freshman
AYA Integrated Mathematics

As you continue to pursue your goal to be a high school math teacher, you had some exceptional opportunities in high school ...Yes, it all started with great math teachers in my early days. Then, in addition to tutoring for three years, I worked with a latchkey program and was a YMCA camp counselor. I enrolled in the Teacher Prep course in high school and was involved in Future Educators Association (FEA), which transitioned to Educators Rising.  My instructor, Ms. Lauterbach, gave each student several opportunities to present and attend national conferences. I presented on the topic of "Growth Mindset" at a National Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Conference in Nashville, Tennessee my senior year and then was selected as an "Innovator" in the career and technical education field that included an all-expense paid trip to the 
Bryant outside the West Wing
White House. Touring DC while rubbing shoulders with seasoned educators from all across the countrand being in the same room as the First Lady was an experience that was unforgettable.

Shortly after you returned from DC, you came to the Summer Bridge. What was your favorite part of the Bridge?  It was great to be able to familiarize myself with campus-to know where all the buildings are located, finding dining halls, etc. I also enjoyed the interactive class sessions and was able to take away many ideas for my future classroom. I did not know anyone coming to the Bridge, but soon made close friends.  It was also great getting to meet several of the professors during Summer Bridge that I currently have this fall.

What are you involved with at BGSU?  
I joined Bowling Green Council of Teachers of Mathematics (BGCTM) right away and helped with Math Camp in September.  I love sports, so I've been playing intramural flag football and sand volleyball, and look forward to other intramurals in the future. I made the Club Volleyball team and we've begun practicing twice a week to prepare for some upcoming tournaments. I'm trying to find the right balance between schoolwork and staying active and going to the Rec Center. 

What would you say to a student considering applying for ACTION?  It's a great experience. The Summer Bridge is a good way to meet new people even before starting at BGSU.  I've learned so much already and I am just starting my first year!
Allison Brown
Graduate - Cohort 3
Middle Childhood Education (science & mathematics)

What have you been doing since graduation? I have been teaching fifth grade science at Reading Community School district in the Cincinnati area. I am back near my family so I have been spending a lot of time with them as well which has been wonderful.
Tell us how your teaching job came about.  A family friend works in the district and knew there would be a job posted last March. I sent my resume in as soon as I heard it was posted and got a call for an interview the following week! I went in for an interview and had a second interview the next week. I accepted the position on April 3 and was grateful to have a job lined up so early.
How would you say that your involvement in ACTION has impacted your teaching?  Through the capstone research process for ACTION, I learned to try out new things and now I do my own mini-research projects everyday to figure out if different teaching practices will work in my class.  I continue to strive to be the best teacher I can be.
What has been your favorite part about teaching so far?
A few of my students have come to me and told me that they tried our science experiments at home. I love to hear that my students are enjoying the class and curious enough to try it at home! Although being a first-year teacher is tiring everyday, it is worth it when you can really see you are making a
 difference in a child's life. 
Alli engaging her fifth grade students in a science activity
ACTION grads Corrinne, Megan, and Lance share about their research experience and offer tips to seniors
Cohort Updates

Cohort 4 seniors are very busy with Methods, so it was nice to have them all together in the ACTION lounge for a recent class session as they begin the final phase of their capstone research process.  Three ACTION graduates joined us to share their research experiences and answer questions. Then, discussion was focused on analyzing data including topics such as validity, reliability, triangulation, accuracy and credibility.

Davis, Emma, Devoney, Kim, and Alyssa discuss different types of research
The ACTION junior
Cohort 5 scholars have been discovering that the overall goal of action research is all about how to continue to strive to be better teachers. The most recent class sessions focused on research that is experimental vs. descriptive and quantitative vs. qualitative.

Quite a few Cohort 6 sophomores completed practicum experiences this summer, so we hosted our first round of oral
Jesse and Josiah engage their peers during their practicum presentation
presentations in September. Eight students presented to over 50 of their ACTION peers giving details of their projects, what they learned, and sharing at least one example of how to transfer this experience to an activity that could be used in the classroom. 

Cohort 7 students continue delving into their research projects. "Contextualizing mathematics" is the topic that Dr. Meel's research group is focused on this year.  As they put math in context in the real world, they are taking pictures of various building/areas/objects around campus and then applying mathematical principles and concepts to the photos that are taken. Rachel Lundeen comments, "So far I have learned that math is everywhere. Even in a picture of a mundane building, math can be seen in the angles of support beams, or the height of shadows cast across the side." 
Dr. Meel with Liz, Rachel, Miranda, Hannah, Allie, and Chelsea
Dr. Meel is hoping the group members will get a new perspective and way of looking at things as they continue to discuss various mathematical concepts that are applicable to things around them.  And, as future teachers, they will most likely be able to use what they are learning to challenge their future students to consider these applications as well. 

ACTION Student Advisory Board

With a new school year comes a new ACTION Student Advisory Board. Each cohort elects two representatives to serve on the Board. These board members meet with the ACTION staff twice per semester to offer valuable suggestions on ways to improve the program.  At our first meeting, the staff provided updates on ACTION and then input was gathered from board members regarding topics such as the Fall Seminar, location for the Holiday Event, staff support of students, Social Committee, and more.

Front row (left to right):  
Madi Pittman, Allison Linn, Jessica Wright
Back row:  Taylor Nicholson, Hannah Sumich, Scott Knapke, Kevin Knapke, Courtney Wilcox, Cory Fischer

Volume 4, Issue 7
In This Issue
Join Our Mailing List
Spread the Word

The ACTION application for Fall 2016 is now available on our website and promotion for Cohort 8 has begun! Spread the word if you know a high school senior considering teaching science and/or mathematics. Direct them to the ACTION website at www.bgsu.edu/action or have them call 419-372-6561 or email us at [email protected]

ACTION Tailgate     

The skies cleared after a rainy morning to make way for a 
great day for tailgating before the BGSU football game. Delicious food provided by Cindy and her husband, AJ, and hard work by our student volunteers enabled the rest of us to mingle and relax inside the ACTION tent. It was great to see so many of you during Family Weekend!

Some of our amazing volunteers setting up...Hannah, Emily, Kenzie, Courtney, Kevin, and Lexi
Cindy welcomes Ashley King and family to the ACTION tent
Rachel Gerges and Sheri Klatt enjoy the food with their parents
Emma Hall's extended family has fun on their way to the game 
 Striving for Excellence

Scholars look forward to our Academic Excellence dinners to celebrate achievements from the previous semester. With 54 returning students earning high marks in Spring 2015 (this does not count our graduating seniors), the ACTION lounge was bustling with conversation and much excitement. Congrats to all our hard-working scholars!

Dr. B congratulates the students
ACTION Family Time    

Each year, our sophomores host a Welcome Back Spaghetti Dinner in early September.  This is a chance for our entire ACTION "family" to gather and connect at the start of a new school year.  Students do all the planning, shopping, and cooking which is a big task. A group of Cohort 6 scholars rose to the challenge. With over 70 joining us, all had a great time and plenty to eat!  A big thanks to all who helped make the dinner a success.
A large family dinner table that extended all across the room
Some of the Cohort 6 cooks:  Emily, Kenzie, Alexandria, Madi, and Zoe
 STEM in the Park

The annual STEM in the Park event hosted at BGSU each September gets better every year. Young and old alike walk around wide-eyed as they explore the many hands-on activities and learning stations at the Perry Field House.  As always, our ACTION students were at the heart of the event. Many arrived early to help set up, numerous scholars manned stations to teach young attendees about science and math concepts, and others stayed until the end to ensure things were cleaned up.  Emma Hall and Liz Remley helped to coordinate volunteers for the ACTION activity table that involved making a butterfly from a coffee filter to demonstrate color separation and symmetry.  Even this simple activity had kids engrossed in learning while creating a butterfly to take home. 

Justin and Aaron work with kids to help them learn about science & math at the ACTION table

Christian, Chelsea, Lexi, Natalie, Rachel and Bonnie take a break from passing out water bottles

Cory helps with the BGCTM activity

At the BGSEC table, Jordan, Jessie, and Nicole engage kids in science

Miranda, Emma, and Hannah enjoy checking out  all the stations after their volunteer shift ends

Sarah Adams explains the activity to a young participant

Emma and Liz take a break from the ACTION table to pose with 
the dinosaur
Upcoming ACTION Events:
Camp Miakonda High Ropes Course:  Saturday, October 3
EDHD 3160 Session #3:  Tuesday,  Oct. 6 ...4:30-5:50pm
Dining with the Director:  Wednesday, Oct. 7 ...11:30am-12:30pm
Pumpkin Patch Event Hosted by Social Committee:  Saturday, October 17
ACTION Fall Seminar:  Tuesday,  Oct. 20 ...4:30-5:50pm
EDHD 3160 Session #4:  Tuesday,  Oct. 27 ...4:30-5:50pm
BGSU Preview Day: Saturday, October 31

October 2015


Becca Shroka B-day
Alexa Woodburn  B-day
EDHD 3160 Session #3

Fall Break


Pumpkin Patch


Jimmy Irving
101 Olscamp  
Dr. Brahier     B-day

Molly Conroy 


Kim Lentz 

Sarah Miller 

EDHD 3160 Session #4

Chantal Brooks 

BGSU Preview


As a Choose Ohio First grant program sponsored by the Ohio Board of Regents, our goal is to produce exceptional science and mathematics teachers who will impact the next generation across the state to improve STEM areas. The need is great for good teachers in these areas.
Science and Math Education in ACTION 
308 Math Sciences Building, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403 
Phone: 419-372-6562 
Fax: 419-372-6092 
Director: Dr. Daniel Brahier 
Program Manager: Wendy Standinger 
Program Secretary: Cindy Fuller