Outliers: Students in ACTION
Outliers: Students in ACTION is a monthly publication during the academic year highlighting the students and events in the Science and Math Education in ACTION Choose Ohio First program at BGSU.
 | Dr. Brahier conversing with Maggie Dowe from Cohort 3 |
Note from the ACTION Director
May is a time to celebrate the successes of the academic year. A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of hearing our Cohort 4 students present their yearlong research results at the Research Symposium. The event was attended by the deans of the Colleges of Education and Human Development (EDHD) and Arts & Sciences, the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, and the Director of Choose Ohio First and her associate, as well as faculty members, parents, and family members. The level of research that our freshmen conduct in ACTION rivals that of most graduate programs in the country, and I was very proud of our students as they exhibited poise and confidence in their presentations. A week later, I attended the Scholarship Convocation held by EDHD and watched 12 ACTION students cross the stage to accept additional scholarship awards from the College. At the beginning of May, I will get to stand on the stage at graduation and assist with handing out diplomas to 13 ACTION students as they move on into their professional careers.
Also, in May, members of ACTION will be attending a Showcase Event in Columbus, hosted by the Choose Ohio First program, spotlighting accomplishments of campuses all over the State of Ohio. Later in the summer, one of our freshman research groups will travel to Washington, DC, to present their results at a national conference hosted by NASA, while other students from Cohorts 3 and 4 head to Dayton this fall to make presentations at the annual meeting of the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics. These are the types of opportunities available to ACTION students that exceed the experiences of most undergraduates in the country. Their dedication and hard work are gaining much recognition around the state and the nation. I am also indebted to the faculty members who have helped our students with mathematical and scientific research, as well as action research projects in their own classrooms during student teaching.
I would like to congratulate our ACTION alumni and wish them well in their professional careers. At the same time, I welcome our newest members of ACTION and am excited to bring them to campus in July. The 26 students in our incoming Cohort 5 are outstanding and promise to bring yet another set of energetic personalities and diverse talents to the program. To all of our current ACTION students and families, I hope you have a restful summer and take time to re-energize. I look forward to seeing you again in late August. Our next newsletter will be published in September as a new academic year begins.
We asked all of the ACTION May graduates what their plans are after graduation and also to share what their favorite part of ACTION has been. Below are their responses:
Hilary Edwards: After graduation I will hunt for a teaching job. I am really hoping for a job in my hometown or close by. This summer I plan to work as much as possible. I look forward to going to Chicago with my mom and sister for a mini vacation. I am also looking forward to seeing my baby brother graduate from high school. He is planning on entering into the Navy this summer so I want to spend as much time with him as possible. I will also continue planning my wedding.
My favorite thing about being in ACTION was the friendships that I made with fellow educators. I am glad that I had the opportunity to be involved in this program. It has helped me grow as an educator in many ways.
Ty ler Erb: After graduation I will be trying to get a job in teaching. The biggest lead that I currently have is at Findlay High School.
My favorite thing about ACTION was meeting all of the people and getting an immediate group of friends. Also, the Summer Bridge before my freshman year was amazing.
 Matt Jones: Next year I will be pursuing a master's degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs at Indiana University. My favorite thing about ACTION was the entire Summer Bridge program and our close-knit family of pigs.
Adam Kaverman: As of now I will move back to my hometown the week after graduation. I am searching for a teaching job but recently learned of some openings in area schools near Delphos. For the summer I have been promoted to co-manager at my Speedway job near home so I will work here until I am able to secure a teaching position. I also plan to work on the family farm, which I missed dearly since I have spent every summer in BG since starting college. Plans to visit friends and travel are also in the works. My favorite part of being in ACTION has been the people. I never dreamed I would come to college and gain the friends I have through a scholarship program. My friends from ACTION have helped to make my college experience amazing. Some of my greatest memories of college were made with my friends from ACTION.  Lacee Lovins: My plans for after graduation include finding a job around my area. I have currently received interviews for four different job opportunities, hoping to find a job at one of them. The best part of ACTION was definitely meeting amazing people in the program who shared a common interest with me. I have met so many great people through ACTION, and I hope our friendships continue after graduation. Caroline Menhenett: I just got a job in Summerville, South Carolina, for next school year! I will be teaching math, but I am not sure what grade yet.
Kaylee Paul: As of right now, I plan on moving back home with my parents and working at Bass Pro Shops in Rossford for the summer. My family is also taking its first family vacation in 8 YEARS to the Outer Banks! In the meantime, my boyfriend and I are job searching for positions around our hometown or in the same area and crossing our fingers!
My favorite part about ACTION was honestly the Summer Bridge. The opportunity to make friends before college started was invaluable to me. Instead of worrying about finding friends and fitting in during my freshman year, I was able to focus more on adjusting to school. I am also very grateful of all the support the ACTION program provided me. I can't thank ACTION enough!
Amber Pietro: After graduation I am moving to Columbus to work as a mosquito biologist and a cash room associate at the Columbus Zoo. I hope to find a full-time teaching position in the Columbus area.
My favorite thing about ACTION was the amazing people I had the pleasure of meeting and the friends I made. Without ACTION, I would not be where I am at today.
Ariana Sampsel: Next year I hope to stay in the area and find a job.
My favorite part of ACTION during my first two years was Dr. Moses. She was always so supportive. Her door was always open, and she helped us whenever she could. I really appreciated how much she cared about her ACTION students and how much time she gave to us. I know her study sessions helped me and a few others get through a tough Calc II class.
Emily Schroeder: After graduation I plan to stay in BG and substitute teach until the end of May. I have applied to many schools in the area and hope to get a teaching position either in BG, Findlay, Perrysburg, or somewhere in those areas. After May, I am moving home with my parents for the summer. In June and July, I will spend a few weeks in Seattle with my sister when she gets home from her deployment in Afghanistan.
My favorite part of being in ACTION was getting to be a part of this great family and meeting some amazing people who I consider to be some of my best friends. I also liked that I always had people who were going through the same things that I was and in the same classes. I never had a math class where I didn't know someone from ACTION. It was nice to have someone who understood the frustrations of writing long lesson plans, writing TPA responses until late at night, and spending hours working on the research proposal. I honestly can't imagine what my college experience would have been like without ACTION being such a huge part of the last 3 years. I'm so grateful to have been given the opportunity to be a part of such a great family.
 Mike Treon: I just recently signed my contract for a grad school assistantship here at BGSU. I will be working towards a master's degree in pure mathematics beginning in the fall. My favorite part of the entire ACTION program was the first summer and all the fun we had in Offenhauer getting to know each other and starting the new life experience of college.  Kim Verhoff: I am currently working on finding a teaching job, hopefully with chemistry, and will be working at a campground with activities for the kids this summer. My favorite thing about ACTION was getting the chance to work with all of the cohorts during the summer bridge programs.
Note: Grace Robinetteis also graduating in May.
Cohort Updates
It's been nearly four years since Cohort 1 students set foot on campus as incoming freshmen at the start of Summer Bridge 2009. And now, many of them are preparing to graduate in just a few days on May 4th. Others will follow in December and then the remaining few in May 2014. How quickly the years have flown and how much each has changed.
Dr. Moses reminiscing with Cohort 1
In order to connect one last time before many leave BGSU, we hosted a Cohort 1 reunion celebration at the Sebo Center on April 23. The previous ACTION Director, Dr. Barbara Moses, joined us to celebrate our special group of "ACTION Pigs." Watching
Kim and Matt passing out awards to their peers
a slide show brought up many memories
and we spent time reminiscing and laughing at funny experiences shared by the cohort. For those graduating in 2013, an ACTION graduation luncheon will enable us to see them all one more time before they leave campus and head out into the "real world."
Cohort 2 students have now finished their research proposals that have been graded by their faculty advisors. Sometime between now and fall they will be getting their placements indicating the school district and classrooms where they will be doing Methods and Student Teaching. Once their placements are established, Cohort 2 will consider any tweaking that needs to take place with the research projects they plan to implement in the classroom next spring. It is an exciting time as they prepare for their final undergraduate year and get ready to teach.
Ashten, Alexa, and Larissa catching up after a session
With practicums behind them, Cohort 3 is now anticipating the next stage of ACTION that involves the educational capstone research project. These scholars have been encouraged to begin carefully selecting a faculty advisor to work with them over the next two years as they write a research proposal and then carry out the research in order to submit a final paper. The first two years have flown by and their focus now becomes much more on the education side of science and/or mathematics.
Cohort 4 impressed us all during the Choose Ohio First Research Symposium held at BGSU on Friday, April 12. You can read more about this annual event in the column on the right.
Upcoming ACTION Events:
ACTION Graduation Luncheon: May 4
Choose Ohio First Scholar Showcase in Columbus: May 15
May 2013
Amber Mathias
Brandon Holt
Graduation Luncheon 12:00-1:30
First United Methodist Church
Nicole MacAlpine & Megan Kemerley B-day
COF Scholar Showcase Event in Columbus 1:00-3:00
Molly Fessel B-day
June 1
Memorial Day
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COF Research Symposium
The Choose Ohio First Research Symposium hosted on Friday, April 12, 2013, continues to expand each year. In addition to the five freshman Cohort 4 ACTION research groups participating, we had increased involvement from the other established COF programs at BGSU with two groups of Bioinformatics students and three students from BOSEF presenting posters. Family members, faculty, and administrators arrived to engage the students in discussion about their research while examining posters around the room.
After the poster presentations, the second component of the event included remarks by a variety of administrators and 5-minute PowerPoint presentations by each ACTION research group. To open the time, ACTION Director Dr. Dan Brahier welcomed the group and introduced each of those giving remarks.
Dr. Sue Houston, Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education, congratulated the students and communicated how impressed she was with this group of freshmen, comparing their projects to those in graduate programs.
Dean of the College of Education and Human Development, Dr. Brad Colwell, shared how he comes from a family of educators and sees the great need for good teachers such as the ACTION program is producing.
Dr. Julie Barnes, Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, expressed her desire for these young students to take the wonder of inquiry learned through their research to pass along to their future classrooms.
Briana Hervet, Director of Choose Ohio First, confirmed what a great investment these COF programs are for the State of Ohio.
The student presentations followed and, as usual, we had to remind ourselves that these future teachers are only finishing their first year of college. Their confidence and insight is beyond their years. Congratulations to all students from each program who participated in the COF Research Symposium!
Nick, Jess and Nicole present their GLOBE research project
Alli, Liz, Rachel, Anna, Sheri, and Maria display their icosahedron
Nancy assists with check-in while Shelby Fenn looks on
Dr. Meel, Dr. Underwood, and Dr. Haney are so proud of their students' research projects
Briana Hervet, COF Director, learns about a research project from a COF student in BOSEF
Molly, Jessie, Kerry, Amanda, Jessica, and Tyler gained insight into researching geckos
Molly, Kevin, and Alex discuss their math research with Amber from Cohort 3
Dr. Midden with his ACTION research group of Chelsea, Kali, Rachel, and Shelby
Incoming ACTION Scholars
As we send off our first group of Cohort 1 students, we are also looking forward to welcoming a brand new Cohort 5. These incoming freshmen will arrive at BGSU for the Summer Bridge running from July 7 through August 2. The 26 Cohort 5 students (17 females and 9 males) come to us from all across Ohio including several from the Columbus, Cleveland, and Toledo areas, as well as from Kettering, Luckey, Cloverdale, LaGrange, Defiance, Versailles, Oak Harbor, West Liberty, Mason, Hoytville, and Batavia. We know our current students are anxious to get to know them as they become our newest members of ACTION.
As a Choose Ohio First grant program sponsored by the Ohio Board of Regents, our goal is to produce exceptional science and mathematics teachers who will impact the next generation across the state to improve in STEM areas. The need is great for good teachers in these areas.