Africa and the Middle East
Latin America and the Caribbean
Advocate Focus

Stephen McGill, Executive Director, Stop AIDS in Liberia (SAIL)
"Once we have put the constant fear and threat of Ebola behind us, we know Liberia will have to rebuild its HIV response and overall health system. We hope the lessons learned from Ebola-related stigma will encourage the rebuilding of the HIV response to allow for more compassionate and inclusive policies."
Stephen McGill, Executive Director of Stop AIDS in Liberia (SAIL), is working to increase access to health services among people living with HIV (PLHIV) and other key populations in the HIV response. While Liberia is facing the Ebola outbreak, Stephen and his team are working to provide needed services to those living with HIV in Monrovia, Liberia. Stephen spoke to the HIV Policy and Advocacy Monitor about his organization's current work.
Click here for the interview.
Policy Analysis
Inventing the End of AIDS is Premature and Dangerous
International HIV/AIDS Alliance
The world is not as close to ending the HIV epidemic as many believe, according to this blog from the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. Continued discrimination against women, men who have sex with men, transgender individuals, prisoners, and people who inject drugs has hindered efforts to reverse the epidemic among these groups. The author argues that despite reports that the end of the epidemic is near, it is crucial to maintain focus on the continuing needs of key populations.
IDWeek: Look at Behavior Economics to Improve ART Adherence
This blog discusses the role of behavioral economics in optimizing HIV treatment outcomes. To ensure treatment compliance and link at-risk groups with beneficial HIV programs, it is necessary to offset the costs associated with seeking treatment and provide incentives for patients -- particularly young males, people of low socioeconomic status, individuals who are ineligible for ART or have a low CD4 cell count, and populations who can only access rural clinics.
Targeted Adherence Measures and Viral Load Monitoring Needed to Improve Retention in South African ART Programme
This article explains why replacing CD4 cell count tests with viral load testing would improve treatment adherence in South Africa's ART program. The country has an ART retention rate of 60 percent after one year, compared to the UNAIDS target of 90 percent, and nonadherence to treatment is the most common reason patients do not achieve viral suppression. Viral load testing, which more accurately detects a person's response to ART, can also prevent unnecessary switching to expensive second-line treatment.
New Resources: Models, Tools, and Research
Trends in All-Cause Mortality During the Scale-up of an Antiretroviral Therapy Programme: A Cross-Sectional Study in Lusaka, Zambia
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
This article analyzes mortality trends observed during the scale-up of Zambia's ART program from 2004 to 2011. The study found that, despite improved HIV-related practices (particularly increased testing and treatment), scaling up ART only led to a slight reduction in the overall mortality rate. Based on the findings, the authors recommend that programs focus on patient adherence and retention and improve program monitoring to increase the effectiveness of ART scale-up.
HIV-related Discrimination Among Grade Six Students in Nine Southern African Countries
PLOS ONE According to this study, children from rural areas and poorer schools throughout Southern Africa were more likely to discriminate against their HIV-positive peers by avoiding or shunning them. They were also more likely than students in wealthier or urban areas to believe that children living with HIV should not be allowed to attend school. To reduce stigma and discrimination, the article recommends early, school-based interventions that specifically address misconceptions about HIV transmission.
Clinical Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Men Who Have Sex with Men: Risk Calculators for Real-World Decision-Making
This article presents a new model for determining the risk of contracting HIV among men who have sex with men and the effectiveness of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in preventing infection in this population. The model considers variations in infection risk and treatment efficacy based on factors such as condom use, HIV prevalence rates, and PrEP adherence. It also includes risk calculators for both the individual and population level, and can help guide clinical and public health decisions on PrEP interventions.
Why Barriers at the UK Border Won't Work for HIV
The Guardian
Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, recently proposed banning people living with HIV (PLHIV) from entering the United Kingdom. The Guardian's Sara Boseley argues that such a policy is potentially dangerous to the global fight against AIDS because it would discourage testing and promote stigma and discrimination toward PLHIV. Voluntary testing is a key strategy for tackling the HIV epidemic because it helps ensure that individuals know their status and seek treatment.
Putting Children at the Centre of the End of AIDS
The Lancet
In this blog, Charles Lyons, the president and CEO of the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, highlights the need to put pediatric treatment at the forefront of the fight against HIV. While antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage has greatly increased among adults over the past 15 years, only one-quarter of children living with HIV had access to treatment in 2013. Without a strong commitment by governments and international organizations to tailor HIV prevention and treatment programs to children, the goal of ending the HIV epidemic by 2030 will be impossible.
Interview with Stephen McGill, Executive Director, Stop AIDS in Liberia
HIV Policy and Advocacy Monitor: Tell us about your organization and the work that it's doing.
Stop AIDS in Liberia (SAIL) is a Liberian nongovernmental organization that supports PLHIV to advocate for access to HIV treatment and care. In Liberia, the HIV epidemic primarily affects key populations, particularly sex workers and men who have sex with men. Our team provides a range of services, including prevention education, counseling and testing, and treatment referral services. We also partner with researchers and policy planners to advocate for smarter, more inclusive HIV programs and policies.
HIV Policy and Advocacy Monitor: Why did you get involved in policy and advocacy?
I've been living with HIV for the last 17 years. Shortly after my diagnosis, I helped form SAIL, the first network of PLHIV in Liberia. I quickly learned that to be a more effective advocate for HIV services, I needed to contribute to not just domestic, but also regional and global advocacy efforts. As part of this effort, I joined the Network of African People Living with HIV and AIDS that same year.
In 2002, I moved to Philadelphia to pursue my undergraduate studies in psychology. Once there, I began working with the Philadelphia Department of Health to learn about PLHIV advocacy for services and rights in the United States. I also volunteered for HealthGap, an advocacy organization dedicated to eliminating barriers to access to HIV treatment globally, and other U.S.-based organizations to further engage with U.S. HIV treatment advocacy and the global response to HIV.
HIV Policy and Advocacy Monitor: What prompted you to move back to Liberia in 2012?
Most people I knew in Liberia who were diagnosed with HIV around the same time as me have since died. Those I know who were more recently diagnosed have faced enormous stigma and discrimination. I realized there was a real need for advocates to help the growing number of PLHIV access the life-saving treatment they needed. I had just earned my degree and believed that I could use my education and advocacy experience in the United States to help PLHIV in Liberia and help strengthen SAIL. In 2012, Liberia was experiencing a major positive change with the election of President Johnson Sirleaf. Her presidency signaled new hope for marginalized groups, and for advocates for PLHIV, like myself, there was an opportunity to support an HIV and human rights agenda.
HIV Policy and Advocacy Monitor: What precautions are people taking against Ebola on a daily basis, and how is the epidemic affecting the provision of HIV services?
It seems as though every Liberian has had a friend or family member die of Ebola. Fear of becoming infected has crippled social interaction. People are no longer greeting each other as normal (with a handshake and hug) or riding public transportation. Many are now carrying their own chlorinated solutions or hand sanitizer everywhere they go. The vast majority of children's, family planning, urgent care, and HIV services have been disrupted by fear of Ebola transmission. Many healthcare providers have died from Ebola, including several of our leading HIV care providers. This has had a devastating effect on the provision of HIV services; those who are still working refuse to draw blood for diagnostics or offer other invasive procedures. We are developing emergency approaches to keep services for PLHIV available and viable. Our key priority is establishing a communication mechanism that can update PLHIV on how and where to access their daily treatment.
HIV Policy and Advocacy Monitor: Moving forward, what are the priority policy issues for SAIL?
In Liberia, the current challenge is keeping a minimal HIV program running. The next step is to scale up treatment and care. Considering the deadly nature of Ebola, programs and donor resources for HIV have been diverted to help respond to the outbreak. Our first priority is to ensure that the response to Ebola does not undermine the progress achieved by the Liberian HIV response. There has been panic since the Ebola outbreak started. Most of the health facilities in the country were initially closed down because providers were afraid to treat patients for fear that they were infected with Ebola. This made it difficult for PLHIV to access HIV care, treatment, and support services. Currently, few services are available; testing for CD4 cell count, viral load, and even other infections is nonexistent. The National AIDS Control Program continues to provide antiretroviral medication but only at its central office in Monrovia. This makes it difficult for PLHIV throughout the country to access treatment. In addition, many are afraid of having their status disclosed in a more public healthcare setting. Members of key populations, in particular, fear the stigma and discrimination they may face.
Our other policy priorities -- scaling up HIV treatment, improving HIV awareness, reducing stigma and discrimination toward key populations, and reforming policies that hinder sexual and reproductive health rights -- are on hold. Once we have put the constant fear and threat of Ebola behind us, we know Liberia will have to rebuild its HIV response and overall health system. We hope the lessons learned from Ebola-related stigma will encourage the rebuilding of the HIV response to allow for more compassionate and inclusive policies.
For additional information about the effect of Ebola on the HIV response in Liberia, read:
The USAID- and PEPFAR-funded Health Policy Project's HIV Policy and Advocacy Monitor is a monthly newsletter focusing on the advancement, development, and analysis of policies, advocacy campaigns and organizations, and policy-related data to inform the response to HIV and AIDS at the global, national, and local levels. It includes news items, resources, advocacy reports, and innovative policy analyses on a wide range of topics such as treatment, key populations issues, gender, and financing for HIV policies and programs.
If you would like to suggest an item for inclusion in the next issue, please send it to:
About the Health Policy Project
The Health Policy Project is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under Cooperative Agreement No. AID-OAA-A-10-00067, beginning September 30, 2010. The project's HIV-related activities are supported by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). It is implemented by Futures Group, in collaboration with Plan International USA, Futures Institute, Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO), Population Reference Bureau (PRB), RTI International, and the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood (WRA).