Helping Nepal 
A Message from the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires 

Our hearts and prayers go out to the thousands and thousands of people affected by the recent earthquake in Nepal, where our longtime international partner, the JDC, is already working to distribute emergency relief and provide critical humanitarian aid  alongside other international and local agencies.
It is at times like this that our shared commitment to Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, finds its deepest expression.  


If you are considering a donation to help in Nepal, 100% of the dollars raised by the Jewish Federations of North America Relief Fund go directly to helping the victims.

Lag Ba'Omer BBQ and Bonfire
Sunday, May 10, 2015 - 5:00pm
801 Harlemville Road, Hillsdale, NY

A Mid-Spring Celebration
of Spiritual and Physical Light!

Join us in celebration of Lag Ba'Omer with drumming, dancing, singing, and storytelling. Bring food to roast, instruments, and something you want to release into the fire.
Please be sure that all food to BBQ is kosher or vegetarian

Lag Ba'Omer is a Jewish holiday celebrated on the 33rd day between Passover and Shavuot. It marks the yahrzeit (anniversary of the death) of one of the greatest teachers of early Jewish mysticism - Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. It is taught that he revealed the secrets of Jewish mysticism to his students as he lay dying. Legend describes a fire that emerged, surrounding his deathbed as he delivered these holy teachings. Bar Yochai asked that his yahrzeit be celebrated as a holiday and not a day of mourning. The custom of lighting bonfires was taken up to symbolize the spiritual  light that was revealed to the world on this day.




Rimon, the Hebrew word for pomegranate, is symbolic of our mission to disperse the seeds of Jewish spirituality to transform and raise consciousness for the sake of healing and repairing our world. Rimon offers the treasures of Jewish spiritual wisdom and traditions to any and all seekers, wherever they may be on their spiritual journey. We embrace diversity. Everyone is welcome.   


Rimon is an affiliate of Aleph: Alliance for Jewish Renewal and the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires.

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