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Can you believe that Christmas is just around the corner and a new year will be upon us again in no time. Time seems to fly by.

Christmas cake I must admit I get most excited about the food and dining room festivities. I'm sure we can all relate to that feeling of having over-eaten and the inevitable onset of digestive discomfort putting a bit of a damper on the whole event.

In the spirit of having a wonderful Christmas while maintaining some degree of self-control when it comes to the Christmas cake and mince pies - here are some sobering references from Christmas foodies:

Would you eat 42 bananas?

The average person is believed to consumer 6,000 calories on Christmas day - equivalent to eating 4.8kg of egg-fried rice, or 42 bananas, or 23 and a half hamburgers, apparently. How this is possible plus further insight, tips and advice for keeping it healthy can be found here on the BBC's website

Don't fear the fat!

Are you still a 'low-fat' supporter? It may be time to reconsider. The Food Doctor had this to say in a recent article:

The International Journal of Obesity published a study in which those on a moderate fat diet ( ie. fat totalling around 20 % ) actually lost weight and kept it off, as opposed to those on low fat diets who did lose weight but then regained it. Read the full article over on website. 

No matter what your personal dietary preferences are or what level of restraint you intend to impose on yourself this Christmas - don't forget to make exercise part of your plan, if possible. A gentle but purposeful walk pre and post Christmas lunch has always served me well. 

We hope you have a very festive Christmas and a happy start to the New Year.

In good health,
Simon & Lorraine 
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