Newsletter Archive
Our monthly e-newsletter includes upcoming Nature Museum programs, events, news, photos, and articles on nature topics.
  • Jan. 2014
  • New wildnerness program for ages 10-14, theme for 2014 adult programs, & Bob Engel on "Escape, Retreat, and Tolerance: How Animals Survive Our Winters."
  • Dec. 2013
  • "A Gift for the Wild Ones: Bird Cookies" by Beth Roy and "Nor'easters Take the Cake: How Our Worst (or Best!) Winter Storms Form" by Bob Engel.
  • Nov. 2013
  • Our year in review, and "Fall Bounty" by Bob Engel.
  • Oct. 2013
  • Fairy House Tour photos and "More About Mimics" by Bob Engel
  • Sept. 2013
  • Fairy House Tour and "Mimics and Their Messages" by Bob Engel
  • Aug. 2013
  • Includes "Water Worries From Coast to Coast" by Bob Engel.
  • July 2013
  • Includes "Ticks, Mice, Foxes, & Coyotes:
    Trophic Cascades" by Bob Engel.
  • June 2013
  • Includes "So Why Does He Sing? (In Birds, Singing is an Aggressive Act)" by Bob Engel.
  • May 2013
  • Includes "When Flowers Do What They Do: Nature's Pleasint Rhythms" by Bob Engel.
  • April 2013
  • Includes "Why Cooperate? Social Learning at the Bird Feeder" by Bob Engel.
  • March 2013
  • Includes "Fun With Phenology!" by Beth Roy.
  • Winter 2012
  • Includes "Outdoor Adventures: All About Snowflakes" by Beth Roy.
  • Fall 2012
  • Includes "The Leaves They Are A-Changin': Leaf Chromatography" by Beth Roy.
The Nature Museum at Grafton
PO Box 38
186 Townshend Road
Grafton, Vermont 05146
(802) 843-2111

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