A Note From Our Director


Since this will be our last newsletter until fall, I want to take the opportunity to congratulate the July graduates!


You are now UM SSW Graduates, many with Certificates from the Network for Social Work Management, and poised to out-think, out-work and out-lead the competition in order to create High Performing Community Benefit Organizations. Keep in mind, though - and this goes for current students as well - that "thinking like a social worker" has applications way beyond just social work occupations. Our ability to see "People in Context", and to assess the "Impact on People" of policies, procedures and social & cultural structures is useful - indeed vital - in a very broad range of applications. 

Hopefully we have helped you to learn to think. But what is "learning to think?" Well, Professor Barry Schwarz of Swarthmore College argues it "...demands a set of cognitive skills - quantitative ability, conceptual flexibility, analytical acumen, (and) expressive clarity." You have acquired many of these skills here at UM-SSW. However he suggests another dimension I think you will also recognize. He adds "But beyond those skills learning how to think requires the development of a set of intellectual virtues that make good students, good professionals, (and) good citizens."

There are 9 facets:
  1. Wisdom (the master facet, which organizes, synthesizes and applies the others))
  2. Love of Truth
  3. Honesty
  4. Fair Mindedness
  5. Humility
  6. Perseverance
  7. Courage
  8. Perspective Taking
  9. Good Listening

Do these sound familiar? They do to me. And you have gained and honed many of these, and you will continue to develop and apply these skills throughout your ongoing work as social work professionals.


Apply them for peace, justice, and equality for all.


And let me assure you that as you are leaving the school to accept the challenges ahead, we here recognize that we have more work cut out for us too. We need to continue working to improve our curriculum, our co-curricular offerings, and increase ways to stay in touch and provide ongoing services to our graduates. We need to engage in a program of constant improvement, innovation and invention to better serve the students and the populations our students and graduates serve.


We wish you all the best as you enter into social work practice!

John Tropman, PhD, MSW 

Director, Leadership in Community Benefit Organizations

Professor of Social Work

Leadership Program and Career Services Events

      Look out for Fall events in our upcoming newsletters! 
Highlighted Articles
What You Should Know About Business Leadership

The Network for Social Work Management constantly has discussion posts on their LinkedIn page that future leaders such as yourself can contribute to and learn from other leaders in the social work community. A recent discussion post highlights what you should know about business leadership and how to be a successful leader. They provide these following tips:

1. Always communicate your business/agency's vision with your team
2. Spot other people's talents
3. Don't be a know-it-all  
4. Provide Incentives for good work
5. Do what you can to make yourself approachable for your team
6. Do not lose site of your own morals and values
7. Keep a holistic view of your agency/business

Click here for the full article
What's Your Leadership Outcome?

Do you know why you are in leadership? Have you thought of the outcome of your leadership today? Tomorrow? These two questions are important for any leader to contemplate as they look to impact those they lead. What is it you are attempting to accomplish and why as a leader?

Are you:
Leading to Impress or Leading to Serve?
Millennials Decide Own Way to Donate
They aren't working in the same way as their parents. They aren't marrying in the same way. And they aren't motivated by their places of work to give to charity or volunteer. That doesn't mean they're more selfish than their parents, according to a new report.

The report, which surveyed more than 2,500 millennial employees and managers in small and large companies, found that 84 percent made charitable donations in 2014.

It's Time to Stop Differentiating Between Entrepreneurs & Nonprofit Founders
"In my work as CEO and founder of Epic Foundation, a nonprofit startup that focuses on developing innovative ways to impact the lives of children and youth globally, I have met with many social entrepreneurs around the world. The reality on the ground is that we have true innovation and entrepreneurs leading the next generation of nonprofits and social enterprises."
Alexandre Mars, CEO/Founder, Epic Foundation
Professional Memberships & Networks 

Network for Social Work Management

Membership rate: FREE

Member-only benefits:

  • Networking opportunities 
  • International Mentorship Program  
  • Attend National Conference in 2016, TBA 
  • Human Services Management Competencies
  • Interactive Webinar Series
  • Communications

Independent Sector

Membership rate: $10/year

Member-only benefits:

  • Networking opportunities
  • Independent Sector Affinity Program 
  • Attend National Leadership Conference, Embark
  • Access to NextGeneration (NGen) online community on LinkedIn
  • Public Policy Benefits
  • Communications

Young Leaders Society - United Way of Washtenaw County

Join Here 

Membership rate: FREE

*Other local chapters available* 

Member-only benefits: 

  • Volunteer & fundraising opportunities
  • Networking & leadership events
  • Monthly activities- including service projects, social gatherings, professional development meetings
  • Community updates & news

Young Nonprofit Professionals of Washtenaw County

VIew their Facebook Page 

*Other local chapters available here* 

Membership rate: FREE

Member-only benefits:     

  • Connect with other young local leaders
  • Share resources & information
  • Nationally recognized
Additional Leadership Events
Accidental Techie: How to Support Your Organization Without an IT Background
Michigan Nonprofit Association Members Fee: $85, Nonmembers: $95
Tuesdays, July 28 - August 11, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Register Here

Tri-State Community Foundation Webinar Series: Data Visualization: Turning Data into Compelling Pictures
Wednesday, August 12, 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Social Media & Nonprofit Advocacy - What Works?
Students: $25 registration fee
Wednesday, August 12, 1:00pm - 3:00pm

U of M- Detroit Center, Orchestra Place, 3663 Woodward Avenue, Suite 150, Detroit, MI 48201
Read More Here 
American Business Women's Association Presents: The Art of Negotiation
Tuesday, August 18, 2015, 6:00pm
300 S. Maple, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Read More Here
**Copies of The Chronicle of Philanthropy are located in the outside mailbox on John's door (3734). 
**If there are articles from other publications that require a membership fee, please let us know and we can access them for you.
Jobs & Internships


School of Social WorkJob Bulletin
American Public Human Services AssociationWebsite
Center for Disease Control and PreventionJob Opportunities
Feeding AmericaJob Opportunities
National Institutes of HealthJobs
Nonprofit FederationE-bulletin
Chronicle of PhilanthropyJob Search
SPARK Ann ArborJob Seeker Resources
MI Nonprofit AssociationJobs and Internships
Council on FoundationsFeatured Jobs
Crain's Detroit BusinessNonprofit Classified
Nonprofit Talent MatchWebsite
Opportunity KnocksJobs
Nonprofit Resource Center
National Council of Nonprofits
Contact Us


John Tropman, DirectorSSWB 3734 (734) 763.6275
Rachael WienerSSWB 3751 (734) 764.4903
Janice Williams MillerSSWB 3751 (734) 763.9211
If you would like to submit items for the Leadership in Community Benefit Organizations' Newsletter (events, op-eds, resources, etc.) please email Rachael. 
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106