Happy July 4th!
 Wishing you and your family and friends a safe and happy July 4th.
(Please be aware of the high fire danger)
Grand Valley / Parachute Kiwanis Free Old Fashioned Summer Time Picnic
The Grand Valley / Parachute Kiwanis invite all community families to join them for a FREE old fashioned summer time picnic on July 4th. Food, Fun, and Games in Cottonwood Park, Parachute, Colorado from Noon until 4 PM.
Hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and drinks! Come celebrate America's Birthday and the 100th Anniversary of Kiwanis International.Ice Cream will be provided courtesy of the Grand Valley Historical Society.Come out to the Park: Enjoy classic summer time food and fun:
- Three-legged Races
- Sack Races
- Water Balloon Toss
- Grand Valley Fire Protection District's Climbing Wall
Food Noon to 2 PM (Only)
Parachute / Battlement Mesa Park and Recreation District Receives Grant
| Greater Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) recently awarded $15.6 million for Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Conservation projects in Colorado and the Parachute/Battlement Mesa Park and Recreation District was among the winners!
The GOCO grant of $193,540 was awarded to the Park and Rec District for additions to the Community Park which is being built near the Grand Valley Middle School in Battlement Mesa. The $193,540 grant will be used to construct old west facades and structures that pay homage to Parachute's history as a ranching and mining town.
The park, which has been under construction for the past couple of years, is now beginning to actually look like a park. The access road to the park from Sipprelle and the basic infrastructure is nearly complete. Within a few weeks the installation of landscaping will begin. As a result of the GOGO grant, when the landscaping is completed, the facades and structure additions to the park can be completed. The construction of the approximately 6 acre park has been primarily funded by grants.
Congratulations! |
Dates to Remember
| Click to View full Community Calendar
July 1st, 4 PM at the GVRC
| KSUN Board of Directors Meeting
| July 1st,, 3 PM at the GVRC
| BMSA Architectural Review Committee Meeting
| July 4th, Noon to 4 PM at Cottonwood Park, Parachute
| Kiwanis International 100th Anniversary Celebration
| July 7th, 1:30 PM
| Community Conversations Meeting
| July 15th, 9 AM at the GVFPD
| Grand Valley Fire Board of Directors Meeting
| July 15th, 3 PM at the GVRC
| BMSA Architectural Review Committee Meeting
| July 16th at the Parachute Town Hall (2nd Thursdays)
| Parachute Planning and Zoning Meeting, if needed
| July 21st, 9 AM at the GVRC
| BMSA Board of Directors Meeting
| July 21st, 4 PM at the GVRC
| Common Ground Meeting
| July 21st, 7 PM at the Parachute Library
| First Eagles Point Board of Directors Meeting
| July 23rd, 11 AM at the Parachute Town Hall
| Grand Valley Economic Development Committee
| July 23rd, 9 AM at the BMMD
| BMMD Board of Directors Meeting
| July 23rd, 6:30 PM at the Parachute Town Hall (3rd Thursdays)
| Parachute Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
| August 2nd, 4 to 7 PM at the Battlement Town Plaza
| National Night Out
| August 3rd - 8th, at the GarCo Fairgrounds, Rifle
| Garfield County Fair and Rodeo
| Every Tuesday, 7 AM, except 2nd Tuesday
| Kiwanis Club Meeting at the Library
| 4th Monday of each Month, 9:30 AM
| Grand Valley Sew and Sew Quilters at the Battlement Schoolhouse
- Cottonwood Park - Cottonwood Park, turn South off of Cardinal Way on Colorado Avenue
- BMMD Office - Battlement Mesa Metro District, 401 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- GVFPD, Station #1 - Grand Valley Fire Protection District, Station #1, 124 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa
- GVHS - Grand Valley High School
- GVRC - Grand Valley Rec Center, 398 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- Parachute Library - Parachute Library, 244 Grand Valley Way, Parachute
The Grand Valley Recreation Center, located at 398 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa is your resource for many activities ranging from social gatherings to a vast assortment of physical activities.
The GVRC will be closed on Saturday, July 4th!
GVRC Lobby:
Enjoy a fresh cup of coffee, cold beverages and tasty snacks from the vending area, while playing pool, foosball, air hockey, ping pong, Wii, or simply taking in the panoramic view.
Coming Soon to a Lawn Near You:
Don't miss the 2015 Movies Under the Stars. Four FREE Movies On the GVRC Lawn July 10th, July 31st, August 21st @ Dusk
Tiger Kung Fu:
Build confidence, relieve stress, enhance overall fitness and learn self defense. Ages 15 years and under - $25 to $35 per month. Ages 16 years and up - $35 per month. Mondays and Thursdays at 7 PM.
Evening Indoor Cycling:
A great cardio workout on stationary bikes. Class size limited to seven due to the number of bikes. $4 per class. Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays at 5:45 PM
Summer Swimming Lessons:
Mondays through Thursdays Two sessions with various levels ranging from Preschool to Level 4. July 6th - July 16th and July 20th - July 30th Call 970.285.9480 for more details.
Zumba Fitness:
Mondays & Wednesdays at 5:45 PM $7 per class. Ask Bobby Rowe, Instructor, for specials. Great Dance Fitness Routine
Reiki, Reflexology & Facial Treatments:
July Special: Reflexology Hands & Feet $49. Treatments, 50 Minutes, $57 Reflexology, Hands & Feet, 25 Minutes, $57 Reflexology, Feet Only, 25 Minutes, $30 Herbal Facial, 50 Minutes, $60 Herbal Facial, 25 Minutes, $32 More Information, Georgiann McDaniel at 970.274.2849
Personal Training:
Instructors Tiffany Chapman and Tom Mohler are available to help you reach your fitness goal.
Call for rates and more information.
Tiffany Chapman - 970.234.6867
Tom Mohler - 970.319.1851
Tai Chi:
Ask at the front desk about the next session dates.
Tennis Lessons:
Call Tennis Pro, Rob Bradshaw for an appointment & prices
'N Balance:
How is your balance? 'N Balance is a highly effective evidence-based program designed to reduce he risk of falls.
Ask at the Front Desk for information about the next session
Morning Water Aerobics:
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 9 AM.
$5 per class or 9 classes for $39
Evening Water Aerobics:
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 PM.
$5 per class or 9 classes for $39
Tuesdays at 9 AM $7 per class or 8 classes for $39.
Canvas Creations:
Step-by-Step painting instructions by Willa Higuera. $20 per person including all materials and refreshments. Space Limited; Don't wait to sign up.
Friday, July 17th, 6 to 9 PM
You can book YOUR Quinceanera, Wedding, Party, Reunion, etc. at the GVRC.
GVRC Membership Options:
Activation fees for eligible in-district memberships as low as $15. Residents outside Battlement can become members for as low as $25 or purchase a day pass for $5 and up.
Reoccurring Events at the GVRC - Party Bridge, Monday, 12:45 PM in the Battlement Room. Free for GVRC active Members. Guests $3.
- Duplicate Bridge, Wednesday, 1:15 PM and Saturday, 10 AM in the Battlement Room. Free for GVRC active Members. Guests $3.
- Happy Hookers needlework group, Thursday, 1:00 PM in the Lobby
- Friendship Club. Meet others and share good times. Meeting vary. Activities have included coffee, pot luck and no host lunch. For more information call the GVRC at 970.285.9480
- Literary Guild, Last Thursday of the month at 7 PM. New Members Welcome!
GVRC Events Calendar - July 2015
- 7/1 BCC Meeting 1:30 PM
- 7/1 BMSA Architectural Committee 3:00 PM
- 7/1 KSUN Board Meeting 4:00 PM
- 7/4 GVRC Closed
- 7/6 - 7/16 Swim Lessons
- 7/9 Chamber of Commerce General Member Meeting 12:00 PM
- 7/10 Movies Under the Stars at Dusk
- 7/10 Wedding and Reception
- 7/11 Book Signing
- 7/11 Quinceanera
- 7/15 BMSA Architecural Committee 3:00 :M
- 7/17 Canvas Creations 6:00 PM
- 7/20 - 7/30 Swim Lessons
- 7/21 BMSA Meeting
- 7/22 BCC Meeting 1:30 PM
- 7/22 Common Ground Meeting 4:00 PM
- 7/23 Holy Cross Energy Rebate Saving Presentation
- 7/25 Quinceanera
- 7/28 Friendship Club Pot Luck 6:00 PM
- 7/31 Movies Under the Stars
For more information call the Rec Center at 970.285.9480 or visit www.battlementmesacolorado/grand-valley-recreation-center |
BMSA Fencing Improvements
Have you noticed the new look of the BMSA fencing along the north side of North Battlement Parkway?
Fence replacement cost is a major expense in the BMSA's budget, thus if the fences can be made to last longer, it helps to keep assessments lower. In addition, as shown in the above photo (untreated, left and treated, right), the fence's appearance is dramatically improved.
If this test section proves to be cost effective, more fences may be treated.
News Worth Repeating
Regular readers of Battlement Mesa News and its related media may recall this information from yesteryear.
We think that it is News Worth Repeating (from February 2013).
"Battlement Mesa's Portfolio"
Anyone who has spent time talking with our residents understands that the vast majority of Battlement Mesa's population didn't grow up here. In fact, most moved here and many of our residents moved from areas outside of the state of Colorado. Most Battlement Mesa residents choose to live here.
Newcomers and long-time residents will both tell you they had more than one factor that attracted them to Battlement Mesa. I think it would be fascinating to compile all of the reasons why people move to Battlement Mesa. If we had a list, it would accurately define Battlement Mesa's strengths.
Our community leaders should take actions that build on Battlement Mesa's appeal and, to the extent possible, eliminate or at least, diminish the factors that discourage people from moving to or staying in Battlement Mesa. Sure, there are many things that we can't change, but there are just as many things that we can change.
One of the things that we can change is what marketing firms call "branding." We need to project a consistent and positive image or "brand" in ways that communicate our strengths.
Although you may not have noticed it, the BMSA has been working on our brand. Our first step was to refresh our logo and to consistently use our "The Colorado Dream" tag line on our signage, our written correspondence and on our online communication. You've all seen it: Battlement Mesa - The Colorado Dream.
Read the complete article....
Covenant Corner

In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore the rule regarding parking and storing of vehicles. Restrictions on vehicular parking, storage and repairs are covered in Article VIII, paragraph 8.16.
8.16 (a), as amended in the 5th Amendment, states, "...no trailer, camping trailer, boat, boat accessories, trailer carrying recreation devices, snowmobiles, all terrain vehicles, trucks or commercial vehicles larger than one (1) ton, ...shall be parked or stored ...unless... parked or stored within a garage, behind a six foot (6) high solid fence." The amendment also defines a non-recreational over sized vehicle as "larger than twenty-five (25) feet in length or one hundred (100) inches in height or ninety (90) inches in width."
8.16 (b) states that "No abandoned or inoperable vehicles of any kind shall be stored or parked within the Service Association Area, except in garages, designated parking or storage areas,.." and that, "An abandoned or inoperable vehicle shall be defined as any automobile, truck, motorcycle, van, trailer, house trailer, camper, recreational vehicle or other device for carrying passengers, goods or equipment, which has not been driven under its own propulsion for a period of two (2) weeks or longer..." Storing or parking an abandoned or inoperable vehicle behind a six-foot fence is not allowed.
8.16 (c) says, " No activity such as, but not limited to, maintenance, repair, rebuilding, dismantling, painting or servicing any kind of vehicle shall take place within the Service Association Area, except within completely enclosed structures which prevent such activities from being seen or heard from the street and from adjoining property." It is important to note that this provision specifically exempts washing and polishing of vehicles from this restriction.
In addition to paragraph 8.16 (b) and (c) in November 2001 an amendment to 8.16 (a) was approved which in sub-paragraph ii clarifies the term "parking for temporary expediencies" which says, "Parking for temporary expediencies is allowed for seventy-two (72) hours" with seventy-two hours being defined as "A total of seventy-two hours during any thirty-day (30) period."
Under the regulations, twice per year, owners of RV's and boats can request approval to extend the parking for temporary expediencies period from 72 hours to five days. Parking extension request forms are AVAILABLE HERE or on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com.
Please remember that subassociations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA. Also, residents of Canyon View, Mesa Ridge and Valley View Townhomes and Condos must remember that their property is generally limited to the outside of the foundation walls of their home. Everything else is common area.
More detail on these and other covenant regulation are AVAILABLE HERE or on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com.
About Us
| Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents.
Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and quiet, peaceful, healthy and active livestyle.
Battlement Mesa, Colorado...
A Great Place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
401 Arroyo Drive
Battlement Mesa, Co 81635
Garfield County Closes Treasurer & Public Trustee Office
On June 30th, the Rifle office of the Garfield County Treasurer and Public Trustee will permanently close. The Clerk & Recorder's office WILL REMAIN OPEN.
Currently, less than one percent of all property tax payments received by Garfield County are received in the Rifle Office. Property owners will still be able to mail payments, pay by credit card, e-check online or visit the Glenwood Springs Treasurer and Public Trustee's office in person at the Courthouse, 109 8th Street, Ste. 204, to make their property tax payments.
Please call 970.945.6382 for additional information regarding this change.
Little Known Facts
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- A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
- Hershey's Kisses are called that because the machine that makes them looks like it's kissing the conveyor belt.
- The first toilet ever seen on television was on "Leave It To Beaver."
Movies Under the Stars Round Two!
 The second Movie in the 2015 Movies Under the Stars will be Friday, July 10th.
Join your family, friends and neighbors. The next 2015 FREE Movies Under the Stars will be "Paddington" and will be shown on the lawn at the Grand Valley Recreation Center. The movie will start at dusk and will "go on" Rain or Shine!
Remember to bring a lawn chair or something to sit on and a blanket will feel good after the sun disappears over Mt. Callahan and the night cools off.
Friday, July 10th
Sponsored by the Kiwanis & the GarCo Branch Library in Parachute
Friday, July 31st
Big Hero 6
Sponsored by the Town of Parachute & the Parachute / Battlement Parks & Rec District
Friday, August 21st
Sponsored by the Battlement Mesa Service Association
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Summer Has Arrived!
According to the electronic sign at the Grand Valley Fire Protection District, the temperature hit "triple digits" (100 degrees) on June 29th!
Stay cool, if you can.
KSUN's News
The KSUN Annual Membership Drive begins on July 1st
July 2015 Community Conversations Schedule
Friday Mornings; 9 AM
July 3, 2015: No Show
July 10, 2015: Holy Cross Energy Program and the Round-Up Program
July 17, 2015: Colorado Center for Excellence at Garfield County Airport, Melissa Lineberger
July 24, 2015: John and Jodyt Lyons - The Dream Ranch - Making Dreams Come True
July 31, 2015: Garfield County Sheriff's National Night Out, Walt Stowe
Ursa Developments
On June 15th, Ursa Resources presented an interesting and informative presentation on the Geology of the Piceance Basin.
The hour and a half long presentation included an overview of the differences between the geology of the Williams Fork and the Niobrara formation and why different drilling techniques must be used when drilling in the Williams Fork formation.
As part of the presentation and discussion, Ursa explained the changes that have been made to the planned PUD drilling.
BMSA Trail Addition
| Have you have noticed construction equipment working along Spencer Parkway between First Eagles Point Village and North Battlement Parkway? The work, which is being funded by the BMSA, is a gravel trail that connects to the existing BMSA trail system at the north corner of First Eagles Point to Battlement Parkway.
This project, commonly referred to as the Spencer Trail addition, has been in the planning stages for the last couple of years.
Prior to the Spencer Trail addition, Battlement Mesa had 5.7 miles of trails. |
New Construction
In prior issues of the Battlement Mesa News we told you about two
new homes that were under construction in First Eagles Point Village.
As the photos below show, despite the spring rains and recent warm temperatures, excellent progress is being made on both homes. |
Battlement Mesa News is written and distributed by the Battlement Mesa Service Association.
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All Newsletter photos have been provided by Elk Peaks Photography unless otherwise noted. Copies of photos used herein are available upon request. 970.285.7482