How-To Festival Returns
Do you remember the 20 things ~ 2 hours ~ 1 day ~ 100% free how-to festival from 2013 and 2014? Well, guess what? The how-to festival is back but it is Bigger and Better! The 2015 how-to festival is 30 things ~ 3 hours ~ 1 day ~100% free!
Mark your calendar! The 2015 How-To Festival will be held on Saturday May 30, 2015 from 9 AM to 12 Noon. This year's event, which is organized and hosted by the Parachute Branch Library, is 50 % larger in number of exhibitors and in length.
Last year's event attracted nearly 250 community residents. In addition to the many demonstration and information booths, this year's event will include up to five formal presentations/classes. The event will be held at the Library - 244 Grand Valley Way, Parachute, Colorado.
If you have a talent that you'd like to share with others, and want to reserve booth space at the How-To Festival, please contact the Library at 970.285.9870.
Don't miss it...it's FREE!
Grand Valley/Parachute Kiwanis Foundation Golf Tournament
The Grand Valley / Parachute Kiwanis Club is gearing up for another Annual Golf Tournament.
The Colorado River Scramble always attracts a large group of golfers who love golf, but also want to help the Kiwanis Foundation fund the many things they give back to the community. As a 501(c)3, your contributions may be tax deductible so don't miss this wonderful opportunity to enjoy a great day of golf at the Battlement Mesa Golf Course and to help the community.
The Kiwanis club is looking for players and for event sponsors. Sponsorship's range from Bronze ($125) to Platinum ($2,500) or if a sponsorship doesn't work for you, you can chose the Contributor level in any dollar amount and even contribute gifts for prizes.
The Tournament will be held on May 16 , 2015. It is a great fund raising event and of course, is a great golf outing. Don't miss out!
For more information regarding the Grand Valley / Parachute Kiwanis Foundation contact the Kiwanis club or the Battlement Mesa Golf Course. |
The Battlement Mesa Service Association's Annual Community Meeting
This year's Battlement Mesa Service Association (BMSA) Annual Community Meeting was held on Thursday, April 23, 2015 and attracted a record crowd. The meeting began at 6:30 PM with an evening meal followed by a short BMSA presentation about the BMSA's 2014 work and a recap of what the Association is working in 2015. The BMSA's "hot off the press" 2014 Annual Report to Members was distributed at the meeting. (If you missed the Annual Community Meeting, copies of the 2014 Annual Report to Members is available are the Association office, 401 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa.
The meeting was held at the Grand Valley Fire Protection District, Station #1, 124 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa.
Grand Valley High School
School News "Home of the Cardinals!"
Awards and Recognition:
- Cardinal Claw Recognition Award: Freshman Teri Urenda
- GVHS Junior/Senior of the Month Award for March was Senior Jordan Scott
- GVHS Freshman/Sophomore of the Month Award for March was Sophmore Lohgan McClung
- GVHS Most Improved Student for March was Junior Leoray Hernandez
- GVHS Alternative School Student for March was Senior Cayley Merry
Sports And Events News:
- April 25th, Grand Valley Baseball vs. Olathe an Keinath Field
- April 28th, State mandated ACT for all Juniors
- April 28th, Career Fair for 9th/10th graders, 7:40 AM - 12 Noon
- April 28th, All Seniors Meet (graduation packet/life skills), 7:40 AM - 12 Noon
- April 28th, Grand Valley GSOC at Roaring Fork, Departs at 1:45 PM
- April 28th, Grand Valley Baseball at Rangely, Departs at 1 PM
- April 29th, Grand Valley Girls' Basketball Awards, 6:30 PM, Cardinal Hall
- April 30th, Grand Valley Baseball vs. Basalt, 4:30 - 6:30 PM, Keinath Field
- April 30th, Arts Awards Night, 6 PM, Cardinal Hall
- May 1st, Grand Valley Math Club at Math Olympiad Awards, Colorado Springs
- May 1st, Grand Valley Track and Field at League Meet, Grand Junction, 9 AM - 4 PM, Departs at 7 AM
- May 2nd, Grand Valley Track and Field at League Meet, Grand Junction, 8 AM - 4 PM, Departs at 6 AM
- May 2nd, Grand Valley Baseball at Aspen-El Jebel Field, 11 AM - 1 PM, Departs at 8 AM
- May 4th, Grand Valley Girls Gold at Regionals, All Day, Montrose
Other News:
- Congratulations to Senior Korrie Jean Hurt for being chosen as the 2015 Colorado Homecoming Queen from Colorado's other High School Homecoming Queens in an April 19th Pageant!
- Congratulations to Seniors Megan Smith, Chloe Reidle, Kyra Chenoweth, Joel Carrasco, Josh White and Leon Hernandez for being chosen at the 2015 Grand Valley High School Prom Royalty.
- Congratulations to Kyra Chenoweth and Joel Carrasco for being selected as the 2015 Grand Valley High School Prom Queen and King.
- Congratulations to Sophomore Kayla Holbrook of the Grand Valley Girls' Golf for her leading 131 score at Rifle on April 14th.
GarCo School District #16 and KSUN Radio Partnership:
Don't miss "Education Matters": A weekly radio show on KSUN Radio 101.1 FM every Wednesday morning at 9 AM, (Rebroadcast at 5:30 PM, Wednesdays). This program brings you educational topics of interest, celebrates education's role in our community and the community's commitment to the students of GarCO School District #16.
Federal Mineral Lease District Announces Spring Grant Awards
On April 14, 2015 the Garfield County Federal Mineral Lease District (FMLD) announced the grant awards for the Spring 2015 Grant Cycle.
The FMLD provides tow grant types: Traditional Grants and Mini Grants. Tradition Grants typically are in large amounts and require some amount of matching funds. Mini Grants, which are limited to no more than $25,000, do not require matching funds.
All cities, towns, school districts, and many other political subdivisions with Garfield County are eligible to apply and receive grants; however, homeowner associations such as the Battlement Mesa Service Association can not receive grants.
The 2015 Grant Cycle include grants totaling $2,065,650 of which $1,868,150 went to Traditional Grants and $197,500 went toward Mini Grants.
Local recipients included:- Battlement Mesa Metro District's Grand Valley Rec Center who received$26,600 for improvements to their racquetball courts.
- Town of Parachute who received $250,000 for major maintenance to County Road 215.
- Parachute/Battlement Mesa Park & Rec District who received $25,000 for the construction of a restroom at the new Community Park in Battlement Mesa.
Including the Spring 2015 grants, the FMLD has awarded $12,034,343 in Traditional and Mini Grants since the district was created by Garfield County. The Fall Grant Cycle will begin in August with award announcements due in October 2015. |
The Grand Valley Recreation Center, located at 398 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa is your resource for many activities ranging from social gatherings to a vast assortment of physical activities.
Take a Look at What the GVRC has to offer!
GVRC Lobby:
Enjoy a fresh cup of coffee, cold beverages and tasty snacks from the vending area, while playing pool, foosball, air hockey, ping pong, Wii, or simply taking in the panoramic view.
Cardio Sculpt:
An excellent and energetic workout that will have you moving. Varying routines; fantastic music; lots of movement and education. $4 per class. Thursdays at 5:45 PM.
Tiger Kung Fu:
Build confidence, relieve stress, enhance overall fitness and learn self defense. Ages 15 years and under - $25 per month. Ages 16 years and up - $35 per month. Mondays and Thursdays at 7 PM.
Evening Indoor Cycling:
A great cardio workout on stationary bikes. Class size limited
to seven due to the number of bikes. $4 per class. Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:45 PM
Summer Swimming Lessons:
Mondays through Thursdays beginning June 9th. Three sessions with various levels ranging from Preschool to Level 4. Parent - Tot classes Monday through Wednesday, June 8th to July 1st. Call 970.285.9480 for more details.
Zumba Fitness:
Shake it; Tone it; Rock it; serious body sculpting for party animals. Lose weight with a mix of international dance and cardio fitness. $7 per class. Ask Bobby Rowe, Instructor, for specials. Mondays - Thursdays at 5:45 PM
Reiki, Reflexology & Facial Treatments:
Call Reiki Master, Georgiann McDaniel at 970.274.2849 for more information.
Personal Training:
Instructors Tiffany Chapman and Tom Mohler are available to help you reach your fitness goal. Call for rates and more information. Tiffany Chapman - 970.234.6867
Tom Mohler - 970.319.1851
Tai Chi:
Ask at the front desk about the next session dates.
Tennis Lessons: Call Tennis Pro, Rob Bradshaw for an appointment - $10.
'N Balance:
How is your balance? 'N Balance is a highly effective evidence-based program designed to reduce he risk of falls.
Ask at the Front Desk for information about the next session
Morning Water Aerobics:
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 9 AM.
$5 per class or 9 classes for $39
Evening Water Aerobics:
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 PM.
$5 per class or 9 classes for $39
Tuesdays at 9 AM beginning in May 2015
$7 per class or 8 classes for $39.
Community Yard Sale:
Battlement Mesa / Parachute, Saturday ,
June 6, 2015. To get your sale listed, contact the Front Desk or email info@gvrc.net to get the required form.
AARP Safe Driving Class:
Saturday, May 30, 2015, 12:30 PM to 5 PM. Call Ron Jensen, Instructor, at 970.985.1574 to sign up and for more details.
Book Signing at the GVRC:
Tasha Prill-Zingg, author of "Highway Angels" will be at the GVRC Friday, May 15, 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM and Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM.
Reoccurring Events at the GVRC - Party Bridge, Monday, 12:45 PM in the Battlement Room
- Duplicate Bridge, Wednesday, 1:15 PM and Saturday, 10 AM in the Battlement Room
- Happy Hookers needlework group, Thursday, 1:00 PM in the Lobby
- Friendship Club. Meet others and share good times. Meeting vary. Activities have included coffee, pot luck and no host lunch. For more information call the GVRC at 970.285.9480
- Literary Guild, Last Thursday of the month at 7 PM
- Pickleball, Monday though Saturday, 10 AM to Noon
For more information call the Rec Center at 970.285.9480 or visit www.battlementmesacolorado/grand-valley-recreation-center
The GVRC is looking for more fitness instructors. Are you a certified instructor? Call Anne at the center to inquire about teaching at the GVRC |
KSUN Announces Annual Meeting Date and Guest Speaker
KSUN Community Radio, KDBN 101.1 FM announced on April 23rd that KSUN's Annual Meeting will be held on June 11, 2015 and will feature Don Chaney, the events coordinator from Rifle and Director for the Ute Theater. Don previously was the manager of KSNO in Aspen for about 7 years.
Don is very knowledgeable about the radio industry, especially community radio and, is an entertaining speaker. Mark your calendar!
You won't want to miss this year's KSUN Annual Meeting.
Information That Matters: 2015 Fire Potential Outlook
Recently the Rocky Mountain Area Coordination Center released their report on the 2015 Fire Potential Outlook. Although it should not be a surprise to most area residents, the Center stated that the outlook for the Rocky Mountain Area - Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming - was, "we are expecting an average to above-average fire season, or more active fire season compared to last year." "A repeat of a 2000, 2002, 2006 and 2012 historic fire season is unlikely at this time; however, the next several weeks are going to be critical in terms of precipitation.
According to the report, "The driest areas that could experience more fire activity extend from northwest Colorado through Wyoming and South Dakota.
Although February and March were quite dry in northwest Colorado, according to the report, "April and May are expected to be wetter across the Rocky Mountain Area compared to March. Temperatures through the remainder of the spring are forecast to remain above average, further depleting snowpack earlier than normal. The frequency of wind and low humidity events have remained below 2012 levels, but above 2014 levels; and are expected to continue. If dry conditions persist into April and May, fire potential could increase."
As we all know, Western Colorado is nearly always "at risk" so plan ahead and, always, be careful whenever you are out enjoying Western Colorado's forests!
Community Park Update
Have you noticed? As we have been reporting in recent issues of the Battlement Mesa News, workers are busy digging trenches, laying pipe, and now, pouring concrete at the new Battlement Mesa Community Park.
The most noticeable change is the installation of the concrete pan, curb, gutter and sidewalk sections at the entrance road to the park. (See before and after photos below).
In related news, the Parachute/Battlement Mesa Parks & Recreation District was awarded at $25,000 Federal Mineral Lease District grant which will be used to construct a restroom at the new Community Park.
The park should be open to the public by late this summer or early fall. |
Covenant Corner

In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore two rules: Lot Maintenance and Mowing. This regulation is part of Article VIII in the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa. The regulations are further defined in the Rules and Regulations Governing Battlement Mesa Service Association Area.
Lot Maintenance and Mowing
8.2 (a) (in the Rules and Regulations) states, "The responsibility for maintaining individual lots belongs to the owner of the lot. The owner of the lot, even if leased, whether built upon or not, has the responsibility for seeing that it is maintained in a clean, safe, attractive and sightly condition and in good repair."
8.2 (b) states that "Owners of undeveloped lots have the responsibility to see that these lots are mowed so the height of the vegetation does not exceed six (6) inches. Mowing may be required several times throughout the season.
(If you are a lot owner, please help us by mowing, as required, in order to assure that vegetation does not exceed six inches).
Please remember that subassociations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA. Also, residents of Canyon View, Mesa Ridge and Valley View Townhomes and Condos must remember that their property is generally limited to the outside of the foundation walls of their home. Everything else is common area.
More detail on these and other covenant regulation are AVAILABLE HERE or on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com.
Battlement Mesa News is written and distributed by the Battlement Mesa Service Association.
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All Newsletter photos have been provided by Elk Peaks Photography unless otherwise noted. Copies of photos used herein are available upon request. 970.285.7482
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
401 Arroyo Drive Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at
The Library: Not Just Books!
Sure the Parachute Branch Library has books but it also has much more.
Upcoming Events
Call for all Artists and Writers!
The Library is seeking art and written work for participation in the SPLAT Art Show
All ages are invited to submit artwork in any medium
Written and music performances are also welcome
Entries Due April 28th 8 PM
(See below)
Did you know that the Parachute Branch Library is visited by nearly 50,000 people per year!
Little Known Facts
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- In the 1940s, the FCC assigned television's Channel 1 to mobile services, such as two-way radios in taxicabs, but did not re-number the other channel assignments. This is why TV channels begin at 2 rather than channel 1.
- The term "the whole 9 yards" came from WWII fighter pilots in the South Pacific. When arming their airplanes on the ground, the .50 caliber machine gun ammo belts measured exactly 27 feet (9 yards) before being loaded into the fuselage. If the pilots fired all their ammo at a target, it got "the whole 9 yards."
- The name Jeep came from the abbreviation used in the Army for the "General Purpose" vehicle, G.P.
Dates to Remember
| Click to View full Community Calendar
May 5th, 1:30 PM at the GVRC
| Community Conversations Meeting
| May 6th, 4 PM at the GVRC
| KSUN Board of Directors Meeting
| May 14th, 6:30 PM at the Library
| Canyon View Board of Directors Meeting
| May 14th, 6:30 PM at the Parachute Town Hall
| Parachute Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
| May 19th, 9 AM at the GVRC
| BMSA Board of Directors Meeting
| May 19th, 6 PM at the GVFPD
| Valley View Board of Directors Meeting
| May 20th, 9 AM at the GVFPD
| Grand Valley Fire Board of Directors Meeting
| May 21st, 6:30 PM at the Parachute Town Hall
| Parachute Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
| May 27th, 4:00 PM at the GVRC
| Common Ground Meeting
| May 28th, 9 AM at the BMMD
| BMMD Board of Directors Meeting
| May 28th, 11 AM at the GVRC
| Grand Valley Economic Development Committee
| June 6th, 8 AM - 12 Noon
| Community Yard Sale in Battlement Mesa and Parachute
| June 11th, Evening, at the GVRC
| KSUN Annual Meeting & Dinner
| Every Tuesday, 7 AM, except 2nd Tuesday
| Kiwanis Club Meeting at the Library
| 4th Monday of each Month, 9:30 AM
| Grand Valley Sew and Sew Quilters at the Battlement Schoolhouse
- Cottonwood Park - Cottonwood Park, turn South off of Cardinal Way on Colorado Avenue
- BMMD Office - Battlement Mesa Metro District, 401 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- GVFPD, Station #1 - Grand Valley Fire Protection District, Station #1, 124 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa
- GVHS - Grand Valley High School
- GVRC - Grand Valley Rec Center, 398 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- Parachute Library - Parachute Library, 244 Grand Valley Way, Parachute
News Worth Repeating
Regular readers of Battlement Mesa News and its related media may recall this information from yesteryear.
We think that it is News Worth Repeating (from December 2012).
Battlement Mesa's Curb Appeal?
We've all heard realtors talk about "curb appeal." This month, I want to talk about Battlement Mesa's "curb appeal."
If you live or work in Battlement Mesa you most likely drive Garfield County Road 301 that connects Parachute with Battlement Mesa. You may know that when you leave I-70 at exit 75 and turn southeast toward the river, you are in Parachute until you cross the Colorado River Bridge and get to the intersection of County Road 301 and County Road 300 (which goes to the Lyons Ranch). At the intersection of County Road 301/300 you leave the Town of Parachute and enter unincorporated Garfield County.
As you proceed up County Road 301 (which becomes North or West Battlement Parkway at Battlement Mesa's landmark waterfall), you gain significant elevation and drive by a 2.6 acre tract of land on the right side of the road at the intersection of County Road 301/300. The front part of the property is relatively open and flat. A home that was constructed in the '50's is nestled in a cluster of trees toward the middle of the property. The terrain rises immediately behind the home and the east half of the lot is mostly covered with sage and rabbit brush. A split rail fence marks the north property line.
Read the complete article....