![](https://files.ctctcdn.com/1c28bfdd101/2fb4ecc2-59aa-46c2-a2a9-e86675b94f28.jpg?a=1119809797273) What? Envision Your Future The Town of Parachute will host a community Vision Event as an initial step in the update of the Comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan will cover a range of topics such as economic development, parks and recreation and the 3-mile planning area that
includes Battlement Mesa.
The Town of Parachute and the Battlement Mesa Service Association have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding in order to work together on this project that is critically important to both communities!
![](https://files.ctctcdn.com/1c28bfdd101/cf1403cd-b100-43a7-bae1-b746450ae489.jpg?a=1119809797273) Where? Parachute Town Hall
The Vision Workshop will be held at the Parachute Town Hall, 222 Grand Valley Way, Parachute, Colorado. The Meeting will be in the Board Room Snacks and Beverages will be provided.
![keys_clock.jpg](https://files.ctctcdn.com/1c28bfdd101/aa04e4cc-64e7-44cd-99cc-5aa8f5d38d0c.jpg?a=1119809797273) When? Monday, February 2, 2015
The Envision Your Future, Town of Parachute Comprehensive Plan citizen's meeting will be held on Monday, February 2, 2015 at 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM.
Battlement Mesa Residents are invited to attend!
![](https://files.ctctcdn.com/1c28bfdd101/31ab67a4-c811-4bf1-bee3-a17fe2a3bec3.jpg?a=1119809797273) Why? Why Should You Participate?
Everyone needs to plan for the future: Individuals, Businesses, Organizations and Municipalities. A Comprehensive Plan is important because it will serve as the road map from where we are to where we want to be.
The communities of Parachute and Battlement Mesa are our communities. Let's get together and define what WE want our future to look like. Participants get a chance to use "keypad polling" which allows them to provide electronic feedback anonymously with polling results immediately appearing on the screen.
Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.
Battlement Mesa Service Association
Battlement Mesa, Colorado