Battlement Mesa News November 2014
Don't Forget: Fall Craft Show at Grand Valley High School
| The 32nd Annual Grand Valley Craft Fair will be held on November 22, 2014 from 9 AM to 4 PM. As usual, the craft fair will be at the Grand Valley High School, 800 Cardinal Way, Parachute.
130 plus booths, a concession stand and huge amounts of handcrafted holiday gift items are expected.
As the accompanying photo from the 2010 event shows, the craft fair always draws a huge crowd so plan to arrive early! This event is sponsored by the Parachute Battlement Mesa Park and Rec District. For more information contact Mary Anderson at 970.285.0388.
The Winterfest Returns
Winterfest in the Grand Valley will return during the last week of January 2015. It will be bigger and better than ever so MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
| Last years events drew a record crowd for all of the events which ranged from an ice fishing contest on the Grand Mesa to a Battlement Mesa Company sponsored (and funded) free event at the Battlement Mesa Golf Course on Saturday, from 4 PM to 7 PM and many, many school events.
Mark your calendars! |  |
Movies Under the Stars - 2014
If you were anywhere near the Grand Valley Recreation Center on any of the nights when the Movies Under the Stars were held, then you know that the 2014 movie program was the most successful movie series to date.
The 2014 Movies Under the Stars included five (one more than previous years) movies which where exceedingly well attended and which were fully funded by sponsors. When the movie "Frozen" was shown approximately sixty students joined in for a sing a long of the song Frozen. The "Lego" movie even included Lego set drawings. And at the last movie night, the Grand Valley Methodist Church handed out more than 200 FREE hotdogs.
Laurel Koenig and her many volunteers who gave generously of their time to produce this FREE summer movie series deserve a great big thank you!
The best news is that, plans are already underway to continue the Movies under the Stars series during the summer of 2015. |
KSUN Community Radio News
Have you tuned into KSUN, 101.1 FM lately?
If not, Just Do It!
| You might remember KSUN as 103.9, low power (100 watts) FM radio. If so, that was then and this is now.
It's never too late to become a KSUN MEMBER! Help KSUN bring you "The Best Music and all the Local News and Information. - Silver Membership - $30/year
- Gold Membership - $60/year
- Platinum Membership - $100/year
Call the station at 970.285.2246 or visit either or to become a member, to become an advertiser or just to learn more. Remember KSUN is streamed on the Internet.
Don't miss the KSUN Gala - December 6th 2014!
Log on to the website and listen anywhere around the world.
Grand Valley High School
School News "Home of the Cardinals!"
- Education Matters - a Discussion of Athletic Training, Concussions and Impact testing on KSUN Radio, 101.1 FM, November 11th
- Students interested in applying to Colorado Mesa University should plan to meeti with Mrs. Walck on November 18th between 11:41 am and 12:20 PM
Student Recognition: - Cardinal Claw Recognition goes to Senior Katelyn Alvarado. She was recognized by Ms. Lana for caring about the condition f the school and demonstrating Cardinal Pride.
- GVHS Junior/Senior for October was Junior Damien Vigil.
- GVHS Freshman/Sophmore for October was Sophomore Kali Jablonsky.
- GVHS Most Improved Student for the Month of October was Sophomore Brandon Hatcher.
- GVHS Alternative School Student of the Month of October was Senior Cody Williams.
Last but not least: The Diversity Club would students to war black on November 20th in honor of the 43 students whose lives were taken in Mexico. This is a National Initiative and it can be another way to be thankful for all that y we have. |
Parachute/Battlement Mesa Park and Recreation District News
Upcoming Fall Activities
Tiny Tot Basketball: Thinking about something your kids can do during the fall? Have them play Tiny-Tot Basketball! Have your little ones learn the basics of basketball while having a great time. (Registration Deadline is October 26th)
Practices begin on November 4th. Participants must be between 4 and 7 years old. Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Bea Underwood Elementary School in Battlement Mesa between 5:30 PM and 6:30 PM. The $30 participation fee includes a t-shirt.
32nd Annual Craft Fair: The 2014 and 32nd Annual Craft Fair will be held at the Grand Valley High School on Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 9 AM to 4 PM. The Craft Fair is the Western Slope's largest and best Christmas Art & Crafts fair. Admittance is FREE and parking is plentiful. This years event will offer great shopping opportunities from over 130 vendors. (No dealers or flea market items are allowed). Lunch will be available on site, plus snacks, sweets, candy, preserves & baked goods. For more information call 970.285.0388.
2015 Boys Basketball League: Plan ahead for Winter Activities! The Colorado River Youth Basketball League (Rifle) has teams for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade boys. The league begins early January 2015 and runs through mid-March 2015. The participation fee is only $45 plus a $35 refundable uniform deposit. The registration deadline is Friday, December 19th. Beat the rush-sign up now!
 The Grand Valley Fire Protection District News
The Grand Valley Fire Protection District's (GVFPD) staff reminds us that, the scammers, cybercriminals and advertising companies are out to get us...if we let our guard down.
Nearly all of us use email. It has become a part of our daily lives but be on guard because phishing scams and malware is always present and can make for a very nasty experience.
Things to avoid
Spam It is bad enough to have to deal with the spam, but what is much worse is that phishing scams and malware are often included in spam, so:
- Use a spam blocker
- Don't reply to spam
- Turn off images
- Turn off your preview pane
- Regularly check your spam folder
Scammers use Phishing as a means to get you to disclose information that they can use to withdraw money from your bank account or steal your identity.
- Phishing emails often have what looks like the real logo of your bank or other trusted service provider, but it isn't real.
- A phishing email will often have a sense of urgency. "You must act now!" Don't believe it.
- Many phishing scammers hack into your friend's email account to try to make you believe that you are communicating with a friend. If in doubt, call your friend.
- If a suspicious email has a link, don't open it.
Be on guard against scammers.
- Don't open any attachment that you weren't expecting.
- Keep your antivirus software updated.
- Keep your computer's firewall on.
- Scan attachments for viruses before downloading.
The Grand Valley Fire Protection District wants to to keep our community safe from fires as well as the other disasters that are lurking around.
Grand Valley Fire is responsible for 351 square miles and has three fire stations: Battlement Mesa, Parachute and Ruilson. The Battlement Mesa and Parachute stations are staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Operation Winterize
 With the wonderful warm fall that we've experienced in Battlement Mesa, it is hard to believe that winter is just around the corner...but it is. Are you prepared?
As the seasons change and cold weather approaches, it is important to address key maintenance responsibilities and take various precautions NOW. In addition to freezing of sprinklers systems, low temperatures can damage boilers, compressors, steam piping and heating and cooling systems. Ice dams, which form on roofs and in gutters often cause major structural damage to buildings. Things that you should consider include:
- Locate and mark all water supply cut-off valves so they can be shut-off in the case of a pipe break.
- Keep a list of contractors and phone numbers handy just in case a problem develops suddenly.
- Remember, portable heating units may be necessary in some instance but exercise proper care to avoid even greater problems, like fire.
- Check roof gutters and downspouts for leaf accumulation to prevent backup and the formation of ice blockage. Consider installing heat tapes.
- Unless you live in an HOA that provides sidewalk and driveway snow removal services, either prepare to remove any snow greater than 1 inch or arrange to have someone remove the snow for you. Remember, you might be held liable if someone slips and falls on "your" ice and snow because you neglected to remove it.
- If you must use salt on your driveway or sidewalks, use is sparingly because salt can damage concrete surfaces.
- Consider buying snow tires and maybe even a 4-wheel drive vehicle. We live in Colorado and in the mountains, so prepare your vehicle and make sure that it is prepared. Cold weather, for example, will certainly test you car's battery!
- Most of all, be safe this winter!
Covenant Corner

In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore political signs...'tis the season!
Like politics generally, most people either love those political signs that pop up every political season or they hate them. There aren't very many people that are in between the two extremes. Regardless of how you feel about political signs, they are allowed, with certain restrictions.
Political signs are covered in a couple of different places in our covenants but the best explanation of the rules governing political signs is in a Resolution that was adopted on December 20, 2005.
Paragraph 6, (b) states, "A resident may display political signs on that resident's residence, subject to the following restrictions as required by Colorado Revised Statute title 38-33.3-106.5. - The maximum size of the sign is thirty-six by forty-eight (36 x 48) inches.
- A resident may display one sign per political office, per ballot issue and per ballot recall issue.
- The sign(s)may be displayed inside a window of the resident's residence and / or may be displayed in a yard of the resident's residence.
- The sign(s) must be six feet from any curb or street and must not obstruct traffic view.
- The top edge of a yard sign may be no higher than four feet above the ground.
- The sign(s) may be posted no earlier than forty-five (45) days before the pertinent election and must be removed within seven (7) days after the election.
Some long-time residents may recall that between August 20, 2002 and when the above Resolution was adopted, political signs were allowed on BMSA or BMSA maintained property at three locations. These three locations were (1) The north side of North Battlement Parkway where it intersects West Battlement Parkway, (2) The east side of Stone Quarry Road where it intersects South Battlement Parkway and (3) The west side of Spencer Parkway where it intersects North Battlement Parkway. Please be aware that this section was eliminated from the December 20, 2005 Resolution, thus political signs are no longer permitted at these locations.
Please remember that sub-associations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA. Also, residents of Canyon View, Mesa Ridge and Valley View Townhomes and Condos must remember that their property is generally limited to the outside of the foundation walls of their home. Everything else is common area.
More detail on these and other covenant regulation are AVAILABLE HERE or on
Battlement Mesa News is written and distributed by the Battlement Mesa Service Association.
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All Newsletter photos have been provided by Elk Peaks Photography unless otherwise noted. Copies of photos used herein are available upon request. 970.285.7482
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
401 Arroyo Drive Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at
The Library: Not Just Books!
Sure the Parachute Branch Library has books but it also has much more.
Grand Valley Recreation Center
 The Grand Valley Recreation Center, located at 398 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa is your resource for many activities ranging from social gatherings to a vast assortment of physical activities.
November 5th, 1:00 PM - November 10th Please note: The Pool Complex will be closed in order to be drained, cleaned and refilled. Sorry for the inconvenience! | November 11th, 6:00 PM Veterans Day Dinner. Free to Veterans and their Spouses! Please sing-up for the dinner by November 5th. The Veterans Day Dinner is made possible thanks to Clark's Market, Mama's Restaurant and WPX Energy. | November 15th, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM AARP Class, taught by Ron Jensen. The cost is $20 for new members and $15 for renewing members. For more information call Ron Jensen at 970.985.1574. |
Reoccurring Events at the GVRC
Party Bridge, Monday, 12:45 PM in the Battlement Room.
| Duplicate Bridge, Wednesday, 1:15 PM in the Battlement Room. | Literary Guild, the Last Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM in the Aspen Room. | "Happy Hookers" needlework group, Thursday, 1:00 PM in the Lobby. | Friendship Club. Meet others and share good times. Meetings vary. Activities have included coffee, pot luck and no host lunch. For more information, call the GVRC at 970.285.9480. |
Little Known Facts
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- Thomas Edison designed a helicopter that would work with gunpowder. It ended up blowing up and also blew up his factory.
- Close to 80% of the people who watch the Super Bowl on television, only do so to view the commercials.
Dates to Remember
| Click to View full Community Calendar
November 4th, 1 PM at the GVRC
| Community Conversations
| November 4th
| Daylight Savings Time Ends (Fall Back)
| November 4th
| Election Day...Don't Forget to Vote!
| November 19th, 9 AM at the GVFPD, Station #1
| Grand Valley Fire Board of Directors Meeting
| November 18th, 9 AM at the GVRC
| BMSA Board of Directors Meeting
| November 19th. 4 PM at the GVRC
| Common Ground Annual Member Meeting
| November 20th, 9 AM at the BMMD office
| BMMD Board of Directors Meeting
| November 20th, 1 PM at the Parachute Town Hall
| Grand Valley Economic Dev Committee Meeting
| November 25th, 4 PM at the GVRC
| KSUN Board of Directors Meeting
| November 22nd at GVHS
| 32nd Annual Craft Fair
| Every Tuesday, 7 AM, except 2nd Tuesday
| Kiwanis Club Meeting at the Library
| 2nd Tuesday of each Month, 7 PM
| Kiwanis Club Meeting at the Library
| 4th Monday of each Month, 9:30 AM
| Grand Valley Sew and Sew Quilters at the Battlement Schoolhouse
- Cottonwood Park - Cottonwood Park, turn South off of Cardinal Way on Colorado Avenue
- BMMD Office - Battlement Mesa Metro District, 401 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- GVFPD, Station #1 - Grand Valley Fire Protection District, Station #1, 124 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa
- GVHS - Grand Valley High School
- GVRC - Grand Valley Rec Center, 398 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- Parachute Library - Parachute Library, 244 Grand Valley Way, Parachute