Don't Miss the 4th Annual Community Golf Classic
Common Ground & the Parachute / Battlement Mesa Park & Rec District's 4th Annual Community Golf Classic will be held at the Battlement Mesa Golf Course on Saturday, September 27th.
- 10 AM Shotgun Start
- 4 Person Scramble
- Prizes & Lunch (following Lunch) Provided
$75 per player
For more information call 970.285.7274
100% of the net proceeds will be contributed to the Community Park Project
Become an Event Sponsor
- Platinum Sponsor - $750+
- Gold Sponsor - $650
- Silver Sponsor - $550
- Bronze Sponsor - $100
- Team Sponsor - $300 per 4 person team
- All Prize Donations Welcome
- Help us Build the New Community Park
- Enjoy a fun day of golf with your friends
- Play a Great Course
- Win Prizes
- Enjoy a Nice Lunch
The Grand Valley Quilt Shows Returns
- Saturday, September 27, 2014 - 10 AM to 4 PM
- Sunday, September 28, 2014, 11 AM to 3 PM
- Battlement Mesa School and Glover Cabin, 7235 Road 300, Battlement Mesa
- Admission: (Only) $3 suggested donation
If you haven't attended the Annual Quilt Show, you don't know what you've been missing. Don't miss this years event.
Watch Video of the 2012 Show
Watch Video of the Quilt Turning at the 2013 Show
 The Grand Valley Fire Protection District News
The Grand Valley Fire Protection District's Wildland Fire mitigation personnel have be busy this summer. Members of the four person crew have conducted several presentations to community groups and organizations regarding wildland safety and how to protect your property in the event of a wildfire event. The department also offers free consultations to homeowners and neighborhood organizations on what they can do to reduce their fire risk. If your organization or if you would like to learn more about reducing the fire risk to your home or your neighbor, contact the GVFPD at 970.285.9119.
In addition to the wildland fire presentations, the Wildland Fire crew and members of the regular GVFPD employees, and volunteers have completed two large fire mitigation projects in the District. During the early summer, crews cut and removed overgrown brush, and trees and dry grass along CR 300 between Battlement Mesa's landmark waterfall and the river bridge. (The town of Parachute also assisted with the effort). Later this summer, the District cleaned many loads of overgrown and dead brush from the arroyo along the Southwest side of Mesa Ridge Village between South Battlement Parkway and CR 308. Both projects were completed to reduce or eliminate the continuous fire fuel materials which help fire spread during wildfires.
In between the presentations and wildland fire mitigation projects, the district has stayed busy with 18 fire incidents (July), 33 emergency medical calls and completed may hours of training. Between January 1, 2014 and July 31, 2014, the Grand Valley Fire Protection District staff ran 404 calls; 12.8 percent more that during the same period in 2013.
If you see a member of the Grand Valley Fire Protection District, please take a moment to thank them for all that they do to educate us about fire, fire safety and to provide fire protection and emergency medical services to our communities.
Grand Valley Fire is responsible for 351 square miles and has three fire stations: Battlement Mesa, Parachute and Ruilson. The Battlement Mesa and Parachute stations are staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. |
Battlement Mesa Service Association News
Volunteers Needed!
The BMSA needs you. The pay isn't great (non-existent) but you will feel great giving back to your hometown community.
Do you live in Fairway Villas? As a result of a recent resignation of Jeff Hill, the Fairway Villas Delegate position is open. The duties involve attending the monthly BMSA meeting (third Tuesdays, 9 AM) and some committee volunteer duties. To serve as the BMSA delegate, you must reside or own property in Fairway Villas.
You don't have time to serve as a Delegate but you'd like to join one of the BMSA Committees? The BMSA has several committee openings and we would welcome your help and participation on one of our committees:
- Architectural/Covenant Committee
- Public and Community Relations Committee
- Finance Committee
- Oil and Gas Committee
- Parks/Open Space/Trails Committee
- Planning Committee
- Public Works Committee
For more information regarding becoming a BMSA Committee Volunteer call the BMSA office at 970.285.9432 or visit www.BattlementMesaColorado.com/Committees A Committee Volunteer form can be obtained at www.BattlementMesaColorado.com/forms. |
Parachute/Battlement Mesa Park and Recreation District News
Upcoming Fall Activities
Tiny Tot Basketball: Thinking about something your kids can do during the fall? Have them play Tiny-Tot Basketball! Have your little ones learn the basics of basketball while having a great time. (Registration Deadline is October 26th)
Practices begin on November 4th. Participants must be between 4 and 7 years old. Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Bea Underwood Elementary School in Battlement Mesa between 5:30 PM and 6:30 PM. The $30 participation fee includes a t-shirt.
Girls Basketball: Fall is here and with it comes Girls' Youth Basketball. The Park District is now accepting registrations for the upcoming youth basketball season. Sign your child up for the Colorado River Youth Basketball League. The league is for children who would like the opportunity to travel and play other traveling teams and is designed for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders.
Practices are held in the evenings, twice a week. Games are on Saturdays. Practices are held at LW St. John Elementary/B.U.E. and /or the Grand Valley Middle School. The participation fee is $45 plus a $35 refundable uniform deposit. Registration Deadline is September 30th.
32nd Annual Craft Fair: The 2014 and 32nd Annual Craft Fair will be held at the Grand Valley High School on Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 9 AM to 4 PM. The Craft Fair is the Western Slope's largest and best Christmas Art & Crafts fair. Admittance is FREE and parking is plentiful. This years event will offer great shopping opportunities from over 130 vendors. (No dealers or flea market items are allowed). Lunch will be available on site, plus snacks, sweets, candy, preserves & baked goods. For more information call 970.285.0388.
2015 Boys Basketball League: Plan ahead for Winter Activities! The Colorado River Youth Basketball League (Rifle) has teams for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade boys. The league begins early January 2015 and runs through mid-March 2015. The participation fee is only $45 plus a $35 refundable uniform deposit. The registration deadline is Friday, December 19th. Beat the rush-sign up now!
Mt. Callahan Community Fund Announces Grant Fund Application Process
The Mt. Callahan Community Fund (MCCF) is again accepting grant applications from local 501c(3) organizations. Since its inception in 2002, the MCCF has presented $80,000 in grants to non-profit organizations that directly benefit Parachute and Battlement Mesa.
This year the deadline for applications is September 30, 2014, and the MCCF expects to distribute funds by December 31, 2014. In an effort to provide funding for as many projects as possible, the MCCF suggests that the proposal amounts not exceed $500.
In addition to the name, address and contact information for your organization, all proposals must include: a description of the proposed project and how it will benefit the community; total budget for the project and how the MCCF grant will make a difference; and verification of your 501c(3) status. The MCCF suggest that applicants use the Colorado Common Grant Application (available online at www.coloradocommongrantforms.org.nonprofits) in preparing your proposal.
Completed proposals should be mailed to: Mt. Callahan Community Fund, P O Box 104, Parachute, CO 81635 no later than September 30, 2014. For additional information, Contact Barbara Pavlin, 970.285.7634.
Grand Valley High School
School News "Home of the Cardinals!"
Sports News:
- Grand Valley VB at Basalt - September 2, 2014
- Grand Valley JV FB at Moffat County - September 2, 2014
- Grand Valley BSOC vs. Rifle - September 2, 2014
- Grand Valley BGolf at Moffat County-Yampa - September 3, 2014
- Grand Valley VB at Eagle Valley- September 4, 2014
- Grand Valley BGolf at Vail Mountain - September 4, 2014
- Grand Valley FB at Roaring Fork - September 5, 2014
- Grand Valley XC at Beaver Creek-BMHS - September 6, 2014
- Grand Valley BSOC at Moffit County - September 6, 2014
- Grand Valley HOMECOMING - September 8th - 13th
- Grand Valley BGolf at Durango - September 8, 2014
- Grand Valley JVFB at Basalt - September 8, 2014
Other News:
- Aspen College Fair, Sunday, October 5, 2014 at Aspen High School, Aspen, Colorado.
This is the largest college fair on the western slope and is a great opportunity for students to visit with college recruiters from all over the country. Numerous workshops will be offered on how to apply to college as well as financial aid information.
- Grand Valley High School Community Service
Grand Valley High School students who earn 100 hours of cumulative service over their four hears at Grand Valley graduate with the Community Service Honor. For more information on this student/community service program contact Mr. Walck at Grand Valley High School.
Student Recognition
Cardinal Claw Recognition - Jocelyn Amaya
Junior / Senior for August - John Smith (Junior)
Freshman / Sophomore for August - Evan Hoff (Sophomore)
Most Improved Student for August - Ramon Ortiz (Junior)
Have You Noticed the Little Red Soldiers? But, wait maybe they aren't soldiers?
Okay, they aren't little red soldiers but they certainly are noticeable. The Battlement Mesa Metro District has been busy painting the community's - many - fire hydrants this summer.
Thanks, Metro District!
Covenant Corner

In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore political signs...'tis the season!
Like politics generally, most people either love those political signs that pop up every political season or they hate them. There aren't very many people that are in between the two extremes. Regardless of how you feel about political signs, they are allowed, with certain restrictions.
Political signs are covered in a couple of different places in our covenants but the best explanation of the rules governing political signs is in a Resolution that was adopted on December 20, 2005.
Paragraph 6, (b) states, "A resident may display political signs on that resident's residence, subject to the following restrictions as required by Colorado Revised Statute title 38-33.3-106.5. - The maximum size of the sign is thirty-six by forty-eight (36 x 48) inches.
- A resident may display one sign per political office, per ballot issue and per ballot recall issue.
- The sign(s)may be displayed inside a window of the resident's residence and / or may be displayed in a yard of the resident's residence.
- The sign(s) must be six feet from any curb or street and must not obstruct traffic view.
- The top edge of a yard sign may be no higher than four feet above the ground.
- The sign(s) may be posted no earlier than forty-five (45) days before the pertinent election and must be removed within seven (7) days after the election.
Some long-time residents may recall that between August 20, 2002 and when the above Resolution was adopted, political signs were allowed on BMSA or BMSA maintained property at three locations. These three locations were (1) The north side of North Battlement Parkway where it intersects West Battlement Parkway, (2) The east side of Stone Quarry Road where it intersects South Battlement Parkway and (3) The west side of Spencer Parkway where it intersects North Battlement Parkway. Please be aware that this section was eliminated from the December 20, 2005 Resolution, thus political signs are no longer permitted at these locations.
Please remember that sub-associations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA. Also, residents of Canyon View, Mesa Ridge and Valley View Townhomes and Condos must remember that their property is generally limited to the outside of the foundation walls of their home. Everything else is common area.
More detail on these and other covenant regulation are AVAILABLE HERE or on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com.
Battlement Mesa News is written and distributed by the Battlement Mesa Service Association.
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All Newsletter photos have been provided by Elk Peaks Photography unless otherwise noted. Copies of photos used herein are available upon request. 970.285.7482
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
401 Arroyo Drive Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at
The Library: Not Just Books!
Sure the Parachute branch library has books but it also has much more.
September 9th, 9:00 AM Computer & Mouse Basics: This free introductory class will offer hands-on training for adults who are new to computers. Class size is limited to 6 so call soon!
| September 10th, 6:30 PM Sweet Wednesday in Concert: Sweet Wednesday is an award-winning acoustic duo that performs original songs filled with humor, jokes and stories. Lisa Housman plays guitar and sings heartfelt and beautiful vocals. Dave Falk plays guitar, mandolin, harmonica and the banjo.
| September 11th, 6:00 PM Life Leadership: Who Did I Marry!? This workshop is a fun approach for couples to strengthen and maintain their marriage by learning each others' love language and personality type. Join Jamie Birdsey for the 2nd session of this four-part leadership workshop.
| September 13th, 2:00 PM Fancy Nancy Tea Party: Oooh-la-la darling. We are hosting a Fancy Nancy tea soires (That's a fancy name for a party). Young ladies and gentlemen, repondez sil vous plait (That's fancy for please RSVP) by calling 970.285.9870 or stopping in the library. We will offer tea and cookies, stories, music and games.
KSUN Community Radio News
Have you tuned into KSUN, 101.1 FM lately?
If not, Just Do It!
| You might remember KSUN as 103.9, low power (100 watts) FM radio. If so, that was then and this is now.
For the past year, KSUN Community Radio, your local home town FM radio station, has been broadcasting at 101.1 FM as a completely volunteer-run, commercial radio station serving the Grand Valley from New Castle to DeBeque.
Sure the frequency has changed but that isn't all. The radio format is now Classic Rock and features lots of great music, a modest amount of advertising (hardly any compared to most stations) and some great locally generated live programming including:
- Floyd Mac and The Morning Show
- Education Update with David Walck
- Ron and the Time Train
- The Legendary Big Al and the Rock N Roll Side Show
- Rockin' with the FOXX
- Community Conversations with Mary Lee Mohrlang
- the Grand Valley Football and Basketball games
Don't forget, it is Membership Drive season at KSUN Community Radio. Help KSUN bring you "The Best Music and all the Local News and Information. Join KSUN!
- Silver Membership - $30/year
- Gold Membership - $60/year
- Platinum Membership - $100/year
Call the station at 970.285.2246 or visit either www.KSUNradion.org or www.KSUNcommunityradio.orgto become a member, to become an advertiser or just to learn more. Remember KSUN is streamed on the Internet. Log on to the website and listen anywhere around the world.
LDS Church Construction Update
We don't know if you agree, but we think they are really "movin' out" on the new LDS Church project. Check out the latest photos.
The Latter Day Saints are building a new Church on Sipprelle across from the Grand Valley Middle School. Construction should be completed late this year or in early 2015.
Little Known Facts
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- 28% of Africa is wilderness. And 38% of North America is wilderness.
- The Hawaiian alphabet only has twelve letters.
Movies Under the Stars Continues
Don't miss out on the remaining Movies Under the Stars. The final movie of the series of five free movies on the front lawn of the Grand Valley Recreation Center will be held - rain or shine on:
- September 5, 2014 - Muppets Most Wanted
Remember, the movies are FREE. Popcorn & Soda is available and all movies begin at Sundown...rain or shine!
Grand Valley Recreation Center
 The Grand Valley Recreation Center is offering Fall Swim Lessons on Monday and Wednesday from 4:30 PM to 5:15 PM. The eight class program will be held on September 15th, 17th, 22th, 24th, and 29th and on October 1st, 6th and 8th.
Classes are being offered for Preschool, Level 2, and Level 3 at a cost of $42. Don't miss out, sign up NOW!
Dates to Remember
| Click to View full Community Calendar
September 2nd, 1 PM at the Library
| Community Conversation
| September 8th-13th, at GVHS
| Grand Valley High School Homecoming
| September 16th, 9 AM at the GVRC
| BMSA Board of Directors Meeting
| September 17th, 9 AM at the GVFPD
| Grand Valley Fire Board of Directors Meeting
| September 23rd, 3 PM at the GVRC
| KSUN Board of Directors Meeting
| September 24th, 4 PM at the GVRC
| Common Ground
| September 25th, 9 AM at the BMMD
| BMMD Board of Directors Meeting
| September 25th, 11 AM at the Parachute Town Hall
| Grand Valley Economic Dev Committee Meeting
| September 27th, Battlement Mesa Golf Course
| 4th Annual Community Golf Classic
| September 27th & 28th, Historic Battlement School
| Grand Valley Quilt Show
| October 4th at Cottonwood Park
| Oktoberfest
| November 22nd at GVHS
| 32nd Annual Craft Fair
| Every Tuesday, 7 AM, except 2nd Tuesday
| Kiwanis Club Meeting at the Library
| 2nd Tuesday of each Month, 7 PM
| Kiwanis Club Meeting at the Library
| 4th Monday of each Month, 9:30 AM
| Grand Valley Sew and Sew Quilters at the Battlement Schoolhouse
- Cottonwood Park - Cottonwood Park, turn South off of Cardinal Way on Colorado Avenue
- BMMD Office - Battlement Mesa Metro District, 401 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- GVFPD, Station #1 - Grand Valley Fire Protection District, Station #1, 124 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa
- GVHS - Grand Valley High School
- GVRC - Grand Valley Rec Center, 398 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- Parachute Library - Parachute Library, 244 Grand Valley Way, Parachute