Grand Valley Days Returns!
Dust Off Your Hat
Polish Up Your Boots n' Spurs
Round Up Your Friends and the Kids and Head for the Rodeo
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But Wait, There's Much, Much More!
Don't Miss the Bigger and Better 2014 Grand Valley Days
July 25th & 26th
Yep, it's been around since 1908, but they ain't a restin' on their past record of puttin' on a fine and dandy grand time at Grand Valley Days. According to what we hear, it's gonna be even Bigger and Better! Ya won't wanna miss the Annual Celebration's 106th Year!
Friday, July 25th
- Rimrock Rodeo Series Rodeo - 7 PM
Entries for all Rodeo Events, Call 970.434.7515, Monday, July 21st, 6 - 9 PM
Saturday, July 26th
- 2nd Annual 5-K Run
Sponsored by the Grand Valley High School Track & Field. Entry forms are available at the Grand Valley Rec Center. Call Mark Jansen 285.0384 for more information.
- Pancake Breakfast and Bake Sale
Check it out at the Grand Valley Methodist Church, 7 - 11 AM
- Kiwanis Parade
Grand Marshall - Dana & B.J. Barker. Entry forms are available at Clark's Market or from Dusty -970.618.0178 or GVDays_Parade.com
- Bike Rodeo
After the Parade at the Grand Valley Center for Family Learning
- Smoked Turkey Auction
Following the Parade
- 1st Annual Smoke Off
Yes this means BBQ. Cottonwood Park
- Morrisania Pie & Ice Cream Social
11 AM - 4 PM. Morrisania Community House
- Rimrock Rodeo Series Rodeo - 7 PM
Entries for all Rodeo Events, Call 970.434.7515, Monday, July 21st, 6-9 PM
- Gun and Cash Raffle Drawing - 8 PM
Get your tickets at the Parade and Rodeo, $10 ea. or 3 for $20
- Dance in Cottonwood Park, 9 PM - 12 AM
Band - Lever Action, Sponsored by Alpine Bank
All events will be held in Parachute unless noted otherwise.
It's Back - The Garfield County Sheriff's Office is bringing National Night Out back to the communities of Battlement Mesa and Parachute on Tuesday August 5, 2014This year's event will be held in the Battlement Town Plaza from 4 to 7 PM and features FREE food, demonstrations, a wide assortment of information booths, and exhibits, including remote control aircraft, antique and classic cars and much more! Don't miss a chance to see/ enjoy: - GVFPD's new $1 million Fire Truck (Wow, Check It Out!)
- GVPFD's Climbing Wall (Fun For All!)
- GarCo's Bear Cat/AHRT, Search and Rescue, K-9 Unit and much more
- Remote Control Aircraft Static Display
- St. Mary's Care Flight Chopper (Watch It Land & Take Off!)
- Parachute PD Vehicle
- Colorado State Patrol Cruiser
- Face Painting (Fun For All Ages -Free!)
Tune in for KSUN (101.1 FM) Community Radio's remote broadcast during the event.
 The Grand Valley Fire Protection District Announces a New (IMPROVED) ISO Review Rating Why Should You Care?
It Could Save You Money!
The Grand Valley Fire Protection District has announced that, with the help of the Town of Parachute, the Battlement Mesa Metro District and the Garfield County Emergency Communications Authority, the Insurance Service Organization (ISO) has reduced the insurance rating in the area served by the District from a 6/9 to a 3/3Y. This reduction should become effective about August 1, 2014. If you are a District resident or business owner, the improved rating may mean a reduction in the cost of property insurance.
The classification changes are based on improvements on water supply systems provided by the Town of Parachute and the Battlement Mesa Metro District, Communication/Dispatching improvements provided by the Communications Authority and fire response, fire apparatus and equipment and quality of fire preparedness training of the Fire District personnel. The Class 3 designation is for all residences and businesses within an area that is protected by fire hydrants and those locations that are no further than 1000 feet from the last fire hydrant on the street. The Class 3Y designation is the area from the 1000 feet point, to a point that is five miles away from the closest "graded" fire station. The 3Y grading was a result of equipment improvements and the Fire District's ability to get 4,000 gallons of water to an incident as part of the initial response to areas without fire hydrants. All areas outside of the five mile point from the nearest fire station remains a Class 10, because of the longer response time and travel distance to a fire.
Many, but not all insurance companies use the ISO rating system when establishing premium rates. The GVFPD encourages residents and businesses to check with their insurance agent to see if the improved ISO rating may reduce the insurance premium. |
Community Park Progress
Although you haven't seen a tremendous amount of activity or progress at the new Community Park this summer, that is about to change.
As previously announced, in April 2014, the Parachute / Battlement Mesa Parks & Recreation District was the recipient of two Federal Mineral Lease Grants. One grant was for $295,000 and the second grant was a $25,000 "mini" grant. These new funds will be used:
- to install a water service line from Sipprelle along the new entry road back to the new 6 acre park,
- to install the irrigation system and,
- to install the turf grass.
A request for bids will be sent out shortly and bids should be awarded in late August so that the work can be completed this fall. As seen in the photos below, earlier this summer the boulders were placed along the back "boulder wall." Since the primary funding for this park project is from grant funds complimented by personal and business contribution, it is important to continue to submit grant requests. As such, a grant request is being prepared for submission to Greater Outdoors Colorado, (GOCO). The park is north of Sipprelle and northwest of the Grand Valley Middle School.
Contributions toward this exciting new park may be tax deductible and can be made to the Parachute / Battlement Mesa Parks and Recreation District, 259 Cardinal Way, Parachute, CO 81635
Thanks to the Grand Valley Fire Protection District, two important Fire Mitigation Projects are underway in the Parachute and Battlement Mesa Communities.
If you've noticed a change in the vegetation along CR 300 between the Colorado River Bridge and Battlement Mesa's signature waterfall, and you like the improved look and feel, you should thank the Town of Parachute and the Grand Valley Fire Protection District. (Much of the work was done along the front of the 5 acre parcel owned by the Town of Parachute north of CR 300 just below the Waterfall).
The CR 300 work was done in order to reduce the prospect of fire developing in the cedars immediately north of the Colorado River bridge to the Waterfall and to improve the appearance of that stretch of entrance into Battlement Mesa. You may have noticed that, in addition to removing the dead brush and the cedars that had grown over the fence line, the Town of Parachute is now replacing broken fence rails and post along its property.
In addition to the CR 300 project Grand Valley Fire has initiated fire mitigation efforts in the arroyo that runs along the southwest perimeter of Mesa Ridge Village. The mitigation plan includes the removal of approximately 15 trees and thinning of six thick growth scrub areas. The arroyo drainage, which is approximately 2.7 acres in size, runs from CR 308 along Mesa Ridge before crossing under South Battlement Parkway above the Grand Valley Recreation Center.
Thanks Grand Valley Fire Protection District for your hard work toward minimizing the fire risk in the community.
Covenant Corner

In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore the Eighth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa.
If you've never heard of the Eighth Amendment, you're probably not alone. The Eighth Amendment is somewhat new.
On September 20, 2011 the Battlement Mesa Service Association adopted the Eight Amendment which repealed and restated Article VIII, Section 8.1(a)(i) as amended by the Fifth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa. In simpler terms, the Eighth Amendment rewrote portions of the covenants which regulate Vehicular Parking, Storage and Repairs.
In essence, the Eighth Amended gives you the right to expand parking at your residence when certain provisions are met. The original language in the section which describes what size and type of vehicles can be parked or stored in Battlement Mesa and how they must be parked or stored was basically unchanged. The 8.16 provision that is most familiar to residents is the one that limits vehicle size to a maximum of one (1) ton and, to the disappointment of some, this limitation was not changed. As part of this discussion it is important to note that Mesa Ridge Village limits vehicle size to 3/4 ton.
The new language added to 8.16 says, "Automobiles or trucks no larger than one ton may be parked on a concrete or gravel apron adjacent to driveways. Such aprons must conform to the definition of parking aprons in the Battlement Mesa Service Association Architectural Standards." Click HERE to read the entire Eighth Amendment. (The last item listed under Covenants).
To fully understand the requirements associated with adding a parking apron you also must read the new section which was added to the Architectural Standards which says:
"3.06 Vehicle Parking Surfaces and Aprons
Parking in the front yard of properties shall be limited to concrete paved driveways plus an unpaved parking apron able to accommodate up to two (2) additional parking spaces. Parking aprons shall cover an area of no more than three hundred and thirty (330) square feet or forty percent (40%) of the front yard area whichever is less. All unpaved parking areas shall be located on the side of the driveway furthest from the front door of the dwelling on the property.
Parking aprons shall consist of a non-erodible water permeable surface, which provides complete soil stabilization to the soil beneath such surfacing material. Water permeable materials include gravel or crushed stone materials applied to a minimum of four inches (4") in depth, paving blocks or pervious paving blocks specifically designed for driveways.
Parking aprons shall be fully contained without disruption within a permanent border and shall be segregated from any lawn, garden and/or shrubbery.
All off-street parking of vehicles in Battlement Creek Village I and Battlement Creek Village II shall be restricted to paved driveways as approved by the Architectural Standards Committee. Parking of vehicles in Battlement Creek Village I and Battlement Creek Village II is disallowed on unpaved driveway extensions and/or parking aprons."
Click HERE to review the Architectural Review Standards. (3.06 Vehicle Parking Surfaces and Parking Aprons can be found on pages 13 and 14). In order to request approval to increase parking, the Architectural Review "Short Form" must be completed. The "Short Form" can be found on page 53 of the Architectural Review Standards or by Clicking HERE.
Please remember that sub-associations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA. Also, residents of Canyon View, Mesa Ridge and Valley View Townhomes and Condos must remember that their property is generally limited to the outside of the foundation walls of their home. Everything else is common area.
More detail on these and other covenant regulation are AVAILABLE HERE or on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com.
Battlement Mesa News is written and distributed by the Battlement Mesa Service Association.
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All Newsletter photos have been provided by Elk Peaks Photography unless otherwise noted. Copies of photos used herein are available upon request. 970.285.7482
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
401 Arroyo Drive Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at
The Library: Not Just Books!
Sure the Parachute branch library has books but it also has much more.
July 21st, July 28th, August 4th, 10 AM Google "Maker Camp": The Library and the GVRC are hosting a Google's Maker Camp intended to inspire teens ages 13-18 to embrace their inner maker, get their hands dirty, fix some things, break some things, and have a lot of fun doing it!
| July 22nd, 4 PM Do it Yourself Dubstep: This one-hour iPad composing seminar will consist of guided instruction and free reign on the GCPLD TabLab iPads.
| July 24th, 1:30 PM Pint Size Polkas: Come and find out why polka music is the happiest music on the face of the earth with Uncle Mike's , "Pol-KABOOM!" Pint Size Polkas program.
| July 24th, 6:30 PM Parachute Pix - Independent Film: "The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete" is a coming-of-age story about two inner city boys who are left to fend for themselves over the summer after their mothers are taken away by the authorities.
| August 5th, 6:30 PM Author Presentation - Lou Dean: Join award-winning speaker and author, Lou Dean, as she shares stories of her 400-mile donkey ride across northern Colorado, promoting non-violence in schools along the way. Her month-long journey is featured in her new book, "On My Ass: Riding the Midlife Crisis Trail."
August 7th, 6:30 PM Medicine's Effect on American History: Several ear, nose, and throat problems have had a surprisingly immense impact on our history. Join Dr. Peter Zonakis from Grand River Health, as he shares these tales.
The BMSA Approves Median Improvements
The BMSA Board of Directors voted at their July 15, 2014 board meeting to improve the landscaping on a total of three medians.
Two of the three medians are located on Spencer Parkway directly west of the Town Plaza and the third median is on South Battlement Parkway between Spencer and the turn into the Kum n' Go store from Battlement Parkway.
The project is a continuation of an initiative that was begun in 2013 to replace the native grasses (and weeds) in selected Battlement and Spencer Parkway medians with a combination of new or additional trees, bushes and decorative rock beds.
Two similar projects were completed last year near the same area.
In addition to the median improvements, the BMSA board also approved spending up to $10,000 to replace approximately 20 common area trees that have died in the last few years.
 The above photo shows one of the medians which was landscaped in late 2013. |
Have you noticed the new construction on Sipprelle?
Have you noticed the heavy equipment, and workers moving dirt and pouring a building foundation along Sipprelle above Mesa Vista Assisted Living Center and across from the Grand Valley Middle School? And, have you wondered what is being built at this location?
The Latter Day Saints are building a new Church on this site. Construction should be completed late this year or in early 2015.
Little Known Facts
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- Because the air is thinner, at one mile (5, 280 feet) above sea level, the sun feels warmer, because you're closer to it, and water boils at 202 degrees.
- Did you know that 111, 111, 111 multiplied by 111,111,111 equals 12,345,678,987,654,321.
Movies Under the Stars Continues
Don't miss out on the remaining Movies Under the Stars. Two of the series of five free movies on the front lawn of the Grand Valley Recreation Center remain.
- August 16, 2014 - The Lego Movie
- September 5, 2014 - Muppets Most Wanted
Remember, the movies are FREE. Popcorn & Soda is available and all movies begin at Sundown...rain or shine!
Dates to Remember
| Click to View full Community Calendar
July 22nd, 3 PM at the GVRC
| KSUN Board of Directors Meeting
| July 23rd, 4 PM at the GVRC
| Common Ground
| July 24th, 9 AM at the BMMD
| BMMD Board of Directors Meeting
| July 24th, 1 PM at the Parachute Town Hall
| Grand Valley Economic Dev Committee Meeting
| July 25th & 26th, Parachute
| Grand Valley Days
| August 1st, 1 PM at Library
| Community Conversations
| August 5th, 4 - 7 PM in Battlement Town Plaza
| National Night Out
| August 19th, 9 AM at the GVRC
| BMSA Board of Directors Meeting
| August 20th, 9 AM at the GVFPD
| Grand Valley Fire Board of Directors Meeting
| Every Tuesday, 7 AM, except 2nd Tuesday
| Kiwanis Club Meeting at the Library
| 2nd Tuesday of each Month, 7 PM
| Kiwanis Club Meeting at the Library
| 4th Monday of each Month, 9:30 AM
| Grand Valley Sew and Sew Quilters at the Battlement Schoolhouse
- Cottonwood Park - Cottonwood Park, turn South off of Cardinal Way on Colorado Avenue
- BMMD Office - Battlement Mesa Metro District, 401 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- GVFPD, Station #1 - Grand Valley Fire Protection District, Station #1, 124 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa
- GVRC - Grand Valley Rec Center, 398 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- Parachute Library - Parachute Library, 244 Grand Valley Way, Parachute
 Grand Valley Fire Operation Report, June 2014 Activity
"GVFPD at Work!"
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During June 2014, GVFPD responded to 71 calls for service vs. 48 calls in June 2013. The 71 calls included 16 Fire Incidents, 36 Emergency Medical Calls, 5 Vehicle Crashes, 9 Public Assists, 1 Police Matter, FD Not Needed and 3 Dispatched Cancelled Enroute/No Incident Found on Arrival.
In June, the Seasonal Wildland Firefighters started mitigation work around the Fire District in an effort to help protect property and other assets in the event of a wildfire.
Watch for the upcoming GVFPD public information sessions on wildland fire prevention and wildland fires and their history in the Grand Valley FPD.