Winterfest, Grand Valley Style
Parade of Lights
People who attended the Parade of Lights during Winterfest reported that despite crystal clear skies and chilly air, the night's festive floats seemed to keep the chill at bay.
Don't wait...start planning now for your Parade of Lights entry for the 2015 Winterfest Parade of Lights.
Ice Fishing Contest
The sky over Sunset Lake on Grand Mesa was bright and sunny creating an almost perfect ice fishing atmosphere.
The Grand Finale
The 2014 Winterfest in the Grand Valley came to a close on Saturday afternoon / evening with a fun-filled event which included horse drawn wagon rides through the Battlement Mesa Golf Course, a warm and cheerful bonfire complete with S'mores, face painting, chili, corn bread, hot chocolate, cider and more. The Grand Finale was hosted and completely funded by Battlement Mesa Company.
What, you missed the 2014 Winterfest in the Grand Valley?!
Winterfest will return in 2015 so mark your calendars now!
KSUN Annual Meeting, April 24, 2014
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs186/1107530842817/img/122.jpg?a=1116582054566) Are you experiencing football season withdrawal symptoms? If so, we have the cure.
KSUN has invited Cecil Lammey, an NFL Insider / Fantasy Football Guru and Senior Writer for FootballGuys.com, to be the keynote speaker at KSUN's Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 24, 2014. Cecil's ESPN radio shows are nationally syndicated.
Don't miss your chance to mix and mingle with this sports broadcaster. Cecil will share his insights into the game and provide detail about the coaches and players that you have never heard before and which you can rely on.
Seating is limited. Get your tickets before they sell out! Tickets are available at the GVRC and the KSUN station.
Click here to learn more about Cecil Lammey, |
Battlement Mesa Service Association sets Annual Community Meeting Date
The BMSA Annual Community Meeting will be held on on the evening of Thursday, April 10th, 2014 at the Grand Valley Recreation Center.
Don't miss this opportunity to meet your BMSA board of directors, learn more about the past and present BMSA projects and gain insights into the community's successes and challenges. And, Dinner is on the BMSA.
Watch the Battlement Mesa News, the Echo and listen to KSUN Community Radio, 101.1 FM, for more information on this important event.
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs010/1107530842817/img/13.jpg?a=1116582054566) BMSA Committee Volunteers Needed!! |
Covenant Corner
![Covenant Protected Community](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs010/1107530842817/img/5.jpg?a=1116582054566)
In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore Article VIII, paragraph 8.6 No Unsightliness. And, because they are closely related, also discuss 8.7, Restrictions on Garbage and Trash.
8.6 No Unsightliness is a short but a very comprehensive covenant regulation.
"No Unsightliness. All unsightly conditions, structures, facilities, equipment, objects and conditions shall be enclosed within a structure, including snow removal equipment and garden or maintenance equipment, except when actually in use."
This simple one sentence rule isn't specific enough to give the reader much clarity about what constitutes unsightliness. The use of the word "all" combined with "conditions, structures, facilities, equipment and objects" covers almost any aspect of property. As residents, it is difficult to know precisely when certain condition of our property crosses the threshold from being "okay" to being "unsightly." It has been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so I suppose that the opposite is also true, that is, that "unsightliness" depends on who is viewing it. And, folks, that is where the problem is.
Generally and unofficially I think that the board of directors would take a position that if, the average resident "thinks something is unsightly then it probably is."
8.7 Restrictions on Garbage and Trash was covered previously; however, since it is somewhat related to 8.6 and because it continues to be our most violated covenant, perhaps a review of the rule on garbage and trash is appropriate.
8.7 says, "No refuse, garbage, trash, lumber, grass, shrub or tree clippings, plant waste, compost, metal, bulk materials, scrap, refuse or debris of any kind shall be kept, stored or allowed to accumulate on any part of the Service Association Area, except within an enclosed structure or appropriately screened from view, except that any container containing such materials may be placed outside at proper times for garbage or trash pickup."
First, it is important to note that the Service Association Area means any area within the Battlement Mesa Planned Unit Development (PUD).
Secondly, since Article VIII, paragraph 8.7 doesn't define "placed outside at proper times," on December 20, 2005 the BMSA Board of Directors adopted a Resolution of Rules and Regulations which explains this term. This section of the Resolution says,
"a. The proper time to place the container outside for pickup is no sooner than twelve (12) hours prior to trash pickup and; b. The proper time to return the container to its storage area is no later than twelve (12) hours after trash pickup."
Please remember that sub-associations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA.
2014 Chamber of Commerce Banquet & Auction
The 2014 Parachute / Battlement Mesa Chamber of Commerce will hold its Annual Banquet & Auction on Saturday, March 15th, 5 to 9 PM at the Grand Valley Recreation Center.
Seating is Limited Food from Local Eateries Cash Bar Silent & Live Auction
Tickets are $30 per person
This is an important event for our community so please plan to attend. Funds raised from this event help fund the Chamber's many activities which includes the Oktoberfest.
Tickets are available at Alpine Bank, Old Mountain Gift and Jewelry and the Grand Valley Recreation Center.
Do You Know Where This Was Taken?
How well do you know our community? Test yourself against others.
If you think that you know what the photo on the right is and where it was taken email us at BMSA@BattlementMesaColorado.com. Correct replies will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift certificate from Bodacious Bites in Saddleback Center. (What, you haven't eaten at Bodacious Bite yet? You should!) |
Last month's photo, shown on the left, was correctly identified by Floyd McDaniel and by Judith Hayward. Since Floyd was the first to identify the photo, he will be awarded the $25 gift certificate to Bodacious Bites in Saddleback Center.
This photo was taken on First Street (old Hwy 6-24) in Parachute and is next door to Mama's Cafe (the old bank building) and across from what used to be the Post Office. One of the last businesses to use this building was a 3.2 beer bar.
Spring Arrives on March 20, 2014
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
401 Arroyo Drive Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at
The Library: Not Just Books!
Sure the Parachute branch library has books but it also has much more.
Saturday, March 1, 2014 Dr. Seuss's Birthday Bash. Join the Library for cupcakes, crafts & a reading of Horton Hears a Who followed by the movie. 10:30 AM
Monday, March 3, 2014 The Good, the bad, and the Gross
Geometry at its finest, come build with us. 3 - 4 PM
Friday, March 7, 2014
Extreme Sports Lockdown Teens are invited to witness the agony of defeat while watching insane wipeouts, epic falls and tragic yard sales in snow sports. 6 PM Free Admission
The Lunch Bunch Book Club: 3rd Tuesdays, monthly.
Open House Celebration of the new Grand River Health Clinic West
Thursday, March 13, 2014
4 PM - Program Begins
Don't Miss Out on the Grand Opening to Battlement Mesa's wonderful new addition...Mark Your Calendar Now!
Grand Valley Rec Center Happenings
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs186/1107530842817/img/493.jpg?a=1116582054566) The Grand Valley Recreation Center always has a variety of activities for our residents to participate in and enjoy. Watch future issues of The Battlement Mesa News for special GVRC events that may interest you.
AARP Safe Driving Class March 1, 2014, 12:30 PM-4:30 PM. Ron Jensen, Instructor Call 970.285.9480 for more information
Tiger Kung Fu Classes with Tom Doudy have returned. Call the center for more details.
Looking for a Personal Trainer? Call Tom Mohler 20 years of health and fitness industry experience 970.625.2847 or 970.319.1851
Have you activated your 2014 Membership yet?
Adult New: $30 Adult Renew: $20 Youth New: $25 Youth Renew: $15 |
Save The Date!!
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Don't miss out! Mark your calendar.
The Health Fair will be held at the Grand Valley Recreation Center on Saturday, April 26, 2014
- Low Cost blood work
- Free health screenings
- Information
Remember to fast 12 hours before getting blood work done!
More Information...
The Grand Valley Fire Protection District Receives a Million Dollar Valentine!
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs010/1107530842817/img/24.jpg?a=1116582054566) The GVFPD's long awaited new 100 foot platform truck arrived on Valentine's Day.
The new platform was ordered from Pierce Manufacturing in the spring of 2013 at a (prepaid) cost exceeding $1,000,000. When asked about the purchase, Bill Nelson, President of the GVFPD board stated, "yes, it is a large sum of money but what price do you put on human lives and, this truck will most likely save lives during it's expected 25 year life."
Watch the Battlement Mesa News and the Grand Valley Echo for more details on the new vehicle and what favorable impacts its addition will have to YOUR bottom line.
Little Known Facts
| ![](https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/ui/stock1/greyscale-drafting.jpg) |
- Strawberries are the only fruits whose seeds grow on the outside.
- The letter J does not appear anywhere on the periodic table of the elements.
Dates to Remember
| Click to View full Community Calendar
February 25st, 1 - 3 PM, at the Library
| Village Artists Meeting
| February 25th, 3 PM at the GVRC
| KSUN Board of Directors Meeting
| February 26th, 4 PM at the GVRC
| Common Ground Meeting
| February 27th, 9 AM at the BMMD
| BMMD Board of Directors Meeting
| February 27th, 1 PM at Parachute Town Hall
| Grand Valley Economic Dev. Committee
| February 28th, 6:30 PM at Grand River Health Ballroom
| Symphony in the Valley presents its "Symphony Swing fundraiser
| March 4th, 1 PM at the GVRC
| Community Conversations Meeting
| March 15th, at the GVRC, 5 - 9 PM
| 2014 Chamber Banquet & Auction
| March 18th, 9 AM at GVRC
| BMSA Board of Directors Meeting
| March 19th, 9 AM at GVFPD, station #1
| GVFPD Board of Directors Meeting
| March 25th, 3 PM at GVRC
| KSUN Board of Directors Meeting
| March 26th, 4 PM at GVRC
| Common Ground Meeting
| March 27th, 9 AM at BMMD Office | BMMD Board of Directors
- Cottonwood Park - Cottonwood Park, turn South off of Cardinal Way on Colorado Avenue
- BMMD Office - Battlement Mesa Metro District, 401 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- GVFPD, Station #1 - Grand Valley Fire Protection District, Station #1, 124 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa
- GVRC - Grand Valley Rec Center, 398 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa
- Parachute Library - Parachute Library, 244 Grand Valley Way, Parachute
Battlement Mesa News is written and distributed by the Battlement Mesa Service Association.
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All Newsletter photos have been provided by Elk Peaks Photography unless otherwise noted. Copies of photos used herein are available upon request. 970.285.7482