BMSA Annual Report to Members
The Battlement Mesa Service Association's 2012-2013 Annual Meeting of the Members was held on Thursday, April 18, 2013 at the Grand Valley Recreation Center.
The Annual Meeting began at 6:30 PM with a meal that was prepared by Bodacious Bites.
Keith Lammey, BMSA President, conducted the meeting which included:
- An introduction of the Board of Directors, Association Management and Guests
- A review of the 2012 Financial Report
- A review of the 2013 Budget
- A discussion of the BMSA's 2012 Achievements
- A recap of the BMSA's 2013 Goals
- A discussion of the BMSA / Garfield County partnership
- An overview of the community's Fire Risk and Fire Mitigation efforts
Copies of the BMSA's 2013 Annual Report to Members were distributed at the meeting. Printed copies of the 16 page report are available at the BMSA office at 401 Arroyo Drive. The report can also be viewed online by visiting www.BattlementMesaColorado.com. Look for the 2012 Annual Report to Members icon in the lower right corner of the home page.
Guests at this year's Annual Meeting of the Members included, Garfield County Commissioner, Mike Samson and Grand Valley Fire Protection District Fire Chief David Blair.

Commissioner Samson discussed the unique Battlement Mesa / Garfield County partnership which helps Battlement Mesa by providing many local services including police protection and street maintenance.
Chief Blair explained that despite recent moisture, Western Colorado is still suffering from drought conditions and reminded the community about the importance of fire safety. His remarks included an overview of the work that the Grand Valley Fire Protection District is doing with the BMSA to help mitigate fire risk in Battlement Mesa.
The above map shows areas in Battlement Mesa where fire mitigation work has been done or is planned.
As President Lammey stated, if you own property in Battlement Mesa you are a member of the Battlement Mesa Service Association, thus you are encouraged to follow the BMSA's activities. The BMSA's 14 member board of directors meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Grand Valley Recreation Center.
BMSA meetings are open to the public and you are encouraged to attend.
KSUN Hold's 2013 Annual Meeting and Dinner
KSUN Community Radio members and sports fans were treated to a wonderful meal and a dynamic and insightful presentation on April 11, 2013.
ESPN NFL Insider and Fantasy Football Expert, Cecil Lammey talked about John Elway, the Denver Broncos and the upcoming NFL season and answered many questions from local football fans.
What, you missed it? Perhaps you'll get another chance. The KSUN board hopes the have him back at next years meeting...if not before.
The very affordable ($15 per person) event included a Lasagna Dinner, prepared by Alain Senac, former owner of Easy Cuisine, and a cash bar.
CLICK Here for more information about the Guest Speaker.
KSUN's 2012-2013 membership drive begins on July 1st. Support your local Community Radio: Watch for and please return your membership form and a generous contribution in order to assure the future of your "home town" radio broadcast. KSUN broadcasts on 103.9 FM from the studio at the Grand Valley Recreation Center. Additionally, you can listen to KSUN on your computer. Click Here to find the Live Streaming link on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com.
Movies Under the Stars
The Movies Under the Stars kicks off a new summer season of its infamous and delightful movies on Friday, May 31st.
Of Course, IT'S FREE! And, Families are Welcomed.
This year's first movie in the Movies Under the Stars series will feature Disney's "Brave." The movie will begin at sundown on the lawn at the Grand Valley Recreation Center. Brave "will go on" Rain or Shine so bring your umbrella, a comfortable chair, and a warm blanket to protect against the chilly night air. Remember: It is FREE.
This years series includes:
- Brave - Friday, May 31st
- Madagascar 3 Europe's Most Wanted - Friday, June 21st
- Wreck-It Ralph- Friday, July 19th
- Avengers - Friday, August 9th (Come dressed as a superhero and get free popcorn)
Mark your calendars!
Community Yard Sale - June 8, 2013
The Grand Valley Recreation Center has sponsored the BIG COMMUNITY YARD SALE for the several years and expects the 2013 sale to attract even more "goods" and "shoppers."
To receive a free catalog for the yard sale with a listing of the items (no prices) for sale, please send a request, via email, to info@gvrc.net.
If you want to list your items in the catalog, please obtain a listing sheet from the GVRC and return it before May 31st.
A printed catalog will be available for $2 at the GVRC starting on Thursday June 6, 2013.
For more information contact the Grand Valley Recreation Center at 970.285.9480.
REMINDER: Garage Sale and Yard Sale signs are highly regulated in the Battlement Mesa Planned Unit Development. Garage Sale and Yard Sale signs are limited to ONE sign on the property where the sale is held. Signs can also be posted on the three Community Bulletin Boards located in Saddleback Center, the Town Plaza and along Stone Quarry Road (near Battlement Cemetery).
Signs posted anywhere else in the community will be removed.
2nd Annual Challenger Sports Soccer Camp
Mark your calendar now for the 2nd Annual Challenger Sports (British Soccer) Camp to be held August 5th-9th.
Parachute / Battlement Parks and Recreation District has announced the return of the Challenger Sports' British Soccer camp. The camp, which attracted over 60 participants last year, will be held on August 5th through the 9th.
For more information please visit www.challengersports.com or call Eric at Parks and Rec at 970.285.0388. Don't miss out!
Covenant Corner
In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore two rules: Lot Maintenance and Mowing and Plant Protection. Both regulations are part of Article VIII in the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa. The regulations are further defined in the Rules and Regulations Governing Battlement Mesa Service Association Area.
Lot Maintenance and Mowing
8.2 (a) (in the Rules and Regulations) states, "The responsibility for maintaining individual lots belongs to the owner of the lot. The owner of the lot, even if leased, whether built upon or not, has the responsibility for seeing that it is maintained in a clean, safe, attractive and sightly condition and in good repair."
8.2 (b) states that "Owners of undeveloped lots have the responsibility to see that these lots are mowed so the height of the vegetation does not exceed six (6) inches. Mowing may be required several times throughout the season.
(If you are a lot owner, please help us by mowing, as required, in order to assure that vegetation does not exceed six inches).
Plant Protection
8.19 (a) (in the Rules and Regulations) states, "Plant protection is defined as barriers used for the protection of plants, shrubs, and trees from deer, elk, and other animals that may cause damage to plants. The potential for damage to plants is greater during the colder months, but some plants may be damaged at other times during the year."
8.19 (b) states, "Therefore there are two types of protection that are recommended for use to protect plants:
(i) Temporary Plant Protection:
1. Temporary plant protection may not be erected prior to October 1 of each year.
2. "Invisible" black plastic up to six feet high, supported with posts that are strong enough to keep the material from visible sagging may be used.
3. Welded wire up to six feet high, either supported with posts or secured at ground level, may be used.
4. Monofilament line supported with posts up to six feet high may be used.
5. Single plants or small grouping of plants may be surrounded. Entire yards are not to be enclosed with any of these materials.
6. Temporary plant protection must be removed and stored by May 1 of each year.
(ii) Extended Plant Protection:
Some newly planted items and some specific plants may need more extended protection.
1. Using the material in 8.19 b. i. above, individual plants may be surrounded keeping posts at a minimum.
2. This plant protection must be removed as the new plants mature.
Please remember that sub-associations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA. Also, residents of Canyon View, Mesa Ridge and Valley View Townhomes and Condos must remember that their property is generally limited to the outside of the foundation walls of their home. Everything else is common area.
More detail on these and other covenant regulation are AVAILABLE HERE or on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com.
Do You Know Where This Was Taken?
How well do you know our community? Test yourself against others.
If you think that you know what the following photo is and where it was taken email us at BMSA@BattlementMesaColorado.com. Correct replies will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift certificate from Bodacious Bites in Saddleback Center.
(What, you haven't eaten at Bodacious Bite yet? You should!)
Congratulations to Debra Cornelius, Dave Devanney, Lisa Johnston, Karen Klink and Lynn Shore for identifying the April 2013 photo (shown below) as the Osprey nest at the top of one of the light poles in the ball fields near Cottonwood Park.
Congratulations to all who are now entered in a drawing for a $25 gift certificate from Bodacious Bites. The drawing will be held at the BMSA's May 21, 2013 meeting!
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
401 Arroyo Drive Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at |
How-To Festival
- 20 things,
- 2 hours,
- 1 day
- 100% free
Saturday, June 8th, 10 am to 12 pm
The Parachute Branch Library is hosting the first annual How-To Festival on Saturday, June 8th from 10 am to 12 pm.
It's the perfect opportunity for our community to come together, learn, and have a great time - all for free.
The Library will showcase hobbyists, business leaders, and entrepreneurs, who want to share their talents and knowledge. The festival will include demonstrations in:
- Ancestry / Genealogy
- Basket making
- Bee and honey information
- Bike obstacle course
- BBQ and grilling
- Children's activity garden
- Energy saving
- Firearms and defense
- Flower arranging
- Fly tying
- Gross slime making
- Hair braiding
- Jewelry making
- Puppetry
- Salsa making
- Spinning
- Summer reading program sign up
- Tae Kwon Do
- Technology
- Tie dye
- And more!
For more information call the Library at 970.285.9870
Grand Valley Fire Protection District Orders a New 100' Platform
The Grand Valley Protection District recently announced that they have placed an order for the purchase of a new Pierce 100' Platform Aerial Apparatus (fire truck). (Example shown above).
The district has been planning for the purchase of the new platform for the past several years and has spent many hours evaluating the district's platform needs and how the new, custom built, platform should be equipped. The new platform cost $1,166,000 and has been fully prepaid.
The new platform was made necessary, in part, by the age of the equipment that it will replace and by the need to safely reach the three story structures in the fire district.
Pierce Manufacturing, a specialty fire equipment manufacturing firm based in Appleton, WI, will build the new platform.
Delivery is expected about January 1st 2014.
Little Known Facts
Warner Communications paid $28 million for the copyright to the song Happy Birthday.
The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armor raised their visors to reveal their identity.
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Dates to Remember
- Battlement Mesa Service Association Board of Directors Meeting - May 21st at 9 a.m.
- Common Ground Meeting at the GVRC - May 22th at 4 p.m.
- BMMD Board of Directors Meeting at the BMMD office - May 23rd at 9:00 a.m.
- Grand Valley Economic Development Committee Meeting - May 23rd at 1:00 p.m.
- KSUN Board of Directors Meeting at the GVRC - May 28th at 4 p.m.
- "Brave" at Movies Under the Stars - May 31st at dusk at the GVRC
- Community Conversations at the GVRC- June 4th at 1:00 p.m.
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Question: I recently received a 1st Letter of Non-Compliance Warning from the Battlement Mesa Service Association because I neglected to bring my trash cart in within the prescribed time.
I fully understand the need for and respect the reasons behind our covenants but some times I question why they need to be so vigorously enforced, especially when it is something as trivial as leaving your trash cart out for an extra day or two.
Sure, the trash carts aren't attractive but outside of that, what does it really hurt?
Answer: You aren't the first person to ask this question.
The trash cart covenant is part of the regulations dating back to when the Battlement Mesa Planned Unit Development was formed. It is impossible to know with certainty, exactly what the authors of the regulations had in mind when the provision was written. Nevertheless, I can think of at least three reasons why trash carts were addressed in Battlement Mesa's protective covenants.
1. Trash carts aren't complimentary to the general appearance of a community.
2. Although trash carts have lids, the lids aren't very secure and frequently trash carts are over filled. As a result, the trash is either spilled or blown out of the trash container causing further unsightliness.
3. Black bears. I recently read an article in the Post Independent which described the reality of living with black bears.
Ashley Nettles, a U.S. Forest Service wildlife biologist, described bears as "forest generalists" and explained that they will live anywhere they can find food and shelter--the things that they need in order to survive. Nettles referred to bears as "opportunists." According to Nettles, "Bears are so intelligent that once they learn about human food sources, they will start looking for it."
From a bear's perspective, trash carts are a great food source meaning that it is an easy food source for them. The Post Independent article quotes wildlife officials as saying that, "They're amazed by the number of people who still leave their trash out overnight." The article further explains that Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials operate with a two-strikes rule. The first time a bear becomes a nuisance to humans, it will be tagged and relocated. When the bear returns a second time, the officials are forced to use a "hands-on" approach to bear control; they have to kill the animal.
So, help us save the bears. Please put your trash cart out on the morning of pickup and return it to the safety of your garage on the evening of the day of pickup.
(The regulations actually state that you can put your trash cart out up to 12 hours before the day of pick up and must bring it in within 12 hours after).