BMSA Annual Report to Members
The Battlement Mesa Service Association's 2012-2013 Annual Meeting of the Members will be held on Thursday, April 18, 2012 at the Grand Valley Recreation Center.
The Annual Meeting begins at 6:30 PM with a lite evening meal. The Meeting will begin at 7 PM.
Discussion Topics Include:
- Introduction of the Board of Directors, Association Management and Guests
- Review of the 2012 Financial Report
- Review of the 2013 Budget
- 2012 Achievements
- 2013 Goals
- 2013 Wild Fire Season- Grand Valley Fire Protection District
- Questions and Answers
If you own property in Battlement Mesa you are a member of the Battlement Mesa Service Association, thus this is your association's annual meeting. The BMSA's 14 member board of directors makes decisions that impact our community. This important meeting is the board's opportunity to hear from you and to report to you on the successes of 2012 and to discuss their 2013 goals.
You are encouraged to attend. IT'S FREE! |
KSUN Annual Meeting and Dinner
Do you have your tickets to the KSUN Community Radio Annual Meeting and Dinner? If not, time is running out.
ESPN NFL Insider and Fantasy Football Expert, Cecil Lammey will share his insights on the upcoming NFL season and answer your Broncos questions or your football draft inquiries.
When: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Where: Grand Valley Recreation Center
Tickets: Only $15. Available at Alpine Bank and the GVRC.
Event Includes Cash Bar and a Lasagna Dinner prepared by Alain Senac, former owner of Easy Cuisine
CLICK Here for more information about the Guest Speaker. |
Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet and Auction
Did you miss it? ...and the Winner is!
The Parachute/Battlement Mesa Chamber of Commerce "Mardi Gras Celebration" Annual Banquet and Auction was held on Saturday, March 16, 2013.
The well-attended, annual event was caterered by Bodacious Bites and offered a cash bar, silent and live auction, recognition for local individuals and firms and plenty of opportunities to mix and mingle with community leaders.
Master of Ceremonies, Dr. Bruce Hoggan conducted the fun-filled evening and was appropriately dressed for the evening.
This years Chamber event recognized:
- H-Dentistry - Small Business of the Year
- Encana - Large Business of the Year
- Jerry Mohrlang - Volunteer of the Year
- Common Ground - Organization of the Year
Congratulations Winners!
The silent and live auctions, which followed the Awards Ceremony, resulted in some (mostly) friendly competition for the auction items.
The auction items included several highly sought-after items which attracted many bidders who seemed determined to top all other bids. As usual, the Grand Valley Wrestling Team (who volunteer their labor as a fund raiser for the club) received the highest bid of the night.
The Chamber uses the funds raised by the auction to help pay for the Chambers community activities including Oktoberfest. |
The 20th Annual Colorado River Scramble Golf Tournament
Love Golf?
Check out the 20th Annual Colorado River Scramble Golf Tournament which will be held on May 18th, 2013 at the Battlement Mesa Golf Club.
The event is hosted by the Grand Valley/Parachute Kiwanis Foundation. Proceeds from the tournament are exclusively used for the benefit of the youth of the community.
For more information contact Charles Hall, 970.285.1553 or Thom Hamick, 970.285.2550
Options to support the event include:
- Player - $100. Play in the tournament
- Contributor - Provide financial support or items for the raffle or prizes
- Silver Sponsor - $125. Promote your company on a tee or green
- Gold Sponsor - $200. One player plus promote your company on a tee or green.
- Platinum Sponsor - $2500. Eight players plus significant on course promotion of your firm.
2013 Insiders' Guide
Watch for the 2013 Insiders' Guide for Battlement Mesa - Parachute which will be distributed in early June.
If you would like to promote your business or your organization in the Insiders' Guide, please contact Keith Lammey at 970.285.7482 or Alyssa Ohnmacht at 970.963.2373. Space reservatons are due May 1st and final art is due May 6th. Don't miss out! |
Covenant Corner
In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore Article VIII, section 8.19 Restrictions on Walls, Fences, Planters and Hedges.
The original 8.19 from the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa that was adopted August 5, 1991 was modified by the Fifth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa.
As stated in the Fifth Amendment, Restrictions on Walls, Fences, Planters and Hedges says, "No wall, fence, planter or hedge in excess of two feet (2') in height which restricts view shall be erected or maintained nearer to the front lot line of any Site than the front building setback line of such Site. No front, side, or rear fence, wall, or hedge shall be more than six feet (6") high above grade. No fence shall be of wire or chain link construction with the exception of a pet enclosure of chain link or plant protection of welded wire."
If you are making plans for landscape changes to your property, you are encouraged to follow the above restriction and avoid potential conflicts with your neighbors and the BMSA.
Whenever you are in doubt about what is allowed, please ask.
Please remember that sub-associations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA. Also, residents of Canyon View, Mesa Ridge and Valley View Townhomes and Condos must remember that their property is generally limited to the outside of the foundation walls of their home. Everything else is common area.
More detail on these and other covenant regulation are AVAILABLE HERE or on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com. |
Do You Know Where This Was Taken?
How well do you know our community? Test yourself against others.
If you think that you know what the following photo is and where it was taken email us at BMSA@BattlementMesaColorado.com. Correct replies will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift certificate from Bodacious Bites in Saddleback Center.
(What, you haven't eaten at Bodacious Bite yet? You should!)
Congratulations to Judith Hayward, (Parachute) for identifying the March 2013 photo (shown below) as the McKay/Wassam cabin behind the Parachute Battlement Mesa Park and Recreation District office at 259 Cardinal Way in Parachute. Congratulations Judi! A $25 gift certificate from Bodacious Bites is headed your way!
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
401 Arroyo Drive Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at |
Grand Valley Hikers Announce the 2013 Hiking Schedule
Grand Valley Hikers is a totally volunteer group who enjoy the outdoors and all that it has to offer. The group meets every Thursday on the 3rd level of the Grand Valley Recreation Center parking lot at 8:15 AM to assemble and car pool for their 8:30 AM departure. Hikers of all levels are welcomed and there are certain to be others who want to hike at your pace.
This year's hikes include a vast selection of hikes plus three camping trips. Their April and May hikes include the Main Canyon Hike, Palisade Rim, Dominquez Canyon, Pollack Bench/Flume, Mary's Loop, Liberty Cap and Echo Canyon Loop. The May camping trip (May 5 - 10) is to the Goblin Valley/San Rafael Swell/Green River area.
For more information and a complete list of the 2013 weekly hiking trips, contact Carmen and Art Litschewski or gather at the GVRC parking lot on Thursday morning at 8:15 AM. The club advises that hikers should always bring water, lunch, hat, sunscreen insect repellant, a basic first aid kit and rain gear. Additionally, they recommend that all hikers purchase a Colorado Outdoor Search and Rescue Card. The cost is nominal and it covers you for costs incurred by volunteer search and rescue teams authorized by local sheriffs in the event you need hep. |
Little Known Facts
Because of the speed at which Earth moves around the Sun, it is impossible for a solar eclipse to last more than 7 minutes and 58 seconds.
A comet's tail always points away from the sun. | | |
Dates to Remember |
- KSUN Community Radio Annual Meeting and Fundraiser - April 11th at 6 p.m.
- Battlement Mesa Service Association Board of Directors Meeting - April 16th at 9 a.m.
- BMSA Annual Meeting and Dinner - April 18th at 6:30 p.m.
- Common Ground Meeting at the GVRC- April 24th at 4 p.m.
- Battlement Mesa Metro District Board of Directors Meeting - April 25th at 9 a.m.
- KSUN Board of Directors Meeting - April 30th, 4 p.m.
- Grand Valley/Parachute Kiwanis Foundation 20th Annual Colorado River Scramble Golf Tournament - May 17th
- Community Conversations - May 7th at 1 p.m.
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![](https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/ui/stock2/podium_man.jpg) FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Question: Recently I ended up waiting on I-70 in Glenwood Canyon for a very long time while CDOT highway crews cleared the roadway of large rocks and boulders. As a long time resident of Western Colorado, I know that sometimes this happens but I usually get frustrated waiting for the highway to open. A neighbor of mine said that you can sign up for some sort of an alert so that you are forewarned of highway closures and other Garfield County emergencies. How do I do that?
Answer: You heard correct. There is a Garfield County emergency notification system and it is free.
The Garfield County Emergency Communications Authority has implemented a state of the art emergency notification system to alert citizens of emergencies that may affect them and also provide community news when needed. The Everbridge system enables the Public Safety Agencies in Garfield County to quickly provide information in a variety of situations; fires, floods, road closures or evacuations. Compared to the older model of this system, "Reverse 911", that can only deliver messages to a landline phone, the Everbridge system can deliver messages any way you want; on your VoIP phone, cell phone, email and more! You can opt to receive not only emergent messages, but also community alerts, such as air quality, crime alerts, fire information and major road closures. It is easy to sign up and it is FREE! To register, visit the Garfield County Emergency Communications Authority's website at www.garco911.org.