First Annual Battlement Mesa Winter Fest The First Annual Battlement Mesa Winter Fest was held at the Battlement Mesa Golf Course on Saturday, January 26, 2013. Yes, it rained but it didn't keep people away! What, you didn't go? From the crowd that I saw, I was sure that everyone from Battlement Mesa was at Battlement Mesa's First Annual Winter Fest.
It is true, the weather didn't cooperate but it sure didn't seem to have much of an impact on the turn out or, if it did discourage people from attending, many others weren't deterred by the damp weather. After all, it was a Winter Fest so winter weather should be expected. It couldn't quite decide whether it was going to rain or whether it should snow on Saturday January 26th. For part of the day, it was so foggy that you could barely tell what it was doing unless you were out in it. Nevertheless, the First Annual Battlement Mesa Winter Fest drew a crowd and, based on my sampling, it was a happy crowd. It seemed like there was something for everyone. The horse team and wagon ranked high on everyone's list regardless of age. The horse drawn wagon didn't leave the Golf Course Club House with an empty seat all evening. Some of the participants looked a little damp at the completion of their sojourn around the golf course but they were still all smiles upon the return. And, the face painting drew a huge crowd. For a minute, I thought that it must be Halloween due to all of the artistically painted faces. I soon realized, though, that there were no ghosts or goblins - just happy faces.
Bodacious Bites stayed busy all night serving chili...boy, did they make the right call on the food. It was a great night for chili. The chilly damp weather just shouted out ,"so where is the chili?"
If the chili didn't quite take away the chill then most likely the mulled wine by the bonfire surely must have. Of course, an event like the First Annual Battlement Mesa Winter Fest wouldn't be complete without a photographer being present to capture the spirit of the event on film...well, not film really, but you know what I mean. Area photographer, Lynn Shore stepped up for the photography duties. You can view a selection of Lynn's photos on the website. Click Here to View the Slide Show
The Winter Fest, which was free, was brought to you by Battlement Mesa Company. Thanks Battlement Mesa Company! |
Community Conversations
Did I overhear you say that you have some great ideas about what Battlement Mesa and Parachute "should do?" Even if I didn't hear you say that, you must have some great ideas and even if you don't have great ideas - yet - we encourage you to go "brain storm" with others as a monthly participant in the Parachute/Battlement Mesa "Community Conversation."
You've probably seen the sandwich boards and you've probably even thought that you should attend. Don't procrastinate. Just Do It!
Join the group of residents that meet in the Parachute Branch Library on the first Tuesday of every month at 2 PM to discuss and exchange ideas on issues that are important to residents. The meetings are informal and all perspectives and ideas are not only welcomed but are encouraged. Their motto seems to be, "Let's make Battlement Mesa and Parachute an even better place."
Community Conversation is moderated by long time and well-known resident, Lynn Shore.
The March Community Conversation meeting will be held on March 5th when Cultural Heritage Tourism will be discussed. |
Remember Your Valentine! Valentine's Day is February 14th!
Time is running out! Unless you've already done your "good deeds" for Valentine's Day, you're about out of time so, we have a suggestion. How about a nice dinner out?
We don't have all of the details but it is our understanding that both, the 35th Avenue Cafe Bar and Bodacious Bites are offering a Valentine's Day Special. Take advantage of some, undoubtedly great food, avoid the long drive and, keep your money working in the community. Dine out on Valentine's Day and Dine locally.
For more information call:
Bodacious Bites, 71 Tamarisk Trail, at 970.285.0117.
35th Avenue Cafe Bar 73 Sipprelle Drive, Ste. A, at 970.285.0133.
Watch for Details Coming Soon!
The Battlement Mesa Service Association will soon announce the details of the Annual Meeting of Members. We can't share the details yet but we promise you an all new format to compliment the all new date. |
Covenant Corner
In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore Article VIII, paragraph 8.6 No Unsightliness. And, because they are closely related, also discuss 8.7, Restrictions on Garbage and Trash.
8.6 No Unsightliness is a short but a very comprehensive covenant regulation.
"No Unsightliness. All unsightly conditions, structures, facilities, equipment, objects and conditions shall be enclosed within a structure, including snow removal equipment and garden or maintenance equipment, except when actually in use."
This simple one sentence rule isn't specific enough to give the reader much clarity about what constitutes unsightliness. The use of the word "all" combined with "conditions, structures, facilities, equipment and objects" covers almost any aspect of property. As residents, it is difficult to know precisely when certain condition of our property crosses the threshold from being "okay" to being "unsightly." It has been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so I suppose that the opposite is also true, that is, that "unsightliness" depends on who is viewing it. And, folks, that is where the problem is.
Generally and unofficially I think that the board of directors would take a position that if, the average resident "thinks something is unsightly then it probably is."
8.7 Restrictions on Garbage and Trash was covered in the February 2012 Newsletter; however, since it is somewhat related to 8.6 and because it continues to be our most violated covenant, perhaps a review of the rule on garbage and trash is appropriate.
8.7 says, "No refuse, garbage, trash, lumber, grass, shrub or tree clippings, plant waste, compost, metal, bulk materials, scrap, refuse or debris of any kind shall be kept, stored or allowed to accumulate on any part of the Service Association Area, except within an enclosed structure or appropriately screened from view, except that any container containing such materials may be placed outside at proper times for garbage or trash pickup."
First, it is important to note that the Service Association Area means any area within the Battlement Mesa Planned Unit Development (PUD).
Secondly, since Article VIII, paragraph 8.7 doesn't define "placed outside at proper times," on December 20, 2005 the BMSA Board of Directors adopted a Resolution of Rules and Regulations which explains this term. This section of the Resolution says,
"a. The proper time to place the container outside for pickup is no sooner than twelve (12) hours prior to trash pickup and; b. The proper time to return the container to its storage area is no later than twelve (12) hours after trash pickup."
Please remember that sub-associations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA. Also, residents of Canyon View, Mesa Ridge and Valley View Townhomes and Condos must remember that their property is generally limited to the outside of the foundation walls of their home. Everything else is common area.
More detail on these and other covenant regulation are AVAILABLE HERE or on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com. |
Do You Know Where This Was Taken?
How well do you know our community? Test yourself against others.
If you think that you know what the following photo is and where it was taken email us at BMSA@BattlementMesaColorado.com. Correct replies will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift certificate from the 35th Avenue Cafe and Bar.
January's photo (shown below) wasn't identified so we weren't able to give away the $25 gift certificate. Perhaps it shouldn't be a surprise that we weren't able to award the gift certificate because this isn't the view that we all know and think of when we think of Mt. Callahan, but it is a photo of the north side of Mt. Callahan taken from about 8800 ft. MSL.
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
401 Arroyo Drive Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at |
The BMSA is Looking for a Few Great Volunteers
As many of you know, about two years ago the BMSA reorganized its committee structure and now has seven committees.
These committees are:
- Architectural Review/Covenants
- Oil and Gas
- Public Works
- Public & Community Relations
- POST (Parks, Open Space, Trails)
- Finance
- Planning
All of the BMSA committees now have formal written charters which describe the purpose of the committee and their key responsibilities.
The BMSA committees consist of five volunteers and each committee must have at least one board member but not more than two board members thus the committee's majority always favors non-board members.
Due to some recently turnover we now have open positions on the Finance, POST and the Public Works committees. If you have some time - it doesn't require a lot of time - and would like to "give back to the community," we would like to hear from you.
For more information and to read the committee charters, CLICK HERE. If you are interested in serving on one of our committees, CLICK HERE and complete our Volunteer Committee Information form. |
Meet Your Delegate
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs010/1107530842817/img/23.gif?a=1112422139013) Each Battlement Mesa Village is represented by an elected Delegate that serves on the Battlement Mesa Service Association Board of Directors. Delegates are elected to a three year term. Since there are no term limits for Delegates, frequently Delegates serve multiple terms.
This month we are introducing your new Tamarisk Village Delegate: Eric Short.
Tamarisk Village residents didn't have a delegate/board member for the past couple of years due to a variety of reasons. BMSA board members would say that it is important for all Villages to have a voice on the board and that it is wonderful to have a representative from Tamarisk Village.
Many residents, especially Tamarisk Village and residents of Canyon View, First Eagles Point HOA, Fairway Villas, Mesa Ridge Townhomes and Valley View will say, "I know Eric," when they read this, but more on that later.
Eric Short was born and raised in Grand Junction and considers the Grand Valley to be "his home." He likes it that way and, odds are, the Grand Valley will always be his home. Not only did Eric Short fall in love with the Grand Valley at a young age, but he also fell in love with his high school sweetheart who he ultimately married 25 years ago. Eric and his wife have two, per Eric, fantastic children. Their daughter is a Junior at Colorado Mesa University and their son is in 5th grade.
Following high school, Eric continued his education earning an AAS degree in Applied Science in Manufacturing Technology then continued on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management.
Following college, Eric spent seventeen years in Aerospace Manufacturing , primarily in "quality systems" including the last several years, in manufacturing, on the management side of quality systems.
For residents of the aforementioned Battlement Mesa Villages, it is highly likely that they will say, perhaps even out loud, "well, that explains it. I now understand why." What they're saying is that they've made the connection between Eric Short's drive to keep the landscape in their Villages "perfect" and his training and work experience in quality systems. In order for non-sub-associations residents to "connect the dots" you need to be told that Eric Short owns Baker and Associates Landscape Management, LLC and that Baker and Associates is under contract with the various villages as well as with the BMSA to provide all of the landscape management in these areas. So, for many residents of Battlement Mesa, Eric Short is their "master gardener."
In addition to providing much of the landscape services in Battlement Mesa, Eric also provides the trails snow plowing services and mows all of the right of ways during the summer.
Like many of our residents, Eric's first visit to Battlement Mesa involved a golf outing on the Battlement Mesa Golf Course in the late 1980's or early 1990's.
In addition to owning property in Tamarisk Village, since 2008, Eric has spent all of the landscape season working here. In an effort to raise the bar on the landscape management service that he provides to the community, Eric is currently enrolled in the Colorado Master Gardener program at Colorado State University-Tri-River Extension.
Welcome Aboard, Eric!
For information about Tamarisk Village, CLICK HERE.
The BMSA Board meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Battlement Mesa Activity Center. All of the BMSA meetings are open to the public.
Watch future Newsletters for articles about each of the Delegates!
Little Known Facts
Kites were used in the American Civil War to deliver letters and newspapers.
Zero is the only number that cannot be represented by Roman numerals. | | |
Dates to Remember |
- Anything Goes Art Show for Youth at the GVRC - February 4 -20th.
- Tackle it Tuesday (calling all quilters, stampers, needle crafters and scrapbookers) will be held at the Parachute Library - February 12th at 10 a.m.
- Reel Readers meet at the Parachute Library to discuss "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck - February 15th at 7 p.m.
- Battlement Mesa Service Association Board of Directors Meeting - February 19th at 9 a.m.
- First Eagles Point Annual Meeting at the Parachute Library - February 20th at 7 p.m.
- Common Ground meets at the GVRC - February 27th at 4 p.m.
- Community Conversations - March 5th at 2 p.m.
- Parachute/Battlement Mesa Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Banquet and Fund Raising Auction at the GVRC - March 16th at 5 p.m.
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![](https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/ui/stock2/podium_man.jpg) FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Question: This winter I've noticed Battlement Mesa Company's trucks plowing in the Town Plaza, Garfield County trucks plowing in some of the Villages and Battlement Parkway but ,in other Villages, some other company seems to do the plowing. I don't understand why Battlement Mesa Company doesn't do all of the plowing. Why not?
Answer: The short answer to your question is that it isn't Battlement Mesa Company's responsibility to do all of the plowing in Battlement Mesa. The longer answer is that who does the plowing is determined by the ownership of the asphalt that is being plowed.
Although you didn't mention it you may have also noticed that the school district plows its driveways and parking areas and even the Grand Valley Rec Center does its own plowing.
Battlement Mesa Company owns the Town Plaza, Saddleback Center, the apartments and some of the residential areas, including the streets in those areas, so they are responsible for plowing these areas. Garfield County owns Battlement Parkway, Spencer, Stone Quarry Road, as well as all of the streets in Tamarisk Village, Tamarisk Meadows, Monument Creek, Stone Ridge, Willow Creek, Battlement Creek and The Reserve. As the owner, Garfield County is obligated to plow these areas. In contrast, the streets in Canyon View, Valley View, First Eagles Point, Fairway Villas and Mesa Ridge are owned by each of these HOA sub-associations, therefore they hire contractors to plow in their respective villages.