BMAC becomes GVRC
The Battlement Mesa Activity Center, the "BMAC," will begin 2013 with a new name. Effective January 1, 2013 the 53,000 sq. ft. facility which we all know as the "BMAC" will become the Grand Valley Recreation Center, "GVRC."
Not to worry! Despite the name change, you will be greeted by the same friendly and capable staff providing the quality services that you have enjoyed in the past and can expect in the future. In fact, Anne Huber, Director of the center has emphasized that if you notice changes, it will be positive change. The center will continue to be owned and operated by the Battlement Mesa Metro District. The BMMD Board of Directors voted to change the name to Grand Valley Recreation Center to more properly reflect the area that is served by the center. One of the absolutely positive changes to the center is already occurring: The center is getting a new roof over the pool area. Funding for the new roof was provided by a grant from the Federal Mineral Lease District. |
West Parachute, Exit 72
The long hoped for and badly needed Exit 72 is now open. The official Grand Opening was held on October 31st but, in truth, the project was not quite completed.
Exit 72 was a dream come true for many in the community. One resident stated that he no longer says things "won't happen in my lifetime" because I was proven wrong by the construction of the West Parachute interchange.
Many thought the exit was unlikely, at best, and, if built it would be decades from now. Despite the difficulty of the task many supporters "shouldered on" and were able to craft a partnership for the funding of the $12 million project that has already eased congestion at the main I-70 Parachute interchange. Additionally, Exit 72 provides an important new access to the Parachute business park.
To view some of the Grand Opening Ceremony, click on the images below.
| I 70's New Exit 72, Parachute, CO 10 3112 1 |
| I 70's New Exit 72, Parachute, CO 10 31 12 2 |
Community Park Receives Additional Funding
In addition to the receiving over $10,000 from the September 29, 2012 2nd Annual Common Ground Community Golf Classic, the Parachute-Battlement Mesa Parks District was awarded a $350,000 Federal Mineral Lease District grant.
The new Community Park will be built on a 6.15 acre parcel adjacent to the Grand Valley Middle School. The "park parcel" was part of the approximately 35 acres that the District acquired from Battlement Mesa Company in 2007 in order to build the new school. As part of the transfer, Garfield County School District No. 16 provided a Public Park Easement on 6.15 acres of the approximately 35 acre tract. As a result of the easement, the 6 acres can only be used for a public park.
The Community Park project is a joint effort between the Parachute-Battlement Mesa Parks District, Common Ground, Battlement Mesa Company and the Battlement Mesa Service Association.
Over the course of the past year, the park's sponsors conducted an extensive survey of what the community wanted in their new park then worked with Connect One Design to create and evaluate three different designs for the park. After gathering public input at three public meetings, the sponsors approved a final project design for the 6.15 acre park. Click Here to view the latest Park Master Plan. Click Here to view the Park Play Area Enlargement.
In a Park Project presentation to Garfield County's Board of County Commissioners, Mary Anderson, Director of the Parks District, stated that the groups objective is to develop a park that is complementary to rather than duplicates the existing park facilities.
Jerry Mohrlang, a Common Ground leader and dedicated Community Park volunteer readily admits that the $350,000 Federal Mineral Lease District grant isn't enough funding to build the entire park which is expected to cost about $2,8 million. Nevertheless, Jerry and other are optimistic that additional sources of funding can be secured for the park.
Construction on the park is expected to begin in the Spring of 2013 and will consist of multiple construction phases. Actual completion of the multi-use Community Park substantially depends on how soon additional funding can be arranged. |
Battlement Mesa Service Association Approves 2013 Budget
The BMSA has approved the 2013 budget which projects total operating expenditures at $910,000. Of this total $195,500 will fund administrative expenses, $418, 400 will fund landscape maintenance expenses, $122,500 will fund street/bike path maintenance and $173,600 will fund trash services expenses. The $296/$148 per year HOA assessment rates are unchanged from 2012.
The three primary sources of the $910,000 of revenue are from a) $299,580 in common assessment (what each of us pay in HOA fees), b) $382,520 in developer common assessment (what Battlement Mesa Company pays in HOA fees and c) $147,700 from the trash assessment (collected from individuals who receive trash services from the BMSA). The remaining $80,200 in revenues comes from various sources including a Comcast franchise fee and donations.
In previous years, the BMSA held a Community Meeting to review the new budget, recap the current year's activities and answer questions from Members. Due to the low meeting attendence since the meeting was moved from March back to December, the BMSA board of directors has decided to delay the meeting until early 2013 in hopes that more people will be able to attend. |
Covenant Corner
In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore Service Association Properties -5.1-5.4 and General Restrictions Applicable to Property-8.5.
One of the least known and understood provisions of the Battlement Mesa covenants is the section regarding Service Association property.
a. General Use. The Community Open Space within the Service Association Area shall be available to the Members of the Service Association and their guests for their general use and benefit involving activities such as walking, hiking, jogging, bicycling, sight-seeing, nature watching, photography, etc. which do not adversely impact the Community Open Space environment. It is the intent of the Service Association that the Community Open Space be preserved in its natural, native condition absent of human disturbance, with the noted exceptions of the developed landscaped areas and utility systems facilities.
b. No Offensive or Hazardous Activities. No Member shall commit, or cause to be committed, any activity on the Community Open Space which is or may cause an embarrassment, or unreasonable disturbance or annoyance to others. No activity shall be conducted on the Community Open Space, which is or may cause there to be an unsafe or hazardous condition to any person or property, such as, but not limited to, hunting and the discharge of firearms, archery equipment and other weapons.
c. Restriction on Occupancy. No Member shall occupy, nor cause to be occupied, any portion of the Community Open space by construction of a fence, or other means, nor otherwise limit access to the Community Open Space by other Members, nor construct any improvements of facilities upon the Community Open Space.
d. Restriction on Removal of Native material. No Member shall remove, nor cause to be removed, any native material, such as, but not limited to, live trees, dead trees, cactus, wild flowers, other vegetative material, rock, soil or water from the Community Open Space.
e. Restriction on Planting. No gardens, flower beds, trees, shrubs or other planting of an kind of vegetation shall be permitted in the Community Open Space, with the noted exception of developed landscape improvements initiated by or approved by the Service Association.
f. Restrictions on Dumping and Storage. The Community Open Spaces shall not be used for the purpose of dumping or storing any material, such as, but not limited to, grass clippings, wood, rock, mulch, garbage, pet litter or other debris, nor shall the Community Open Space be used for the parking or storage of any vehicle, boat, trailer of other personal possessions.
g. Restriction on Motorized Vehicles. No motorized vehicles, such as, but not limited to, cars, trucks, motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles, are allowed on the Community Open Space at any time, with the noted exception of motorized wheelchairs and in the performance of their duties, authorized Service Association contractor and utility service vehicles and related equipment.
h. Restrictions on Mechanical Devices. personal mechanical devices, such as, but not limited to, bicycles, skateboards, scooters, and other similar non-motorized mechanical devices are permitted on the Community Open Space, provided, however, that their operation shall be confined to paved surfaces and operated in a safe manner yielding to pedestrian use.
i. Restriction on Fires. No man-made open fires of any sort are permitted on the Community Open Space, including, but not limited to, barbecue grills, campfires, debris burning or fireworks.
j. Restriction on Camping. No camping, nor the erection of any tent, camper or other portable structure, shall be permitted on the Community Open Space.
Please remember that subassociations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA. Also, residents of Canyon View, Mesa Ridge and Valley View Townhomes and Condos must remember that their property is generally limited to the outside of the foundation walls of their home. Everything else is common area.
More detail on these and other covenant regulation are AVAILABLE HERE or on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com. |
KSUN Christmas Gala
The board of directors of KSUN, 103.9 FM would like to thank everyone that attended this important fundraiser.
This year's Gala featuring great food, music and dancing was held on Saturday, December 1st at the BMAC. Funds raised by the Gala are critical to the continued operation of our non-profit FM station. If you missed the Gala but still want to contribute funds, please contact Anne Huber or Mary Lee Mohrlang.
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
P. O. Box 6006
401 Arroyo Drive
Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at |
You're Invited to Join the Conversation...The "Community Conversations" December 12, 2012, 7 PM
Don't miss a chance to share your views, argue your point or just discuss Battlement Mesa and Parachute issues that interest or concern you.
The December Community Conversations will explore and discuss ideas to increase economic activity in our community. The November meeting discussed ideas for a "Signature Event."
Long time resident and community leader, Lynn Shore is the moderator of these discussions.
Community Conversations meets at 7 PM on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the GarCo Branch Library in Parachute.
All area residents are encouraged to attend. |
Meet Your Delegate
 Each Battlement Mesa Village is represented by an elected Delegate that serves on the Battlement Mesa Service Association Board of Directors. Delegates are elected to a three year term. Since there are no term limits for Delegates, frequently Delegates serve multiple terms.
This month, we are introducing Bernita Grove, the Monument Creek Delegate. Click Here for Monument Creek Information.
Monument Creek Village elected Ms. Bernita Grove as their Delegate in early 2012 after Dora Rayne moved from Battlement Mesa and resigned from the position.
Bernita has been a Battlement Mesa resident since June 2004 and is a 2nd generation resident of Colorado. Prior to her retirement she was a school administrator, middle and high school principal and taught English and Speech. She spent the majority of her career on Colorado's Front Range in Westminster and Boulder but also worked for a few years at Bend Senior High School in Bend, Oregon.
Bernita earned her BA and Administration degrees from Colorado State University and her MA from the University of Denver. She is an avid gardener and loves to read. When she was asked why she was willing to volunteer her time to serve as the Monument Creek Delegate, she replied, "because I love my neighborhood" and that "it is a good way to give back to the community."
As a member of the BMSA board and the Monument Creek Delegate Bernita. in addition to her other duties, volunteered to lead the BMSA's participation in last August's National Night Out,
The BMSA Board meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Battlement Mesa Activity Center. All of the BMSA meetings are open to the public.
Watch future Newsletters for articles about each of the Delegates!
Little Known Facts
Google has become a familiar word to nearly everyone in the civilized world, but did you know that "Google" is actually the common name for a number with a million zeros?
Did you know that the song, Auld Lang Syne, is sung at the stroke of midnight in almost every English-speaking country in the world to bring in the new year?
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Dates to Remember |
- Community Cnversations - December 12th
- Battlement Mesa Service Association Board of Directors Meeting - December 20th
- New Years Eve - December 31, 2012
- New Years Day -January 1st.
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 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
| The prior issue of Battlement Mesa News asked rather than answered a Frequently Asked Question. We're pleased to report that we found the answer. |
Question: What's the deal with all of the beautifully maintained little bird houses that exist throughout Battlement Mesa? There must be hundreds of them.
Answer: The cute little bird houses that we've all noticed throughout Battlement Mesa are Blue Bird houses. Gene Pickett, a resident of Mesa Ridge Village, in conjunction with the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife and several additional volunteers are responsible for the Blue Bird, bird houses.
This group of approximately 170 local Blue Bird houses are part of about 5,000 Blue Bird houses in Colorado. Gene and a team of serveral volunteers monitor nearly 115 of the 170 bird houses in our area. Although Blue Birds are not on the endangered species list, much of their natural habitat has been lost due to fires. The Blue Bird project is part of a larger wildlife rescue effort.
The project is administered by volunteers and funded by contributions and grants. If you would like to contribute funds or join the volunteer effort, call Gene Pickett at 970.285.1538. For more information look for the article in the upcoming Grand Valley Echo.