OktoberFest 2012
Judging from the crowd that attended, it's fair to say that OktoberFest 2012 was a trememdous success. If you didn't attend you missed some great fun. If you attended you'll no doubt recall that it, indeed, felt like October but the cool temperatures didn't seem to dampen anyone's spirits.
OktoberFest seems to have something for everyone. The kids loved the "bump n' jump" and the face painting. Music by Exit 42 seemed to be well received by the crowd and several even danced. | OktoberFest, 2012, Battlement Mesa Parachute, Colorado |
Stallion Oilfield Services came prepared with plenty of cooking power and Battlement Mesa Company's staff did a great job in serving the "grub." The two Alpine Bank employees that were the artistic talent at the two face painting tables were kept busy all night with a long line of youngster's seeking face painting services.
Once darkness joined the already chilly air, the night sky was filled with lots of beautiful (and noisy) fireworks. Some reported that the fireworks were the best ever. OktoberFest owes its success to a combined effort of many local organizations including, the Chamber, Stallion Oilfield Services, Battlement Mesa Company, Encana, Alpine Bank, Wells Fargo, the Battlement Mesa Service Association and many others.
Quilt Show
The Grand Valley Sew and Sew Quilters filled the Historic Battlement Schoolhouse and then some with many "drop dead" gorgeous quilts during their annual quilt show (and competition) held on September 29th & 30th.
The sign at the entrance to the historic Battlement Mesa Schoolhouse was non-descript and understated, but upon entering the Grand Valley Sew and Sew Quilt Show on September 29th & 30th, visitors were in for a huge surprise. The schoolhouse was, not only "wall to wall" with beautiful quilts but even over flowed to the outside.
This years winners were:
- "Paper Dolls" by Shawnee Barnes, Quilt Maker and Quilted By
- "Out on a Limb" by Mary Galterio, Quilt Maker and Laurie Gerse, Quilted By
- "Feather Fans" by Mary Sheppelman, Quilt Maker and Quilted By
What, you didn't go? Not to worry. Click below to see the video.
| Battlement Mesa Quilt Show, September 28 29, 2012 |
For more information about the Grand Valley Sew and Sew, click here. |
Community Golf Classic...Fund Raiser for the Community Park
The 2nd Annual Community Golf Classic was held on September 29, 2012 at the Battlement Mesa Golf Club. Like last year's event, it was a "swinging" success.
This annual Community Park fund raiser, organized by Common Ground, was nearly a sell out.
The weather was a perfect fall day. The morning was crisp but quickly warmed up. The sunshine was plentiful and the winds ranged from non-existent to light.
Sure, the event raised several thousand dollars for the park (no finally tally yet) but equally important, the golfers not only enjoyed a great day of golf but won many nice prizes.
The grand prize was a gas grill donated by Battlement Mesa Company's True Value. Although the date for the 3rd Annual Community Golf Classic hasn't been chosen yet, mark your calendars for late September 2013.
Click on the image below to watch the video.
| 2012 Community Golf Classic.mov |
Covenant Corner
In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore political signs...'tis the season!
Like politics generally, most people either love those political signs that pop up every political season or they hate them. There aren't very many people that are in between the two extremes. Regardless of how you feel about political signs, they are allowed, with certain restrictions.
Political signs are covered in a couple of different places in our covenants but the best explanation of the rules governing political signs is in a Resolution that was adopted on December 20, 2005.
Paragraph 6, (b) states, "A resident may display political signs on that resident's residence, subject to the following restrictions as required by Colorado Revised Statute title 38-33.3-106.5. - The maximum size of the sign is thirty-six by forty-eight (36 x 48) inches.
- A resident may display one sign per political office, per ballot issue and per ballot recall issue.
- The sign(s)may be displayed inside a window of the resident's residence and / or may be displayed in a yard of the resident's residence.
- The sign(s) must be six feet from any curb or street and must not obstruct traffic view.
- The top edge of a yard sign may be no higher than four feet above the ground.
- The sign(s) may be posted no earlier than forty-five (45) days before the pertinent election and must be removed within seven (7) days after the election.
Some long-time residents may recall that between August 20, 2002 and when the above Resolution was adopted, political signs were allowed on BMSA or BMSA maintained property at three locations. These three locations were (1) The north side of North Battlement Parkway where it intersects West Battlement Parkway, (2) The east side of Stone Quarry Road where it intersects South Battlement Parkway and (3) The west side of Spencer Parkway where it intersects North Battlement Parkway. Please be aware that this section was eliminated from the December 20, 2005 Resolution, thus political signs are no longer permitted at these locations.
Please remember that subassociations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA. Also, residents of Canyon View, Mesa Ridge and Valley View Townhomes and Condos must remember that their property is generally limited to the outside of the foundation walls of their home. Everything else is common area.
More detail on these and other covenant regulation are AVAILABLE HERE or on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com. |
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
P. O. Box 6006
401 Arroyo Drive
Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at |
You're Invited to Join the Conversation...The "Community Conversations" October 10, 2012
Here is your chance to share your views, argue your point or just discuss Battlement Mesa and Parachute issues that interest or concern you.
In the past, our community held monthly Community Coffee's where residents could enjoy coffee and doughnuts and find out about community developments.
The new Community Conversations are like the Community Coffee events to the extent that residents will have an opportunity to interact, participate and ask questions, but there is a critical difference. Community Conversations is a forum where the participants - alone - will decide what they want to talk about and what they like or don't like, then will formulate a plan or strategy to do something about whatever it is that they like or don't like, provided a consensus can be reached.
The kick-off Community Conversations will be held in the Community Room at the Garfield County Library in Parachute on Wednesday, October 10, 2012 at 7 PM.
Long time resident and community leader, Lynn Shore will moderate the discussions and all topics are welcome. At the initial meeting, attendees will identify at least 12 topics of interest which will be scheduled for discussion at the upcoming monthly Community Conversations.
All area residents are encouraged to attend.
For More Information CLICK HERE. |
Meet Your Delegate
 Each Battlement Mesa Village is represented by an elected Delegate that serves on the Battlement Mesa Service Association Board of Directors. Delegates are elected to a three year term. Since there are no term limits for Delegates, frequently Delegates serve multiple terms.
This month, we are introducing Keith Lammey, the Mesa Ridge Townhome Association's Delegate. Click Here for Mesa RidgeInformation.
Many local residents don't know Keith Lammey by name but just know him as the guy with the Canon camera with the long lens. He often appears, when least expected, with a couple of cameras, a camera bag and a tripod in tow. People often ask, "What happens to all of those photos?" Perhaps no one really knows for sure but several of them seem to find there way onto www.BattlementMesaColorado.com, into this Newsletter, on YouTube, The Insiders' Guide and sometimes have appeared in the Grand Valley Echo and elsewhere.
Keith Lammey became active in the community fairly soon after moving to Battlement Mesa in 2005. He served a three year term as a member of the Mesa Ridge Townhome Association's board of directors and is in his fourth year as the Mesa Ridge BMSA Delegate. Presently, Keith is the President of the BMSA board.
In addition to his BMSA duties Keith serves on the Grand Valley Fire Protection District's board where he is Vice President, serves on the Garfield County Board of Adjustments, represents Battlement Mesa at the Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado (AGNC) meetings, and participates in Garfield County's quarterly "Mayor's Meetings" hosted by Commissioner Samson. Keith is also on the Grand Valley Economic Development Committee, leads the BMSA's Public and Community Relations Committee, is a member of the Parachute-Battlement Mesa Chamber of Commerce and is a Common Ground volunteer and serves as Battlement Mesa's Public Information Officer (PIO).
Keith is a Colorado native and was raised on a cattle ranch on the Eagle River between Eagle and Gypsum but moved to Wyoming with his family during his high school years. After high school, he attended the University of Wyoming at Laramie, Wyoming where he earned a bachelor of science degree in Business Administration.
After college, Keith joined "Corporate America" and worked primarily in treasury, finance and credit roles in Cheyenne and Denver for California Liquid Gas Corporation (now Amerigas), Halliburton Services, Petro-Lewis Corporation, Total Petroleum and later, in Albuquerque, for Cardinal Health. In 2002, Keith started Elk Peaks Consulting Group, Ltd., an association and property management firm.
Keith is married to Susan Farrell, a LISW, Senior Social Worker for the University of New Mexico's Counseling Assistance & Referral Services (CARS), has an adult daughter and two teen age grand daughters. In addition to photography, Keith's hobbies include classic cars and flying. He is a licensed private pilot.
The BMSA Board meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Battlement Mesa Activity Center. All of the BMSA meetings are open to the public.
Watch future Newsletters for articles about each of the Delegates!
Little Known Fact
How many people do you need to have together in a room before there is a greater than 50% probability that two of them have birthdays on the same month and day of the year?
The answer, believe it or not, is just 23! | | |
Dates to Remember |
- Community Cnversations - October 10th
- Stone Ridge Village Annual Meeting- October 16th, 7 PM
- Monument Creek Village Annual Meeting - October 17th, 7 PM
- Tamarisk Village Annual Meeting - October 18th, 7 PM
- PEO Chapter IW's Fall Fashion Show - October 20th
- Battlement Creek/The Reserve Annual Meeting - October 23rd, 7 PM
- Willow Creek Village Annual Meeting - October 24th, 6:30 PM
- Tamarisk Meadows Annual Meeting - October 25th, 7 PM
- Kiwanis 24th Annual Food Drive for Lift Up - October 27th
- Election Day - November 6th
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 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
| Usually we answer a question in this column but this time we're seeking an answer from anyone that knows. |
Question: What's the deal with all of the beautifully maintained little bird houses that exist throughout Battlement Mesa? There must be hundreds of them.