National Night Out The Garfield County Sheriff's Office and the Battlement Mesa Service Association are hosting Battlement Mesa's National Night Out on Tuesday, August 7th from 4 PM to 7 PM.
 Battlement Mesa's National Night Out offering a Free BBQ, Free Fun and a Great Learning Experience for both children and adults will be held in Battlement Plaza, 71 Sipprelle Drive, from 4 PM to 7 PM on Tuesday, August 7th.
 National Night Out strives to heighten crime prevention awareness, build support and participation in local anticrime efforts, strengthen civic pride and neighborhood spirit through police-community partnerships in order to let criminals know that local communities are organized against crime.
In addition to participation from the Sheriff's Office and the BMSA, this year's event is coordinating with the Parachute Police Department, Grand Valley Fire Protection District, the Colorado Department of Transportation, St. Mary's Hospital, and others to showcase vehicles and equipment and to share information and exhibits about community services.  This year's displays and exhibits will include the County's All Hazards Response Team "BearCat" rescue and response vehicle, along with their Crisis Negotiation Team and their negotiation vehicle, "Green Machine," a patrol vehicle and a police cruiser, a K-9 demonstration, Grand Valley Fire trucks, and firefighting gear and their climbing wall, and a Loomis armored truck.  The McGruff "Crime Dog, a children's favorite, is also expected.
The Battlement Mesa Service Association is featuring a youth educational theater tent where short presentations on prevention, safety and educational segments will be featured throughout the event.
And, while you are at National Night Out, be sure to check out the Motorcycle, Car and Truck "show and shine" exhibit which will include a rare Mustang (one of 251 cars built of a specific Mustang model) as well as a 1990 Corvette ZR-1 (one of 7,000 ZR-1's built between 1990 and 1995).
Battlement Mesa will be one of approximately 15,000 US communities participating in the the 29th Annual National Night Out. |
Wildland Fire Prevention Tips
Despite some recent rains, wildland fires are always a risk to residents of Colorado's Western Slope, including Battlement Mesa? If you are concerned about the possibility of a wildland fire and want to reduce the probability of having your home go "up in smoke" you may want to create an effective defensible space around your home. Fire professionals usually recommend six action steps. Step 1. Create Defensible Space. The size of the defensible space area is usually expressed as a distance extending outward from the sides of the house and is determined by the type of wildland vegetation growing near the house and the steepness of the surrounding terrain. Step 2. Remove Dead Vegetation. Dead vegetation including dead trees and shrubs, dead branches lying on the ground or still attached to living plants, dried grass, flowers and weeds, dropped leaves and needles as well as stacks of firewood should be removed from near your home. Step 3. Remove Continuous Dense Ground Cover. Sometimes wildland plants can occur as an uninterrupted layer of vegetation as opposed to being patchy or widely spaced individual plants The more continuous and dense the vegetation, the greater the wildfire threat. Step 4. Remove all "ladder fuels." Within the defensible space vegetation is often present at varying heights, similar to the rungs of a ladder. Under these conditions, flames from fuels burning at ground level, such as thick layer of pine needles, can be carried to shrubs which can ignite still higher fuels like tree branches. Step 5. Surround your home with "Lean, Clean, and Green." The area immediately adjacent to your house is particularly important in terms of an effective defensible space Choose a lean amount of flammable vegetation, clean vegetation of flammable debris and plant, green healthy plants. Step 6. Regularly Maintain your Defensible Space. Defensible space must be continually maintained in order to be effective. For additional information on Living with Wildland Fire, visit Grand Valley Fire Protection District, 124 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa and ask for the Living with Wildland Fire Homeowner Guide.
Meet Your Delegate
Each Battlement Mesa Village is represented by an elected Delegate that serves on the Battlement Mesa Service Association Board of Directors. Delegates are elected to a three year term. Since there are no term limits for Delegates, frequently Delegates serve multiple terms.
This month, we are introducing Sara McCurdy, First Eagles Point's Delegate. Click Here for Eagles Point Information.
Some people know Sara McCurdy as the lady who lives in Eagles Point with the guy (husband, Mac McCurdy) that's always playing his bagpipes. Although, that is true, Sara is also well known for her willingness to "give back" to First Eagles Point and the Battlement Mesa community.
Sara was born and raised in Marion, Ohio, but she isn't the only famous person from Marion, Ohio. Marion is the home of Warren G. Harding (29th President), four-time Socialist candidate for President, Norman Thomas and Mary Ellen Withrow (US Treasurer under the Clinton Administration). Following her graduation from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism (with an emphasis in Public relations), Sara worked in Highland Park, Michigan as the Public Information Officer for the Model Cities and Neighborhood Development Programs (Urban Renewal). Later she served as the Medical Conference Coordinator for Beth Israel Hospital in Denver. Just prior to retiring (from an actual paid job), Sara spent three years in a Human Resources position with the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympic Games.
Mac and Sara McCurdy, who have five adult children and five grandchildren, moved to Battlement Mesa from Salt Lake City in 2005 and built the first house in First Eagles Point. Sara's husband, Mac, is a retired geologist but still consults, part-time, for the coal industry.
In addition to serving on the BMSA board of directors, Sara's volunteer activities include the Battlement Mesa Metro District board of directors, the Mt. Callahan Community Foundation board, and the Battlement Mesa Ladies Golf Club board. Sara also served as a member of the BMSA's Architectural Review Committee.
Despite her working career, raising a family and many community volunteer duties, Sara and Mac have found time to travel extensively including to South America, Japan (where one of their daughters taught English for a year), Korea, Southern Africa (where Mac worked on a coal project in Mozambique), Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Greece (to greet another daughter as she finished the 2010 Athens Marathon), Turkey, Egypt & Scotland (where Mac played his bagpipes on the shores of Loch Ness).
Sara is in the second year of her second three year term as the First Eagles Point Delegate.
The BMSA Board meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Battlement Mesa Activity Center. All of the BMSA meetings are open to the public.
Watch future Newsletters for articles about each of the Delegates!
Movies Under The Stars: The 2012 Season is Closing!
The Battlement Mesa Movies Under the Stars has had a robust season to date, but "the end is near." Don't miss the fourth and final movie of the 2012 season. The final movie in the 2012 four movie series is scheduled for August 10, 2012 when "The Wizard of Oz" will be shown. Our sources tells us that there is a chance that Dorothy and the Good Witch will join the attendees prior to the performance and they will greet all of the attendees prior to the movie. And since this movie, which is sponsored by the Battlement Mesa Service Association, is the final movie of the 2012 season, odds are that additional surprises are waiting for you! "The Wizard of Oz" begins at sundown and the nights are beginning to cool off so bring your blankets, and a comfortable chair and choose a good viewing location on the lawn at the Battlement Mesa Activity Center..and ENJOY! Of Course, it's FREE! Popcorn and pop will be available for purchase after 7:30 PM. |
Covenant Corner
In the spirit of educating more and enforcing less, Covenant Corner is a regular feature in the Battlement Mesa Newsletter. Experience has taught us that most people will comply with the covenants if they know what the covenant says.
In this issue, we'll explore an often ignored, neighborhood unfriendly, but very enforceable Covenant: Household Pets.
It is probably correct to say that we all love pets, but it is also probably correct to say that we all hate irresponsible pet owners.
Household Pets are covered in section 8.17 in Article VIII of the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa.
8.17 Household Pets states, "No animals, livestock, birds, poultry or insects, of any kind, shall be raised, bred, kept or boarded in or on any Residential Site; provided, however, that Owners may keep a reasonable number of dogs, cats, or other such domestic animals which are bona fide household pets, so long as such pets are not kept for any commercial purpose and are not kept in such number or in such manner as to violate any zoning ordinance or other governmental requirements or to create a nuisance. When outside, all pets shall be leashed or restrained within an enclosure. The Service Association shall have, and is hereby given, the right and authority to determine in its sole discretion that dogs, cats or other household pets are being kept for commercial purposes or are being kept in such number or in such manner as to be unreasonable or to create a nuisance, or that an Owner is otherwise in violation of the provisions of this Section, and to take such action or actions as it deems reasonably necessary to correct the violation. An Owner's right to keep household pets shall be coupled with the responsibility to pay for any damage caused by such pets, as well as any costs incurred by the Service Association as a result of such pets, and any such costs and damages shall be subject to all of the Service Association's rights with respect to the collection and enforcement of Assessments as provided in Article VII hereof."
Please remember that subassociations may have more restrictive covenants than the BMSA.
More detail on these and other covenant regulation are AVAILABLE HERE or on www.BattlementMesaColorado.com. |
Bodacious Bites Bistro & Catering
Opening Soon
71 Tamarisk Trail Saddleback Center |
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
P. O. Box 6006
401 Arroyo Drive
Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at |

Don't Miss the Garfield County Fair and Rodeo
The 2012 Garfield County Fair and Rodeo began on July 30th and runs through August 5th. You haven't missed it yet, but time is running out.
Grab your hat and jump into your boots and head for the Garfield County Fair!
The Garfield County Fair and Rodeo is held annually at the County Fair Grounds in Rifle and this year's event is packed with something for everyone. While, it may be more fun if spurs are part of your regular attire, even if you don't wear spurs or even own a pair, you'll find something that interests you at the Garfield County Fair and Rodeo.
This year's fair includes a CPRA Rodeo, a Family Rodeo, a Mobile FMX, a Demolition Derby, a Noche Latina, a Draft Horse Pull and Halter Classes. In addition you can attend the livestock shows and sale, check out the Open Class Exhibits, 4-H Projects, the Merchant Village, Kids Corner and, of course, the Food Court.
There is something for everyone at the Garfield County Fair and Rodeo!
For More Information CLICK HERE.
 Have You used the new Library Trail yet?
In case that you haven't noticed, you can now walk, or bike from Battlement Mesa to the GarCo Branch Library in Parachute via an improved trail. You no longer need to risk your life by traversing County Road 301 below the Battlement Mesa waterfall.
The new trail which connects Battlement Mesa and Parachute has been a long time project of the BMSA's Parks, Open Space and Trails (formerly called Trails) Committee. Through the combined efforts of the BMSA, the Town of Parachute, John and Jody Lyons and Garfield County a concrete trail was been constructed between the lower Golf Course trail along West Battlement Parkway, through the Lyons' property that connects to county road 301 near the Colorado River Bridge. A ribbon cutting ceremony for the new trail will will be held on Saturday, August 25th, at 10 AM. All local residents are invite to attend the ceremony and you are encouraged to use the trail.
To view a map of the Battlement Mesa Trails system, CLICK HERE. | | |
Dates to Remember |
- Garfield County Fair and Rodeo - July 30th-August 5th
- National Night Out in Battlement Mesa - August 7th
- Movies Under the Stars - August 10th
- Sheriff's Auxiliary Scramble at Battlement Mesa Golf Club - August 19th
- Battle for the Cure, 9-hole event, at the Battlement Mesa Golf Club - September 15th
- Battlement Mesa Couples Golf Club League Finale at Battlement Mesa Golf Club - September 27th
- Battlement Men's Golf Club Championship event at Battlement Mesa Golf Club - September 22 -23rd
- Community Classic Golf Tournament at Battlement Mesa Golf Club- September 29th
- Battlement Mesa Ladies Golf Club Finale at the Battlement Mesa Golf Club - October 2nd
- Oktoberfest and Fireworks - October 6th
 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Question: Why does Garfield County maintain (resurface, snow plow, etc.) most but not all of Battlement Mesa's streets ?
Answer: This is really two questions. First, why does the county maintain the streets instead of Battlement Mesa? Second, since the county maintains some of the streets, why doesn't it maintain all of the streets in Battlement Mesa?
Actually, it all has to do with ownership.
Unlike most communities such as Parachute, Rifle, Grand Junction, etc., Battlement Mesa isn't incorporated as a city or town. Despite our relatively large population base, Battlement Mesa is "just" part of unincorporated Garfield County, Colorado.
When the Battlement Mesa Planned Unit Development (PUD) was created, Garfield County was still willing to accept (and maintain) new county roads into their roadway system. As a result, Battlement Parkway, Spencer, Stone Quarry Road and many of the streets in the earlier developed Villages are owned by Garfield County so they are part of the county road system and the county is required to maintain them.
In contrast, later developments such as Canyon View, Fairway Villas, First Eagles Point, Mesa Ridge and Valley View Village were created after Garfield County decided that it would not accept ownership or be responsible for any additional roads in newly developed areas of the county.
The streets in the Villages that were developed after the county's decision not to expand its road system are owned by each of the Villages and are maintained by the sub-association of that Village. In some cases, but not all, that is the primary reason why a sub-association was formed for the Village.
While owning your own streets is nice from the perspective of being able to determine when and how to maintain the streets, it is a substantial financial burden for each of the sub-associations that own their own streets and must sweep, plow and set aside funds for the eventual replacement of the street surfaces.
Email your FAQ to: BMSA@BattlementMesaColorado.com |