Council Member Dave Martin's

District E Newsletter

Issue 38

February 2016 



Dave Martin

Council Member

District E 





900 Bagby

First Floor

Houston, TX 77002


17629 El Camino Real

Suite 415

Houston, TX 77058



Office: (832) 393-3008

Fax: (832) 393-3279 




Lauren Laake

Chief of Staff 


Evan Austin

South Sector Manager


Jessica Beemer
North Sector Manager


Katherine Cunningham 

Administrative Assistant

City Contacts
City of Houston 311
(713) 837-0311

Mayor's Citizens Assistance Office
(832) 393-0955

Community Center
District E Community Contacts


Northshore Super Neighborhood Council

Meadowbrook/Allendale Super Neighborhood Council

 Clear Lake Super Neighborhood Council

Residents of District E,

Last month I was sworn in to serve my second term on Houston City Council as the District E Council Member. I, first, want to thank the voters for electing me to serve and represent them at City Hall. We have many challenges that lie ahead of us in the next several years, one of which is financing our unfunded liabilities. I am excited to announce that Mayor Turner has appointed me to look further into the city's financial situation and lead the Budget and Fiscal Affairs Subcommittee on Debt Financing and Pensions. Over the next several weeks, I will be meeting with key stakeholders at the city to offer my suggestions and determine what steps need to be taken to address this looming issue. Additionally, Mayor Turner has appointed me a member of the newly created Economic Development Committee, Ethics, Elections and Council Governance Committee as well as the Transportation, Technology and Infrastructure Committee. I look forward to serving on each and addressing important matters affecting the city.
Also, during his inauguration address on Monday, January 4 Mayor Turner mentioned that he has tasked the Public Works and Engineering Department with implementing a new program to address the city's infrastructure, specifically potholes. In his speech, Mayor Turner said "the potholes that are properly reported to the City's 3-1-1 Help and Information Line will be assessed and addressed by the next business day. Our goal is to effectively, efficiently and safely repair each reported pothole within a 24-hour period. For those potholes where safety and infrastructure will require additional time, the Public Works Director will provide a priority report that I will personally monitor and will share with the members of City Council." 

My office took a proactive approach when learning about this new program last month, and has driven the major thoroughfares in the council district, documenting all areas of concern that were seen. Although we routinely monitor the district's roads, it is important that residents continue to turn in areas of concern that they see as well.
Since the new program was announced, pothole reports to 3-1-1 have skyrocketed. However, as of last week, the Department has so far achieved a 96% repair rate.
Further, due to the many definitions the public has for potholes, the administration has expanded its definition from four square feet or smaller to five square feet or smaller or up to 25 square feet. As mentioned in his address, anything that is larger than what fits within this expanded definition will be placed on a priority report that will include recommended action and a proposed timeline, and will be given to the mayor.
Additionally, many council members, including myself, have inquired about the potential impact this new program will have on the budget. Mayor Turner has assured City Council that based on the data gathered he believes the program can continue to succeed using resources that already exist within the Fiscal Year 2016 budget, which ends on June 30 of this year.
Lastly, to compliment the program, Public Works and Engineering debuted a new website,, in addition to a new customer notification process that will be managed by the Mayor's Citizens Assistance Office. The new process will aim to notify each constituent by phone or email who reports a pothole about the status of their request.
I encourage residents to report all pothole concerns by contacting the city's 3-1-1 system by calling 3-1-1, (713) 837-0311 or by emailing Additionally, smartphone users can download the 311 app by visiting the iTunes App Store or GooglePlay.

As Mayor Turner and Public Works and Engineering continue to move forward with this new program, I look forward to working with them to address the needed repairs and improvements to District E streets.
For more information, please contact my office at (832) 393-3008 or


Dave Martin

Capital Improvement Plan Meetings

Next month, Council Member Martin will host his annual Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) town hall meetings in the council district. He asks that you please save the date for the following two meetings:
Tuesday, February 23
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Kingwood Community Center
4102 Rustic Woods Drive
Houston, Texas 77345
Southeast Houston/Clear Lake
Thursday, February 25
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Space Center Houston, Destiny Theater
1601 NASA Parkway
Houston, Texas 77058
Members of the public are invited to attend to hear from various city departments as well as community representatives about ongoing projects, issues and community news related to District E. In Kingwood, residents will hear from TIRZ 10 Chairman Stan Sarman about the Kingwood Mobility Study, as well as from Scott McClelland of HEB and Burdette Huffman of Lovett Development on other projects in the area. At the Southeast Houston/Clear Lake meeting, Steven David with the city's Economic Development office will give a presentation on the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) program.

For more information, please contact Council Member Martin's office at (832) 393-3008 or by email at

Northpark Drive at Woodridge Parkway/Hidden Pines Construction Update

Unexpected issues relating to the construction of the recently reconfigured intersection of Northpark Drive and Woodridge Parkway/Hidden Pines have led to a delay in schedule. Originally expected to be completed by the end of January, Public Works and Engineering crews anticipate construction to now be completed by mid-February, weather permitting.   Issues relating to the fabrication of the poles, mast arms of the signals, electrical cabinet and installation of the sidewalk along the westbound lanes of Northpark Drive have all contributed to the delay. Additionally, the fabrication of the traffic signal poles has added a requirement for luminaries and the steepness of the ditch along the westbound lanes of Northpark requires additional materials and reconfiguration
Upon the project's completion, there will be a traffic signal to control traffic in all directions, extended right and left turn lanes and a sidewalk to provide for the safe passage of pedestrians from this intersection west to the intersection of Northpark and Glade Valley.
Council Member Martin will continue to keep the public updated with progress of these intersection improvements. Please feel free to contact the District E office with questions and concerns.
Lake Houston Area Chamber Awards Extravanganza

On Friday, January 22 the Lake Houston Area Chamber of Commerce held its Annual Awards Extravaganza, a celebration of the past year's outstanding volunteer leaders and accomplishments. Council Member Martin joined over 400 Chamber guests and business partners at the event, where the 2015 Dr. Haden McKay Citizen of the Year Award was presented to State Representative Dan Huberty. In honor of being named the recipient of this award, Representative Huberty received proclamations from Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, presented by Council Member Martin, as well as from Humble Mayor Merle Aaron.
Also honored at the extravaganza were Nancy Shortsleeve, receiving the Spirit of the Chamber Award; Corey Turner, receiving the Rising Star Award; and Terry Vaughn, receiving the Chairman's Award. The Chamber additionally recognized its outgoing board of directors, including outgoing Chair Melinda Stephenson, and performed the installation of its new board.
Council Member Martin congratulates all those recognized for their volunteer service and accomplishments.

Kingwood Trees

On Tuesday, January 26 Council Member Martin met with representatives from the Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD) to discuss the 513 dead, dying and dangerous trees that have been identified for removal from medians in the Kingwood area. Due to feedback received from the community and the potential for these dangerous trees to fall on vehicles and pedestrians, Council Member Martin allocated a portion of his Fiscal Year 2016 Council District Service Fund dollars for HPARD to hire an arborist to evaluate and identify trees needing removal. The medians evaluated include Mills Branch between Kingwood Drive and Northpark, Kingwood Drive from Highway 59 to Mills Branch, Northpark from Woodland Hills to Mills Branch and West Lake Houston Parkway from Kingwood Greens Drive S. to Northpark.
Additionally, Council Member Martin's office has received many questions regarding the blue dots that have been marked on the trees, not only in the medians but on both sides of the road. These blue dots do in fact identify the trees that pose a safety hazard. HPARD, however, will only be addressing the ones that lie within the medians.  
Council Member Martin's goal is to have all of the identified trees removed by the start of hurricane season on June 1 of this year.
Please contact the District E office at (832) 393-3008 or with questions.

Freeway Manor Tree Donation

On Saturday, January 16 Council Member Martin's office hosted an event at Freeway Manor Park where over 20 residents came to pick up trees donated for planting in the community by Trees for Houston. The event marked the culmination of a beautification effort initiated by Freeway Manor Civic Club President Nick Crnkovic, who requested new trees for the neighborhood. After Trees for Houston generously agreed to donate White Oak, Water Oak and Sycamore trees, the District E office worked with the civic club over the past several months to notify residents of the planting opportunity and organize the pickup event.
Council Member Martin thanks Trees for Houston for the donation and their work coordinating the effort. He also thanks Nick Crnkovic for his leadership on this and other community improvement projects in the Freeway Manor area. For more information on Trees for Houston, please visit
Meadowcreek Village Lighting Improvements

In December of last year, representatives from the Meadowcreek Village Civic Club reached out to the District E office about the lack of night lighting around the community center in Meadowcreek Village Park. As a result, the Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD) conducted an assessment last month and Council Member Martin has agreed to contribute $2,700 from his Fiscal Year 2016 Council District Service Funds to enhance illumination around the park. With the funds, the Department will repair the security lights at the park's tennis courts and ball field, and will also install additional in the park's northeast section. HPARD will further install a second light on the flagpole by the community center and a third light on the pole between the flagpole and the street to illuminate the walkway into the facility.
The District E office is additionally working with the city's Public Works and Engineering Department to analyze the level of street lighting on Forest Oaks Drive and Berry Creek Drive, which front Meadowcreek Village Park. Council Member Martin's office will continue to update residents on these and other community improvement projects across the district as more information becomes available.
Scenic Glade Drive Variance

At its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, January 7 the Houston Planning Commission unanimously voted in support and granted a variance requested by Trendmaker Homes to not extend Scenic Glade Drive, a stub street in the Northfork neighborhood of Clear Lake, into the new residential development known as the Reserve at Clear Lake City.
Council Member Martin spoke at the meeting to support the variance request on behalf of numerous Northfork residents who have vocally opposed the street's extension over the past three years. Residents' primary concerns have centered on the potential creation of hazardous cut-through vehicular traffic in the community if Scenic Glade Drive were to be extended. Of special concern was Scenic Glade's proximity to North Pointe Elementary School and the safety of children playing in the neighborhood and walking to the school.
Leading up to the meeting, the District E office received letters in support of the variance request from the president of the Northfork Community Association, representing 1,040 residents, as well as from the Clear Creek Independent School District.
Scenic Glade Drive represents the third successful variance request related to the Reserve at Clear Lake City over the past two years. In May 2015, the Planning Commission granted a variance to allow for the non-extension of Jade Green Way after Council Member Martin and a representative of the Pine Brook community voiced residents' concerns. An additional variance allowing for the non-extension of Noble Oak Way, also in Pine Brook, was granted by the Commission in May 2014.
Council Member Martin extends his thanks to all those Northfork residents involved for voicing their concerns and making their opinions known.

For more information, please contact the District E Office at (832) 393-3008.

Association of Clear Lake Communities TIRZ Presentation

On Wednesday, January 13 Council Member Martin attended the monthly meeting of the Association of Clear Lake Communities (ACLC). At the meeting, Steven David, a representative from the City of Houston's Economic Development Division, provided residents with a general overview of the city's Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) program which promotes redevelopment within specific geographic "zones" around Houston by allowing the reinvestment of tax increment to fund public improvements therein. After Mr. David's presentation, Council Member Martin spoke to those in attendance about the possibility of establishing a TIRZ in the Clear Lake area to fund needed improvement projects similar to those funded by TIRZ 10, which encompasses much of Kingwood in the north sector of District E.
The Economic Development Division of the mayor's office is currently undertaking a preliminary economic analysis to determine the viability of a TIRZ in the Clear Lake area, a process which generally takes four to six months. Following the completion of this analysis, further approval will be needed by City Council and Mayor Sylvester Turner before the formation of the TIRZ can proceed. The District E office will continue to keep residents updated on this project as the preliminary review progresses.
For more information about the city's TIRZ program, please click here.

Independence Plaza Grand Opening

Space Center Houston's new landmark exhibit, Independence Plaza, officially opened to an eagerly awaiting public on Saturday, January 23. The evening before, Council Member Martin attended a grand opening event held at the museum to celebrate the exhibit's launch and recognize the stakeholders who made the historic project possible. At the event, Council Member Martin had the privilege of touring Independence Plaza with Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Houston Economic Development Director Andy Icken, NASA Johnson Space Center Director Dr. Ellen Ochoa, Space Center Houston's CEO Richard Allen and Board Chairman Fred Griffin, and Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership President Bob Mitchell. Mayor Turner, Dr. Ochoa and Mr. Allen then addressed those in attendance to commemorate the occasion, as did John Elbon, General Manager of Boeing Space Exploration.
Now open, Independence Plaza is the world's only interactive exhibit allowing visitors to enter a space shuttle replica as well as the actual Shuttle Carrier Aircraft it's positioned atop. For more information on Space Center Houston's new, one of a kind exhibit, please click here

BayTran 25th Anniversary Proclamation

On Tuesday, January 26 Council Member Martin presented a proclamation to members of the Bay Area Houston Transportation Partnership's (BayTran) Executive Committee and Board of Directors to commemorate the organization's 25th anniversary. 

Established in 1990, BayTran is responsible for addressing transportation, mobility and air quality issues for the greater Houston Bay Area. Over the past 25 years, the organization's coordination with numerous city, county and state agencies such as TxDOT has greatly benefited the region. Notable projects have included the development of beautification guidelines for the NASA Parkway Bypass and the promotion of Project Star Stream, which places cameras in municipalities for hurricane evacuation, security and traffic management. BayTran representatives additionally served on a task force that developed a regional hurricane evacuation plan.
Council Member Martin was honored to recognize BayTran and its leaders for all of their meaningful contributions to Houston's Bay Area, and appreciates the organization's continued efforts in our community.
Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership's Quasar Awards

On Friday, January 29 Council Member Martin was in attendance as the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP) hosted its annual Quasar Awards Ceremony at South Shore Harbour Resort. The ceremony, which also helped kick off the celebration of BAHEP's 40th anniversary, honored Dr. Greg Smith, Superintendent of Clear Creek Independent School District, as the 2016 Quasar Award recipient. 

Each year the Quasar Award is presented to one individual who has contributed to the economic prosperity and diversity of the Bay Area Houston region. Under Dr. Smith's guidance, student performance in CCISD has improved in all categories, including college entrance exams. Clear Creek ISD is now considered one of the largest high-performing school districts in Texas with more than 41,000 students and 5,000 staff members. 

Council Member Martin congratulates Dr. Smith on this much deserved award, and thanks him for his contributions to our community and schools.
Perry's Steakhouse Ribbon Cutting

On Thursday, January 21 staff from Council Member Martin's office attended a ribbon cutting event celebrating the opening of Perry's Steakhouse & Grille at the newly-expanded Baybrook Mall. Perry's original location first opened over 35 years ago and the steakhouse has become a culinary staple in Houston over the years. The new 10,000 square-foot location will accommodate 400 guests and its spacious outdoor patio will provide a view of the mall's impressive new green space, which will feature fun community events and gatherings. Council Member Martin encourages residents to take advantage of the great improvements to Baybrook Mall and congratulates Perry's on their recent opening! 
Houston Spaceport "Deal of the Year" Award

The Houston Spaceport was named the "Deal of the Year" for 2015 in the Houston Business Journal Deals of the Year awards announced Thursday, January 22. One of 47 finalists in a variety of categories, the Houston Spaceport was selected "for its potential as an economic driver for years to come," according to the Houston Business Journal, which highlighted the project's importance in making Houston a leader in the commercial space race and its potential to bring hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars into the regional economy. The Spaceport also won in the Economic Development Deal of the Year category.

In June 2015, the Houston Airport System was awarded a license from the Federal Aviation Administration, making Ellington Airport the 10th commercial spaceport in the United States and one of two such spaceports in the state of Texas. The license makes Ellington Airport a potential launch and landing site for suborbital, reusable launch vehicles. Partners already committed to the Houston Spaceport include the Houston Airport System, NASA, the Greater Houston Partnership, The Sierra Nevada Corporation, the City of Houston, Rice Space Institute, Texas A&M Aerospace Technology, University of Houston College of Architecture, Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership, U.K.-based Catapult Satellite Applications and Intuitive Machines.

Construction associated with the spaceport is still in the developmental stages, but will eventually include a co-working space located in a recently purchased 53,000 square-foot building adjacent to Ellington, room for several aerospace companies and more.

In another positive development for the project, Sierra Nevada Space Systems recently won a piece of a multibillion-dollar NASA commercial resupply contract, making it one of three companies charged with resupplying the International Space Station beginning in 2019. Sierra Nevada signed a letter of intent with the Houston Airport System in April 2014 indicating its goal of working towards the establishment of landing operations at the Houston Spaceport.

And in November 2015, the Houston Spaceport signed an Umbrella Agreement with NASA that will allow it to benefit from the federal space agency's assets and expertise. As per the agreement, NASA will collaborate on the project and provide the spaceport access to a number of unique resources at the Johnson Space Center such as safety-specific training, facilities and technology capabilities to support suborbital operations and commercial spaceflight endeavors.

Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce's 54th Annual Christmas Boat Lane Parade

On Saturday, February 13 the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce will host the 54th Annual Christmas Boat Lane Parade on Clear LakeThe yearly event, which was originally to take place on December 12 of last year, was rescheduled due to unfavorable weather conditions.
The parade will start with boats lining up at the Nassau Bay Lagoon and South Shore Harbour Marina. From there, the boats will parade through the Clear Creek Channel past Seabrook, Clear Lake Shores and the Kemah Boardwalk, out into Galveston Bay and then back. This year's honorary parade marshal is Texas Navy Admiral R.B. "Bob" Taylor representing Sam Houston Squadron of the Texas Navy which is based out of Lakewood Yacht Club.
Council Member Martin appreciates the Chamber's efforts in coordinating this spectacular event, is a proud sponsor of the parade and encourages constituents to attend.
Save the Date: Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce's Epicurean Evening 2016

On Thursday, February 4 the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its 2016 "Taste of Space" Epicurean Evening at Space Center Houston.  Those in attendance at the event will sample tastings from over 40 area food establishments and enjoy entertainment from a variety of musicians. Each ticket will be good for food samplings, two drink coupons (more can be purchased at the event), parking accommodations and a silent auction. Kids tickets are also available and provide play time in the Kids Space Place. Ticket prices range from $10 for children ages 4-12 to $50 for early entry wristbands. Doors to the event will open as early as 5:45 p.m. for "Early Entry" purchasers and the Silent Auction will begin at 8:15 PM.
For more information on Epicurean Evening 2016, and to purchase tickets, please visit
Space Center Houston's Spring Day Camps

Sign up is now available here for Space Center Houston's spring day camps to be held March 14-18, 2016. Campers ages 4-14 will embark on a fun and exciting educational experience developed with national science standards and designed to use space science to inspire students to pursue careers in S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering and math) fields. Camps offered this spring include training like an astronaut, questing for alien life in the galaxy and building a robot to compete in a robotics competition.

Sign up using discount code "SPRCAMP02" when checking out and receive a 10 percent discount on these camps. Your day camp purchase helps to support Space Center Houston's Manned Space Flight Education Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Harris County Commissioner El Franco Lee

Council Member Martin was saddened to hear of the January 3 passing of longtime Harris County Commissioner El Franco Lee. A native Houstonian, El Franco dedicated his life to serving the great state of Texas. Commissioner Lee began his political career in 1979 as a Texas State Representative for District 142. Following that, he was elected as the first African American Harris County Commissioner in 1985. There he served for over three decades before his untimely death.
Council Member Martin and the entire District E team's thoughts and prayers are with the Lee family as well as the Harris County Commissioner's office as they continue to grieve the loss of a family member, friend and colleague.
Park Gathering Permits

Groups of 75 or more residents seeking to gather in a City of Houston park are now required to obtain a permit before doing so, following amendments to the city's parks code passed by City Council on Wednesday, January 20. The changes were initiated due to a ruling by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that declared Houston's park permitting requirements to be unconstitutionally vague. The initial draft of the revisions would have required groups of 30 or more to obtain permits, but members of Council increased the number so as to not discourage smaller neighborhood celebrations or unplanned gatherings in city parks. Residents seeking to reserve areas of city parks for exclusive use will also need a permit to do so.
HPARD officials are now determining the fee structure for the new group permits. The Department's existing fee schedule, accessible here, will remain in place until the fees for the new permits are established within the next six months.  
Video of City Council's discussion of this agenda item, and all others, is available online here.

Executive Order on Budgetary Reform
In keeping with a promise made in his Inaugural Address, Mayor Sylvester Turner has signed an Executive Order (EO) requiring a new focus on outcomes, transparency and the elimination of waste and inefficient expenditures in the City of Houston's budget. The Effective Financial and Performance Management EO envisions increased emphasis on achieving performance-based outcomes when it comes to how the city spends and manages its dollars.
The Executive Order is meant to:
  • Help city leadership make informed choices through increased visibility into departmental budgets, resource allocations and service provision; 
  • Focus budget, capital and spending decisions on specified, measurable results and outcomes;
  • Fully link operating budgets, Capital Improvement Plan, and performance metrics to clear, measurable short and long-term goals;
  • Maximize city resources by eliminating waste, inefficiency and redundancy within and across departments; and
  • Increase public participation in assessing needs and establishing priorities that guide the development of the city's operating budgets and Capital Improvement Plan.
Success under the new plan will be measured by how well the city uses limited resources to achieve targeted outcomes and objectives.  The incremental budgeting approach that relies on prior-year spending levels as a baseline for future investment will be replaced with a performance-based approach. There will be a new focus on eliminating waste, inefficiency and redundancy in the delivery of services. 

A new Administrative Procedure is forthcoming to complement the EO and provide an outline of short-term steps to the mayor's new approach.  The entire process will be managed by the city's Finance Department led by Director Kelly Dowe.

Council Member Martin, who was named Chair of the Budget and Fiscal Affairs Subcommittee on Debt Financing and Pensions by Mayor Turner, looks forward to working with the mayor, his council colleagues and all city departments during these serious financial times. 

Houston Airport System's Open Carry Policy

January marked the start of the new "open carry" state law in Texas. While this law allows legally licensed gun owners to openly carry their guns in public, citizens should be aware of certain regulations on open carry at the Houston Airport System's three facilities.

The open carry law allows properly licensed Texas residents to carry guns openly as long as they are properly secured in a holster. Firearms are not permitted in the terminals beyond the TSA checkpoints - properly licensed and displayed guns (or those concealed with license) are only allowed in public areas such as baggage, ticketing, garages and public sidewalks or walkways. Unlicensed firearms such as rifles or shotguns cannot be carried in the public areas of the airport. Firearms (both handguns and long guns) may be transported in a secure, locked hard-sided container as checked baggage, and owners must declare the firearm to the airline during the baggage check process.

For more information about the "open carry" law, please visit the Texas Department of Public Safety's website. For more information about traveling with your firearm, please visit
Houston Police Officers' Union Monthly Membership Meeting

On Thursday, January 7 Council Member Martin joined colleagues on City Council and representatives from local law enforcement at the monthly meeting of the Houston Police Officers' Union (HPOU). At the meeting, Mayor Sylvester Turner swore in the 2016 HPOU Board of Directors. Since 1945, the HPOU has supported the Houston Police Department by providing officers with job-related information and representation. For more on the Houston Police Officers' Union, please click here.
Council Member Martin congratulates the HPOU's 2016 board members and thanks all Houston police officers for their brave service to our city.
Houston Realty Business Coalition Breakfast

On Thursday, January 21 Council Member Martin attended a breakfast hosted by the Houston Realty Business Coalition (HRBC) featuring remarks from U.S. Congressman John Culberson. By organizing public forums at its regular breakfasts and other events, the HRBC enables area elected officials and candidates for office to discuss their public policy priorities with leaders from Houston's business and development communities. For more information, visit

Greater Houston Partnership's Annual Meeting

On Monday, January 25 Council Member Martin attended the Greater Houston Partnership's (GHP) 2016 Annual Meeting. Each year, the GHP's Annual Meeting provides Houston area companies the opportunity to showcase their goods and services to local and global business leaders, elected officials and the international consular corps. The spotlight speakers at this year's event were Houston Texans President and incoming GHP Chair Jamey Rootes and the Partnership's President and CEO, Bob Harvey, who in their remarks gave an overview of the GHP's accomplishments in 2015 and looked ahead to the challenges and opportunities facing the greater Houston region in the coming 12 months.
For more information on the Greater Houston Partnership, please visit

11th Annual Tour de Houston

On Tuesday, January 26 Council Member Martin joined a number of his colleagues on Council at a press conference where Mayor Sylvester Turner announced the routes for the 11th annual Tour de Houston bike ride. This year's event, to take place on Sunday, March 20, will feature a 70-mile route from Houston City Hall to Kingwood and back, as well as 20-mile and 45-mile routes.

Council Member Martin thanks the Mayor's Office of Special Events for including a route to District E in this year's tour, and looks forwarding to welcoming cyclists into the community. Information on the 11th annual Tour de Houston, including route maps and registration, can be found online at

PWE 101 Tour

On Thursday, January 21 staff from Council Member Martin's office had the opportunity to go on a tour of different Public Works and Engineering facilities, including work sites throughout the Houston area. The day began with tours of the Water Production Plant and Wastewater Treatment Plant. The city's Public Works and Engineering Department is responsible for the production and distribution of over 146 billion gallons of water per year, and the treatment of over 90 billion gallons of wastewater per year. The City of Houston's drinking water group works hard to go above and beyond in its service to customers, and maintains the highest rating for water quality issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
The tour also explored Houston TranStar. TranStar is a partnership of four government agencies (City of Houston, Harris County, TxDOT and METRO) responsible for coordinating the planning, design and operations of transportation and emergency management in the greater Houston area. TranStar houses the city's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) which is Houston's "situation room" in such emergencies as hurricanes, floods or other disasters. The OEM activated 13 times in 2015. The building's second floor is dedicated to Traffic Management. TxDOT has over 900 cameras spanning 225 miles across the region, all of which are constantly observed and can be accessed in case of emergencies to assist with evacuations.
The tour also gave an inside look at activities of the city's Traffic Operations Division during a traffic light maintenance project and additionally visited the Houston Permitting Center, where those present learned about the City of Houston's green initiatives.
Council Member Martin's staff truly appreciated the opportunity to get this behind the scenes look at the inner workings of the Public Works and Engineering Department, and offers a special thanks to PWE's Gary Norman for organizing and executing the day's events. 
HPD Interactive Recent Crime Map

The Houston Police Department (HPD), in collaboration with a third party vendor, maintains an interactive recent crime map, accessible online here. Represented on the map is general information on original crime reports, such as the date of the report and the classification of the crime reported, entered into HPD's Record Management System within the past 180 days.
Please note that the crime reports visible on HPD's recent crime map represent only Part I crime as defined in the FBI's Uniform Crime Report. Residents are encouraged to read and consider the disclaimers listed online before drawing any conclusions from this public resource.
School Board Appreciation Month

January was school board appreciation month, and as a former Humble Independent School Board Member Council Member Martin would like to thank all of the hardworking individuals who volunteer their time and energy to serve on the boards of Humble ISD, Huffman ISD, Clear Creek ISD, Pasadena ISD, Galena Park ISD and Houston ISD, which all educate students throughout District E. He encourages all residents to show appreciation and support for the board members of their local school districts for the invaluable work they do to guide the education of young Houstonians. 

Final Four Hospitality Ambassadors

The City of Houston's Local Organizing Committee for this year's NCAA Final Four is looking for volunteers to serve as Hospitality Ambassadors during Final Four weekend. The event, which will feature the semifinal and championship games of the 2016 NCAA Division I college basketball tournament, as well as a Fan Fest featuring concerts and other family-friendly attractions, is coming to Houston's NRG Stadium April 1-4, 2016. 

For more information, please visit or contact Volunteers must be 18 or older by March 1, 2016.

Upcoming Events 
Please refer to Council Martin's District E website for location, time and more event details. Email the District E office if you would like us to include your upcoming event in future newsletters! 
City Wides
February 9
Houston National College Fair

March 1 - 20
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo

February 4
Kingwood Service Association's Parks Committee Meeting

February 5-13
Humble ISD Livestock Show and Rodeo

February 6
YMCA Bridge Fest

February 10
Kingwood Service Association's Public Safety Committee Meeting

February 11
Lake Houston Area Chamber of Commerce's Summer Creek BizCom

February 16
Lake Houston Area Chamber of Commerce's Economic Outlook Luncheon

February 16
Kingwood PIP

February 17
Kingwood Super Neighborhood Meeting

February 23
Kingwood Capital Improvement Plan Meeting

Southeast Houston/Clear Lake    
February 4
Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce's Epicurean Evening 2016

February 13
Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce's 54th Annual Christmas Boat Lane Parade (rescheduled from December 12)

February 16
Clear Lake PIP

February 17
Bay Area Houston Transportation Partnership's Monthly Luncheon

February 24
Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce's General Membership Luncheon

February 25
Southeast Houston/Clear Lake Capital Improvement Plan Meeting

March 5
Clear Lake B.O.P.A. Recycling Event