June 2016

Dear Families & Friends,

Welcome to another email update highlighting the happenings at Light of Hearts Villa (LOHV).


LOHV Bursts into Bloom
Summer is here and the gardens surrounding the Villa are in full bloom-thanks to the work of our Join Hands Day volunteers, who filled our flowerbeds with gorgeous, colorful plants. We are especially proud of the flowering heart that welcomes residents and visitors to the Villa.

Employee Service Recognition Awards
LOHV's second annual Employee Service Recognition Award event was held on June 1st. The following employees were recognized for their years of service and dedication to our mission: Dennis Giangiacomo (Maintenance, 5 years), Bobbi Gurko (Marketing, 5 years), Bruce Stewart (Dietary, 10 years), Sr. Sandy Emrich, SCN (Human Resources, 10 years), Delma Garrett (Wellness, 15 years), and Roberta Papes (Marketing, 15 years). The top honor went to Ray Dorman (Dietary), who was recognized for 25 years of care and commitment to our residents.
Betty Hickle presents awards to Ray Dorman, Sr. Sandy Emrich, SCN, Bruce Stewart, and Dennis Giangiacomo

Resident Donald Rohm congratulates Ray Dorman on
25 years of service

NFL Network Visits the Villa
On Wednesday, June 9th, the NFL Network reporter and camera crew descended on the Villa to interview one of our residents, Rita Deininger. Rita is the sister of the late, great Chuck Noll-the coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Coach Noll is a sports legend by leading his team in winning the most Super Bowls in NFL history. Rita spent time regaling the NFL film crew with many fond memories of what life was like growing up with one of football's most famous coaches.
Resident Rita Deininger (center) with (left to right) NFL Films producer John Weiss, Bill Deininger (son), Jerry Deininger (son), Marilyn Lopez (daughter), NFL cinematographer Kevin Simkins and
NFL sound mixer Steven Guercio

Volunteers Are Celebrated at Patriotic Paint Party 
LOHV volunteers honored Flag Day in a creative way on June 14th at the Villa's Volunteer Appreciation Paint Party. They took part in an afternoon of camaraderie and fun, and with the guidance of Admissions Director Ida Stanley produced eye-catching paintings of the Stars and Stripes.

A big thank-you goes out to all of our volunteers, who selflessly offer their time and talents to make the Villa such a wonderful, one-of-a-kind place.

Cavs Victory Party
Residents and staff were "ALL IN" at the LOHV Cavs Victory Party on June 22nd. The Villa was filled with an atmosphere of pride, joy, and excitement when the Cavs finally ended Cleveland's 52-year curse by clinching the NBA Championship.

Luau Red Hat Tea

Lots of fun was had at LOHV's Luau Red Hat Tea on June 28th. Residents got into the tropical spirit-donning leis and grass skirts, enjoying island-themed goodies, and swaying to Hawaiian ukulele music. 

Pictured Left is Mary who enjoys doing hula - the traditional dance of Hawaii.


Violinist and storyteller Jennifer Argenti will make a stop at the Villa on Saturday, July 2nd, at 2:00 PM. The concert is part of Jennifer's Giving Back Tour. It will be held in our Activities Center, and is free and open to all. Come and enjoy an afternoon of music and story. Thanks to Dani Farinacci for connecting the Villa with Jennifer.

Tea With Betty 

Please reply or call me at 440.232.1991 if you have anything you would like to discuss or stop by my office the next time you're here. You can also see more pictures and updates on our Facebook page as well as our website Light of Hearts Villa.

In peace and light,


Elizabeth J. Hickle, MPA, LNHA, CDP

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We are devoted to providing premier senior residential living and community outreach services. Through our faith-based values, we affirm the integrity of each person and encourage them on their journey 

of aging.