Landesa's newsletter: Plotlines
Land Rights Included in UN's new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Last month, the United Nations General Assembly adopted an ambitious agenda to help guide the next 15 years of global development. The Sustainable Development Goals take aim at some of the greatest challenges of our time - poverty, food security, social and economic inequality. Solving these problems will require systemic changes, and so leaders around the world have agreed to incorporate strengthening land rights in the new global development framework.

Landesa, which partnered with a broad coalition of organizations around the world to help achieve this, will now continue its advocacy efforts. This time we will work to ensure that progress is measured using a land rights indicator that measures land rights documentation and perception of security for both women and men. Such an indicator recently received a significant endorsement from world-renowned economist and sustainable development leader, Jeffrey Sachs, in a blog posted by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

To learn more about Landesa's global advocacy work, visit the Land Post-2015 website.

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More Women Receive Pattas in Odisha

Last month, 53 single women from six villages in the Kalahandi district received pattas (land titles) to their own plots of land. The patta distribution is being carried out by the government of Odisha, in partnership with Landesa's Women's Support Center program.

Until recently, women-headed households were generally not recognized by the government and not eligible for a host of government services, including the state's land allocation program.  Landesa's efforts in Odisha are helping to identify and serve these women. Thus far, more than 2,000 women have benefited from the program.

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Writing the Books on Responsible Land Investment in Ghana

Landesa's Responsible Investments in Property and Land (RIPL) project has selected Ghana as its second focus country for the development of "Playbooks" to support equitable and socially responsible land-based investments. The Playbooks will serve as how-to guides for investors, governments, and communities engaged in and impacted by large-scale land acquisition and commodity procurement.

Agricultural land acquisitions involving both foreign and domestic investors in Ghana have grown significantly over the past several years. This increase in land-based investments holds the potential for both enormous benefits and risks to local people. RIPL can help further efforts initiated by the Government of Ghana and others to address these risks by operationalizing international best practices and standards, such as those outlined in the Voluntary Guidelines and African Union Guiding Principles. The Playbooks will support equitable and socially responsible land-related investments by providing each stakeholder tailored step-by-step instructions with the goal of improving social, economic, environmental, and livelihood outcomes.

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Participants from more than 100 Countries Join the #WomensLand Campaign

To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Beijing Women's Conference and to continue to elevate women's land rights as a crosscutting target in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, Landesa organized the #WomensLand Social Media Campaign across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Individuals and groups in 107 countries (see map) participated in the campaign and spread the message that strong land rights for women can help us achieve our development goals. We offer our sincere thanks to all those who contributed to the campaign. 

To revisit the Women's Land Social Media Campaign, view our campaign tagboard, which collects content created by Landesa and its partners. And follow us on Twitter to join our next global social media campaign to celebrate World Food Day on October 16th.
October 2015


Landesa in the News


Sustainable Development Solutions Network published a blog by economist and global development expert Jeffrey Sachs endorsing a land rights indicator that has been proposed by Landesa and its partners.

Thomson Reuters Foundation  published a blog by Landesa Center for Women's Land Rights Director Tzili Mor about the development of women's land rights in the 20 years since the Beijing Women's Conference.

Republica of Nepal shared Landesa's Why Land Rights Matter infographic.
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