Landesa has launched a new program to help communities, the private sector, and governments achieve socially responsible, transparent, and financially sustainable land-based investments.
The Responsible Investments in Property and Land (RIPL) project, funded by the UK's Department for International Development (DFID), is a four-year effort that will culminate in the creation of three "playbooks" with detailed highly localized guidance for communities, investors, and governments involved in large scale land investments in two countries.
Landesa has developed a scalable model that educates rural communities about women's land rights and builds support for women to exercise and enforce these rights. Following the success of this model's pilot - theKenya Justice Project- Landesa has just released an Implementation Guide to equip Kenyan organizations so they can replicate the model and improve women's rights to land in the areas where they work.
Landesa and partner organizations continue their work to ensure that land rights are included in the post-2015 development framework. To learn more about their efforts, read this document that proposes a single indicator relating to land rights in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals and lays out a feasible path for tracking women's and men's land rights.
This indicator builds on the suggestions of UN policy and statistical experts, and is a meaningful, universal and cross-cutting indicator that will help to track the progress toward six goals: ending poverty (1); ensuring food security (2); achieving gender equality and women's empowerment (5); reducing inequality within and among countries (10); making cities and human settlements inclusive (11); and protecting, restoring and promoting sustainable use of ecosystems, forests and land (15).
Landesa is undertaking a bold new initiative to bring secure land rights, and the opportunity and incentive that they provide, to tens of millions more poor families throughout the world. To achieve these ambitious objectives, Landesa is launching a world-wide fundraising initiative - The Landesa Campaign - to raise a total of six million dollars by the year 2016. To learn more about the campaign, email [email protected].
Skoll World Forumposted a blog by Landesa CEO Tim Hanstad about why we partner with governments.
Professional photographer Nancy Farese shared a photo essay of her experience in India photographing two of Landesa's projects.
The Pioneer featured Landesa's work on ensuring land rights for single women in Odisha, India.
USAID selected one of Landesa's photos taken by Deborah Espinosa for their Land Tenure and Property Management photo contest.
ONE Campaign posted a Landesa photo essay about five women farmers in India who are using their secure land rights to create a better future for themselves and their families.
The Business Standard ran an article about women farmers in Uttar Pradesh, India calling for equitable land rights at a workshop organized by Oxfam India and Landesa.
Focus on Land in Africa posted a brief by Landesa land tenure specialist, Ailey Kaiser Hughes, and former Landesa land tenure specialist, Amanda Richardson, about the connections between land rights and gender-based violence.
The Coca-Cola Company posted a blog about how companies investing in land can preserve local land rights. The blog was written by Landesa senior director of corporate partnerships, David Bledsoe.
ONE Campaignlisted land rights as the number one way for women in Africa to reach their potential.
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