Landesa's newsletter: Plotlines
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Place the Issue of Land Rights on the World Stage

The current Millennium Development Goals are set to expire in 2015. The UN has started a process to develop a "post-2015 development agenda" that will define priorities for the international development community for the next fifteen years.

Landesa is working with partners around the world to ensure that secure rights to land for women and men is included as a target in the new sustainable development goals to help governments around the world achieve their goals of reducing poverty, inequality, and food insecurity.
View Landesa's proposed target and indicators >>

Landesa Releases Study on Advancing Gender-Inclusive Land Reform in Rwanda

Landesa's study on the early stages of Rwanda's land reform program was just published by World Development - a prominent peer-reviewed development journal targeting policy makers and practitioners. 

The study, conducted in partnership with CARE International Rwanda, provides practical recommendations to ensure Rwanda's land reform strengthens the tenure of women and vulnerable groups. Land tenure reforms typically provide an opportunity to improve social and economic resilience for poor rural households. 

Landesa's report provides practical lessons and implementable strategies for Rwanda and other countries in the region currently engaging in land tenure reform
View the study >>

New Infographic Illustrates the Global Impact of Land Rights 

Secure land rights are a foundation that allows other development efforts to take root.

Landesa created an interactive infographic mapping how secure land rights around the world have helped millions of women and men find a path out of poverty.
Follow this link to read how nutrition, women's empowerment, health, conservation, resilience, and economic development improve when women and men have secure rights to land.

New Content Reveals Progress on Land Rights in Kenya, Uganda, and Zimbabwe

Focus on Land in Africa is an online resource developed by Landesa and World Resources Institute that provides expert commentary, stories of impact, and practical analysis about land rights and development in African countries. Highlights of new content this month include:
IMPACT STORY | Kenyan pastoralists gain greater resiliency through land rights and education programs. 
COMMENTARY | Interview with agriculture and tenure expert Mandivamba Rukuni about smallholder agriculture and Zimbabwe's economic future. 

POLICY ANALYSIS | Highlights from Kenya's and Uganda's National Land Policies with videos featuring the views of government and civil society leaders on the countries' policies to combat poverty and promote economic development through secure land rights.  

June 10, 2014


Landesa in the News


The Citizen in Tanzania ran an editorial by Landesa CEO Tim Hanstad on Africa's window of opportunity to establish secure land rights for women and men as a development priority.




The Wall Street Journal cites Landesa's survey findings in an article about an attack on Chinese farmers whose land was given to a company without their permission.




McClatchy featured a story about water shortages in northern China. The reporter interviewed and quoted Landesa founder Roy Prosterman to illuminate the impact on rural dwellers and their rights to land. 



Modern Ghana ran Landesa's op-ed on how Ghana can help lead the effort to spotlight secure land rights in the discussions on sustainable development goals. 




The O Herald published a feature story on Landesa's programmatic work in India including an interview with Landesa India country director Sanjoy Patnaik.

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