Landesa's newsletter: Plotlines
Homes for the Holidays

Landesa is participating in Google's innovative 12 Days of Giving Campaign this year. As grantees in the latest round of Google Global Impact Awards, Landesa and FrontlineSMS received a $1.5M grant from Google to build a mobile land titling platform to help 80,000 families in India to gain secure rights to their homesteads through a three-year partnership.
Landesa Research Reveals Improvements in West Bengal, India

A newly released Landesa study of 1,373 households in three districts in West Bengal, India found that formerly landless families who received micro-plots (tennis-court sized plots of land) showed a range of significant gains. Beneficiary families were more likely to have accessed credit from a bank, were more likely to use those funds to invest in their land, and were more likely to make a range of improvements (such as using fertilizer) to improve their land.


Landesa Founder Featured in a New Book

Roy Prosterman, founder of Landesa and pioneer in the global land rights movement, is featured in a new book, Uberpreneurs, How to Create Innovative Global Businesses and Transform Human Societies. Prosterman is in esteemed company including Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Muhammad Yunus


Columbia University Publishes Article on Women's Land Rights by Roy Prosterman 

The Journal of International Affairs' latest issue features an article by Roy Prosterman that outlines legal and policy reforms that governments around the world are using, with Landesa's help, to improve women's land rights. 


December 15, 2013
Landesa in the News 

The New York Times

The New York Times featured a column by Landesa China country director, Gao Yu, in a package about relocation and migration.  



The Hindu ran a large package on Landesa's UN Women study on inheritance for women, which found that only one in ten women inherit land. The story highlights the importance of laws that support inheritance rights for women.

The Guardian ran an editorial by Landesa Center for Women's Land Rights senior attorney and advisor, Renee Giovarelli, and Landesa president and CEO, Tim Hanstad, about how a proposed property bill in Kenya would allow women to be stripped of family property, including their home, upon divorce or the death of their husband.

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