Dear Intuition Newsletter Friends, 
Lots of fun things to report this month! I've just returned from a 2-week vacation in Florida. Check out my Facebook Page for some photos I've shared. Also, I'm happy to report that I'll be crossing off an item on my "Bucket List." I've always wanted to go to Japan for the Sakura (Cherry Blossom) festivals. I was just invited to teach in Tokyo and Osaka at the end of March and beginning of April. Perfect timing!

I'd like to share one of my favorite intuition techniques for being able to receive those bucket list items. Read below for "Are You Seeking a New Direction?"

In gratitude,

Note: Limited Availability for March
There are just a few appointments available in March due to my trip to Japan. Click below to reserve your session date!

Upcoming Events

Join me and the American Business Women's Association (ABWA) on March 8th at the Double Tree Inn, Hyannis, MA. 

Speaking Topic: 
Trust Your Gut and Grow Your Business 

Are You Seeking a New Direction?

It happens to all of us at multiple times throughout our lives. You're bored, stuck and don't know what to do. Or you may find yourself in one of those big life transitions that plunge you into change. These might include a divorce, a layoff at work or a health crisis. Here are 3 tips for managing these challenges.

Get Clarity
Ask yourself some questions. Good ones are: "What would be the most perfect outcome to this situation?" "What do I want?" Or "What am I yearning for?" Another way to get clarity is a sentence completion. "Wouldn't it be great if...." Write a paragraph or so about what you want. Don't try to figure out how you're going to get it. That's for your intuition to work out.

Go Within
Close your eyes. Briefly bring to mind the situation that's causing your frustration. Now bring to mind the outcome that you want. Spend a few moments visualizing this perfect outcome. What feeling would you experience if you got what you want? As you visualize this image, feel those emotions. Add some words to your imagery. Use whatever works for you. "This is great." "I feel terrific!" Imagine your friends and family celebrating with you. Do whatever you can to make this image real and vivid.

The Intuitive Response
Ask your intuition, "What could I do right now?" Await a response. Open your eyes when you feel ready. Jot down any ideas, thoughts and impressions you may have had. They might not come to you immediately. Intuitive "aha" moments tend to arrive when you least expect them.

Take The Right Action
Don't take action simply on what you think makes sense. Act only on impulses that feel like fun, make you excited, or seem enjoyable to you. Your intuition will begin to bring together the circumstances and synchronicities to create your goal. We're all born with the gift of intuition. It's an inner compass that resides within each of us. Listen to it and honor it. It will always lead you in the direction of success.
Resources You Can Use

If you're facing uncertainty right now, you might find my guided meditation on the topic helpful. It will assist you in tapping into your intuition as a source of guidance.

Weekly Inspiration and Wisdom

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the one who'll decide where to go." 
"Your intuition is your 'inner compass' that shows you the simplest and easiest path to achieve your dreams. Get still...breathe deeply...listen."
- Lynn A. Robinson
Are you seeking confirmation, guidance, and insight for a specific area of your life? 

Or perhaps you need direction for making that next BIG business decision.
"Earlier this year, I was told that there would not be enough money to cover my position at work. I was devastated. I was not sure why this had happened, since I loved my job! After an intuitive reading with Lynn, I felt energized and excited as opposed to feeling worried and stressed. She provided guidance on the best way to proceed in regards to my career. For the first time (in a long time) I feel enthusiastic about what the future holds!"

-Gabriela R.

I offer 30 and 60-minute intuitive reading sessions. If you're in the midst of change and transition in your life and need some guidance figuring out your next steps, sign up for an appointment on my online calendar.
Lynn A. Robinson - Intuitive Advisor
Sessions by phone or Skype

We all have an inborn guidance system that provides clear and accurate direction to create a successful and happy life. However, there are times when we need the "extra" insight from an intuitive to help us on our path.

Lynn is a leading expert on the topic of intuition. Through her work as an intuitive advisor, she's helped thousands of people discover their life passion and achieve their goals. Voted "Best Psychic" by Boston Magazine, she's also a bestselling author whose latest book is Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity.


To learn more or to make an appointment on my online calendar:

In gratitude...
800-925-4002 (U.S. and Canada calls) 
Copyright (c) 2015, all rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter as long as this copyright notice and full information about contacting the author is attached.

Intuitive Consulting, Inc. | 10 Twin Oaks Drive | Mashpee | MA | 02649