Dear Intuition Newsletter Friends, 
I'm a big fan of Law of Attraction. I believe that when you keep your focus on what you want, visualize it, align with the energy of it and take action on any intuitive guidance you receive - it manifests. But darn it! It usually doesn't do it right away. In that gap between the desire and the manifestation, it's all too easy to give up and lose hope.
Here are some of my thoughts that might help you create your life with more ease and joy.

In gratitude,
Create Your Life with More Ease and Joy

A Divine Intelligence is at Work in Your Life
The Universe knows exactly what you need in order to grow into the next experience you want to create. Susan Jeffers writes in End the Struggle and Dance With Life, "When we are spiritually evolving, we are in a better place to handle whatever life hands us." She adds, "We all want quick and easy, but when it comes to becoming a spiritual being, speed doesn't work."
I've had many experiences in my life that felt like failures. At the time it was hard to imagine I was anywhere near to achieving the goals I so desperately wanted. Yet, when I look back at those situations I can see that the Universe had arranged those detours to help me grow into my vision.
You Are Being Prepared for a Life Change
While it may have appeared to me that nothing was happening, the changes that were taking place in my emotions, thoughts and spiritual growth were profound. It's as if Divine Intelligence knew exactly what I needed to overcome the limiting beliefs I held about myself and the world. God was preparing me for the next steps in my life.
You may think your goal is to get that promotion, to find your life partner or to write a best-selling book. However, God uses your desires to help you learn about love, forgiveness, kindness, community, wisdom and patience along the way. Trust and faith are the qualities to focus on while the forces of Universal wisdom do their work.
Small Steps to Success
Ask yourself, "What would be the most perfect outcome to this situation" or more simply, "What do I want?"
Write a paragraph or so about what you want. Don't try to figure out how you're going to get it. That's for your intuition to work out.
Close your eyes. Briefly bring to mind the situation that's causing your frustration.
Now bring to mind the outcome that you want. Spend a few moments visualizing this perfect outcome. What feeling would you be experiencing if you got what you want? As you visualize this image, feel those emotions. Add some words to your imagery. Use whatever works for you. "This is great." "I feel terrific!" Imagine your friends and family celebrating with you. Do whatever you can to make this image real and vivid.
Ask your intuition, "Is there anything I could do right now that would make this happen?" Await a response. Open your eyes when you feel ready. Jot down any ideas, thoughts and impressions you may have had.
Don't take action simply on what you think makes sense. Act only on impulses that feel like fun, make you excited, or seem enjoyable to you. Your intuition will begin to bring together the circumstances and synchronicities to create your goal.  
We're all born with the gift of intuition. It's an inner compass that resides within each of us. Listen to it and honor it. It will always lead you in the direction of success.

Intuitive Wisdom to Guide Your Life

"No matter how deep a study you make, what you really have to rely on is your own intuition. And when it comes down to it, you really don't know what's going to happen until you do."
- Kanosuke Matsushita
"Your intuition is your inner compass. It points you in the right direction. If you're feeling down, scared, and worried, that's your intuition inviting you to shift your focus."
- Lynn A. Robinson

Intuitive Reading Gift Certificates Make Great Holiday Presents!

Did you know that I offer gift certificates for an intuitive session with me? An intuitive reading makes a great gift for anyone you love who's going through a life transition. Do you know someone who's just graduated, lost a job, managing a rocky relationship, feeling confused, or could simply use some intuitive insight? may want to give a gift to yourself!
Are you seeking confirmation, guidance, and insight for a specific area of your life OR you need direction for making that next BIG business decision?"

I am here for you...
"Wonderful! I would highly recommended Lynn's services. A good friend recommended her to me and I am grateful. Give yourself the gift of a session with Lynn, you will be so pleased."

- Katherine Ryan

I offer 30 and 60-minute intuitive reading sessions. If you're in the midst of change and transition in your life and need some guidance figuring out your next steps, sign up for an appointment on my online calendar.
Lynn A. Robinson - Intuitive Advisor
Sessions by phone or Skype

We all have an inborn guidance system that provides clear and accurate direction to create a successful and happy life. However, there are times when we need the "extra" insight from an intuitive to help us on our path.

Lynn is a leading expert on the topic of intuition. Through her work as an intuitive advisor, she's helped thousands of people discover their life passion and achieve their goals. Voted "Best Psychic" by Boston Magazine, she's also a bestselling author whose latest book is Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity.


To learn more or to make an appointment on my online calendar:

In gratitude...
800-925-4002 (U.S. and Canada calls) 
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