Dear Intuition Newsletter friends:


I often receive requests for techniques on how to develop and trust intuition.  Below I describe one of my favorites.  I call it the 
"Sleep On It" technique

for inner guidance! If you're more of a visual or auditory learner,


Sometimes a challenge feels a bit overwhelming and it's difficult to get your logical, rational mind out of the way to listen for the intuitive insights.  You may find you get the best answers when you turn your brain off and go to sleep.


On a pad of paper or in a notebook, write a few paragraphs about the decision you're trying to make.  Summarize the issue into a one-sentence question. Example: "Should I pursue this new career direction?"  Or, "How can I create more abundance in my life?"


You might also simply ask for information about an issue.  "I need information about my career direction."  Or, "I need to know about how to create more abundance."


State the question or issue over and over in your mind as you drift off to sleep.


As you wake up try not to come FULLY awake at first.  Ask yourself, "Did I have a dream about my decision?"  Pick up your paper and begin to write any phrases, images or dream fragments that you remember.


If it's a big decision, you may need to repeat this exercise over two or three nights.  


Happy dreams! ;-)

Are You Scared to Make a Change in Your Life?


Your Intuition Can Help!  Read my latest article on this topic in Aspire Magazine.


Need Some Additional Guidance? 

Schedule an Intuitive Reading!



Lynn Robinson


Lynn A. Robinson - Intuitive Advisor

Sessions by phone or Skype



We all have an inborn guidance system that provides clear and accurate direction to create a successful and happy life. However, there are times when we need the "extra" insight from an intuitive to help us on our path.


Lynn is a leading expert on the topic of intuition. Through her work as an intuitive advisor she's helped thousands of people discover their life passion and achieve their goals. Voted "Best Psychic" by Boston Magazine, she's also a bestselling author whose latest book is Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity. She's also the author of,  LISTEN: Trusting Your Inner Voice in Times of Crisis and Trust Your Gut .




To learn more or to make an appointment on my online calendar:



In gratitude...




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