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News from the HHC Chamber of Commerce  November 7, 2013
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Labor Law Posters for Sale

The Henderson-Henderson County Chamber has partnered with the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Executives to offer mandatory Kentucky and federal labor law posters at a discounted rate through the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce.

Kentucky employers with one or more employees are required to post a variety of notices that must meet certain requirements and knowing which labor law posters to display can often be a time consuming and frustrating task for many employers.

To place your order, visit this website and make sure to choose the Henderson-Henderson County Chamber.

Chamber Events
Chamber to launch TV show!
The Henderson-Henderson County Chamber of Commerce will team with WEHT/WTVW to air a monthly 30-minute  television program focused on our community and its businesses. The shows will air the first Saturday of every month at 6:30 p.m. on WEHT 25 Local and on WTVW Local 7 the following Sunday morning at a time to be determined. The first program is scheduled for Dec. 7.

Chamber President Brad Schneider will be the host of the show, which will include segments on Chamber businesses, local points of interest, upcoming Chamber events, important issues and more. The show will also have its own dedicated page on TriStateHomePage.com as well as the TriStateOnTheGo mobile app. To find out more about advertising opportunities on this fun and locally-focused show that will reach hundreds of thousands of Tri-State viewers, contact Warren Distler at 1-800-876-8568 or wdistler@nexstar.tv. 


WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Please take the Chamber survey


As we prepare for the future and continue to determine the most effective ways to help our members, we'd very much appreciate your input. Please take a moment to complete the following survey. It's a quick and easy multiple choice questionnaire that will assist our staff and board of directors in making your chamber membership as valuable as possible. There are also opportunities in the survey to expand on your thoughts and opinions, and we certainly welcome those. The last day to participate in the survey is Friday, November 8. Thank you very much in advance for your time and insight. We are thankful you are a part of our organization.

Community Events


OVAL, Ohio Valley Art League presents the third annual Christmas Card Competition Exhibit through January 15, 2014 at the OVAL gallery. Area Artists entered artworks of winter scenes or with a holiday theme to be displayed.

The Career and Technical Education Unit at Henderson County High School is hosting a business fair/open house on Thursday, December 5. They invite businesses to come and set up booths with brochures/flyers about their business and allow students to get incite on what employers in Henderson are looking for in future employees. Please email victor.doty@henderson.kyschools.us to sign up for a booth.
Northwest Kentucky Forward is hosting an S.O.S networking event for entrepreneurs. A presentation will be made on human resource issues and how they can affect your start-up business. The presentation will be given by Marla McElroy, Human Resource Director for River View Coal. It will be held Verlie's Restaurant in downtown Morganfield on Nov.12 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested in starting  a business or who has stared a business is welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Garrick Thompson: Garrick.Thompson@unioncountyky.org.

The Henderson Lions Club is preparing for their annual Television Auction to benefit the Henderson Eyesight Conservation between February 10, and 22, 2014. Lions are asking for merchandise or cash donations to support this great cause.

Audubon State Park is hosting the "Reindeer Run 5k" on Dec. 14 at 8:30 a.m. Registration forms can be downloaded here, and registration before Dec. 5 is $25 for the run, $20 for the walk. This 5k will not be a trail run, it will be on paved surfaces throughout the park.  Don't miss out on this festive fitness opportunity!

Methodist Hospital is teaming up with the Henderson County Diabetes Coalition to 'Hunt Down Diabetes' with a 10K Run, 5K Run/Walk and a 1 mile family fun walk.The event will be on Saturday, November 16 at 9 a.m. at Methodist Hospital Family Garden. For more information or to sign up, please contact Robin Kennedy at (270) 827-7252 or rkenny@methodisthospital.net

Northwest Kentucky Forward and Green River Area Development District (GRADD) are sponsoring a regional 'work ready communications' summit at Western Kentucky University- Owensboro on Nov. 14 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Local "Work Ready" committee members, Workforce Investment Board members, and elected officials, as well as local economic development, education, and business/industry representatives are invited to attend. There is no cost to attend, but space is limited. Click here or contact Betsy Wells-Jones at (270) 826-7505 to register.

Henderson County High School Marching Band is having its annual Fruit Sale. Fruits can be purchased online here, or by contacting Sally Welch at (270) 577-0383, or Julie Buckman at (270) 577-7766.  


Northwest Kentucky Training Consortium - NKTC upcoming training topics are: Business Ethics in the Workplace, Social Media Policies & Implementation Workshop, Goal Setting for Success, Basics in Employment Law, and The Super Supervisor. Click here to visit NKTC's website to learn more and register for its trainings.   


Please send community announcements to info@hendersonchamber.org. If you need the announcement in a particular issue of Henderson Highlights, please submit your announcement with as much information as possible by end of business on Wednesday.
Show your (online) Chamber pride!

Thanks to A2Z Computer Services we now have a great way for you to show off your chamber pride!  Feel free to place this logo on your website, email signatures, newsletters, etc.   Download logo

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The HHC Chamber is committed to serving our members and community in the best possible manner. To meet this goal we encourage your feedback. Please let us know what we do well, what we do not do so well, and what new things we might try.

Call at (270) 826-9531; fax at (270) 827-4461; or email.