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Issue: 8     
April 2013  
Breakthroughs Newsletter 
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Why is my child bullied? Bully vs Bullied

Either side of this quandary has its challenges. Most of us would have more empathy for the individual being bullied. Their 'hurt' is more obvious, whether it's physical or emotional. However, the bully is hurting too. A bully often has a following but no real friends. The bully tries to prove he is a somebody by overpowering another. It doesn't really heal the hurt on the inside - it's just a temporary fix.


This month we are talking about Bullying from both sides of the equation and some of the brain skills that both bullies and their victims have in common. Check out this month's YouTube video and blogs for great information. I think you will be surprised how an out of balance brain skill impacts the lives of the bully and the bullied. Breakthroughs in Learning has had the privilege of seeing lives dramatically changed in both of these scenarios.

Making a Difference Together,


Pauline Turton

Founder and Director

Why is my child bullied?
Win Free Stuff! 
Free Draw!

Just tell us about your favourite educational resource! It's simple and easy to do.Winner will receive a free Brain Booster of their choice! Open to any age. 


Check out the wide range of Brain Boosters in our online store. Specifically developed to target early learning skills!
Congratulations to last months winner Lidia H!
Why are some children bullied and others not? Why do some people seem to attract bullies? Today we look at key characteristics that may answer that. more...
There is no shortage of opinions on the topic of bullying but are they realistic? A look at how bullying has changed and what's being done about it. more... 
A look at some of the common characteristics of bullies and what fosters their behaviour. more...

Dealing effectively with learning disabilities and emotional challenges is not only solvable, but at Breakthroughs in Learning we have specific programs that can help almost any situation.  Matthew Turton, Learning Disabilities Expert, will share specific techniques to

help your child or adolescent get past their specific learning issues and thrive.   



At Our Seminar You Will:

  • Learn that the brain is like a muscle: when you exercise it, it will grow.
  • Discuss case studies indicating the specific changes that take place in the brain which will help your child achieve success over their specific learning issue
  • Discover that overcoming learning issues is not only possible, but that we also have specific strategies that will help you deal with them on a daily basis
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Check it out!

At Breakthroughs we're big fans of the game Rush Hour. Check   out this stop motion animation      showing you how to beat the      hardest level! This amazing         video was made by one of our     clients Andrew B. age 9 and his  friend Brian L.

Study Tip 
Reward Yourself!
Celebrate The Small Victories!


Reward yourself when you complete a task on time or achieve a goal.  You can go outside, have some ice cream, play a video game or do anything else that is a positive reinforcer for you.

We are excited to bring you these great resources and information. Please feel free to share these articles on Facebook or other social media. You never know who may need the information.

If you are not familiar with who we are and how we help people move forward, or perhaps know a friend that could use our service, check out our website:

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In This Issue
Study Tip
Quick Links
Brain Booster Cover
Click to download April's  free page from our Brain Booster workbook series. Specifically designed to work on the skills that form the foundation of learning! A new page every month!
Brain Food!
Sneak Some Healthy Food In Their Diet!

Click here for a quick and easy recipe fully of healthy foods!  
Did You Know?

When the State of Arizona projects how many prison beds it will need, it factors in the number of kids who read well in fourth grade.

(Arizona Republic (9-15-2004)


Your brain uses 20% of the total oxygen in your body. (source)