Outreach Uganda Logo. Tagline: Changing Lives. Overcoming Poverty Together.
Issue #7      
August 2014
Phone: 303/683-8450 

In This Issue
Beaders at Work
Leaders in the Making
Coming to Colorado!
Amazon Smile


Mixed beads - grab bag

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We work hard to keep costs down and make the best possible use of your donations. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Colorado. Our nonprofit taxpayer ID is 26-0767575.
Beads for title header


It's hard to believe I've been back from Uganda for almost three weeks. I was privileged to go on a field trip to Murchison Falls National Park with twelve of our P-7 students from Agwata. I hope you'll read more about the impact of this trip in this month's newsletter.

Already we are planning for our next trip to Uganda in late January and February. If you would like to join us and visit your sponsored child and/or volunteer in some way, now is the time to let us know of your interest! We'd love to talk with you about how to make this happen.


If you know of any good places to sell beads at your work, church, neighborhood or family gathering, please let us know. It's what makes our women prosper.


In the meantime, have a happy fall!

God's peace,
Carol Davis
Carol Davis, President
  Carol Davis Signature





Carol Davis

President, Outreach Uganda




Beaders at Work
Take a look at these photos of women making and collecting beads!
Oyelle Colline strings a new style of extra-long necklace which incorporates different size beads.
Apyemo Margaret staples tags to necklaces. All Summer long, our beaders have been hard at work coming up with different designs.

Okidi Florence goes over the beads collected for shipment to the US. This most recent package includes many of the new items we are debuting for Fall, including ornaments, coasters, and a children's tic-tac-toe game.

Agwata Students Take Study Tour to Park
Leaders in the Making
P-7 class learning about hippos at the Nile delta area of Murchison Falls park.

In July, Carol Davis, OU President; David Ocitti, Project Coordinator; and three teachers traveled with twelve P-7 students from the Agwata school. The group went on a four-day study tour to Murchison Falls National Park. Two mornings were spent with an armed guide learning more about the park's animals, birds and habitats.

Three of the P-7 girls as they were helping load the van to return to Agwata.
According to their teacher, Ocan Michael, the trip has given the students a tremendous learning boost in geography, science and Ugandan history in addition to inspiring them to learn more and go far with their education.  The entire school and community was excited to learn that one of these students achieved the highest marks in the parish (Division 1) on their recent mock exams. More... 
Sling bags on sale + FREE shipping on all orders! 

New narrow shoulder-strap purses on sale this month for $9.60!

This new style of necklace features rolled cloth beads in varying patterns.

Click Here to Shop Our Entire Online Store!
David is Coming to Colorado!
Meet our Ugandan project coordinator 
David Ocitti, project coordinator, in Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda. He will be visiting the U.S. in September.

From mid to late September, David Ocitti, OU Project Coordinator and native Ugandan, will be visiting the Metro Denver area for the first time. We are encouraging our supporters in the area to take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions, learn more about Uganda and how our projects impact the communities we serve. 

Host David for a dinner in your home or take him out for a cultural event in the afternoon. All ages, especially children, could benefit from this learning experience! He is greatly looking forward to the chance to thank everyone who has been helping the women and children of Uganda. 

We will also be hosting an open house (tentatively scheduled for Sept. 24th) during his visit. From Colorado, David will move on to southern California to attend a workshop to learn techniques for cultivating a certain herb (a multipurpose tree) that will help generate additional income for northern Uganda farmers.
Amazon Smile
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