January 30, 2014
Lake County Leaders Summit Focuses on Collaboration
More than 100 government, business, and civic leaders came together for the first ever Lake County Leaders Summit. The group discussed opportunities to collaborate, including sharing services and joint bidding, and making investments in transportation, access to public transit, healthcare, and housing. There will be four regional leadership roundtables around the county in March to delve deeper into these issues and explore ways to collaborate and work 
effectively together. Watch video from summit.
Extreme Winter Conditions
This winter has brought with it extreme weather and temperatures that can be dangerous and lead to hazardous situations. Be prepared and stay safe this winter! Pack an emergency car kit that includes extra blankets, check in with elderly neighbors or anyone that lives alone to make sure that they're safe and follow Alert Lake County on Twitter for emergency alerts.
See NOAA'ss Lake County Alerts 
Apply for the Summer Youth Employment Program in February
The Lake County Board's Summer Youth Employment Program places youth in a paid, part-time work experience over the summer. Participants are matched with local work sites and gain valuable experience while earning a pay check. Applications are available online or at the Lake County Job Center in Waukegan and are due on Feb. 28. New public or non-profit work sites are also needed to host youth workers.  Visit www.lakecountyjobcenter.com for more information.
  County Update: Shared Services Initiative
Lake County is giving significant focus to collaborating with other governments to operate more efficiently. Lake County is working with two groups that are exploring ways to jointly contract for services, cooperatively purchase goods, and share services such as building inspections. Watch this episode of County Update to learn more about how Lake County is focusing on enhancing communication, transparency and looking at issues with a regional perspective.  Watch Video
In This Issue
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Forest Preserves: Indoor Art Exhibits  
Don't let the cold weather keep you from enjoying winter! It's your last chance to experience several indoor art exhibits.  

New stunning collection of Infrared photographs looks into a beautiful and often eerie world invisible to the naked eye. Using a modified digital camera, photographer Rob Kuehnle challenges viewers to see familiar subjects in new 
ways. Free and open to all ages 
 The Passenger Pigeon's Flight to Extinction: Ends Feb.2.
The year 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the extinction of the Passenber Pigeon. This original exhibition explores connections between the human world and looks at some of the work being done today to help prevent similar extinctions from occurring.  Lake County Discovery Museum

Experience the whimsical world of popular nature illustrator and artist Charley Harper (1922-2007) at Beguiled by the Wild: The Art of Charley Harper exhibition. The exhibition also includes interactive art activities such as large-scale puzzles, tangrams and rubbing stations to make your very own prints.  Lake County Discovery Museum
If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 847.445.5504 (cell) or email me at lpedersen@lakecountyil.gov.

Linda Pedersen
Lake County Board, District 1 Representative
Linda Pedersen, Lake County Board | lpedersen@lakecountyil.gov | http://lakecountyil.gov
18 N. County
Waukegan, IL 60085

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