JustHope Inc

Don't Miss this Women-to-Women PartnerTrip 


Creating global partnerships, combating poverty, nurturing sustainable community... 

November 12, 2014


Help Fulfill Dreams


What's Needed in Nicaragua

Smart phones w/chargers
 Laptop computers for cyber center
 School supplies (pencils, pens, metric rulers, erasers, personal pencil sharpeners, colored pencils)
 New or gently used tennis shoes (all sizes)
 Children's ankle socks (inside shoe)

   Join One of our Study Aboard/ Service-Learning Groups!


November 28- December 6
Medical students embark on a Service-Learning trip with Medicos in Solidarity to Chacraseca.  

January 17-24  
Woman-to-Woman Trip-  Women meeting, playing, and learning together across borders

January 24-31
Community Health Educators

March 14-21  
Medical students embark on a Service-Learning trip with Medicos in Solidarity to Chacraseca. 

May 13-20
Dental students from Tulsa Community College engage in service-learning in three Nicaraguan communities

May 20-28
Nursing students from Tulsa Community College engage in service-learning in three Nicaraguan communities


Click here for more information on any of these trips. 

Click here to read some reflections of our travelers.


Faith-Based PartnerTrips
Join Any of the Following!
November 8-15  
Federated UCC, Chagrin Falls, OH to Chacraseca, working with Stitching Hope and the local volunteer health brigade 

January 3-10
First Methodist, Colorado Springs, CO to Chacraseca, building latrines

January 29 - February 7
Disciples Christian, Bartlesville, OK
to Chacraseca, to expand the Ferreteria
February 23- March 2 
Ktizo UCC, Phoenix, AZ to continue in their partnership with La Flor

February 23- March 2
St John's Catholic Church, Euclid, OH to Chacraseca for a partnership with Sacred Heart Catholic Church

March 7-14
Illinois Presbytery to La Flor to build a house
We can customize a PartnerTrip for your group! Email us!
You are invited to join JustHope on a Women-to-Women PartnerTrip to Chacraseca, Nicaragua. 

Last summer, a group of women spent a week among Chacraseca's women. On of
 the activities was a recipe 
swap of sorts...
The women from the US shared a traditional casserole recipe and
enjoyed the puzzled reaction of the Nica women to the idea of canned green beans! 

On another hilarious occasion, one of our trip participants talked a woman into taking a photo withher wile both of them were sitting on the brand new latrine in her backyard! The
 light embarrassment of both parties made for heartfelt laughter and this beautiful photo.

We hope you will be able to join us as we develop relationships with our global sisters- learning about their culture, experiencing daily life with them, hearing their struggles, hopes, and dreams, and sharing ours. We will also engage with them in some type of community service such as building a latrine or working in the schools or clinics. We'll cook together, play together and learn together.

There is limited space available on this trip. If interested, please email us!

Great news! 
Together, we made the $5,000 matching challenge!

Remember, Giving Tuesday is coming up December 2!

"Be a Sustaining Partner" 
We can do far more together than any of us can do alone!
woman and daughter
As little as $10 each month can make a huge difference in JustHope's work- creating global partnerships, combating poverty, and nurturing sustainable community. 
Your monthly donation is a guarantee of regular and predictable funds, which allows us to plan ahead effectively and commit to the long-term with our partners in Nicaragua. 
You can sign up by clicking here and using the "Subscribe" button OR email us and we'll be happy to set it up for you.
JustHope is a 501c3 organization dedicated to creating global partnerships, combating extreme poverty, and nurturing sustainable community.   
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 Leslie Penrose, Director                                                                                            leslie@justhope.org
918-260-7181    Toll free: 877-398-5878                                                                           www.justhope.org