JustHope Inc

Home Improvement


Creating global partnerships, combating poverty, nurturing sustainable community... 

February 24, 2014

Help Fulfill Dreams


What's Needed in Nicaragua
Smart phones w/chargers
 Laptop computers for cyber center
 School supplies (pencils, pens, metric rulers, erasers, personal pencil sharpeners, colored pencils)
 New or gently used tennis shoes (all sizes)
 Children's ankle socks (inside shoe)

   Join One of our Study Aboard/ Service-Learning Groups!


February 23- March 1

AT Stills University (Arizona) medical students to Chacraseca. 
Service-learning clinics   


March 1-8

AT Stills University (Missouri) & DOCARE Global Outreach and Continuing Education Week


May 17-24

Tulsa Community College Dental Hygiene students to Santa Emilia, La Flor, & Chacraseca. 
Service-Learning projects.  


May 21-29

Tulsa Community College Nursing students to Santa Emilia, La Flor, & Chacraseca.   
Service-Learning projects 

May 24-31
Medical students and medical professionals embark on a Service-Learning trip with Medicos in Solidarity to Chacraseca.


July 20-27

Medical students and medical professionals embark on a Service-Learning trip with Medicos in Solidarity to Chacraseca. 


Click here for more information on any of these trips. 

Click here to read some reflections of our travelers.


Faith-Based PartnerTrips
Join Any of the Following!
March 9-16
Ktizo UCC, Phoenix, AZ to    LaFlor, Nicaragua. 
Repairing Homes
March 22-29
St Andrews Lutheran Campus Church to Santa Emilia, Nicaragua.  
Building latrines
April 1-8
Illinois Presbytery 
to LaFlor, Nicaragua
Building Homes 

June 14-21 

Phillips Theological Seminary- Tulsa, OK, travel to Chacraseca for a week of women in leadership


June 21-28 

United Church of the Valley- Murrieta, CA, to Chacraseca for the annual Music Camp and more

We can customize a PartnerTrip for your group! Email us!





According to the World Bank, in rural areas, improved sanitation (such as pit latrines) has a rate of return of more than 7x for every dollar invested! This is one of the reasons we are so proud that last year JustHope partners helped provide more than 40 latrines to families in our partner communities!

passing bricks






And we are thrilled

that so many of our partners are taking on the challenge of bringing greater health through improved sanitation!





Next month, we begin building 3 more, and several of our partners have plans to provide more latrines this year!


None of this would be possible without the collaboration of so many wonderful communities...families...partners.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


We would like to take a moment to 

introduce and welcome our new, part-time, interim Development Consultant, Melinda Foster! 


Some of you may remember working with her or meeting her through last year's Wine for Water and Hope. She is talented, creative, and a seemingly never-ending source of encouragement and energy! 


Thank you for joining us on this journey, Melinda! We're so happy to have you!


"Be a Sustaining Partner" 
We can do far more together than any of us can do alone!
woman and daughter
As little as $10 each month can make a huge difference in JustHope's work- creating global partnerships, combating poverty, and nurturing sustainable community. 
Your monthly donation is a guarantee of regular and predictable funds, which allows us to plan ahead effectively and commit to the long-term with our partners in Nicaragua. 
You can sign up by clicking here and using the "Subscribe" button OR email us and we'll be happy to set it up for you.
JustHope is a 501c3 organization dedicated to creating global partnerships, combating extreme poverty, and nurturing sustainable community.   
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 Leslie Penrose, Director                                                                                            leslie@justhope.org
918-260-7181    Toll free: 877-398-5878                                                                           www.justhope.org