JustHope Inc

It's Coming


Creating global partnerships, combating poverty, nurturing sustainable community... 

September 5, 2013

info flier 

 Featuring entertainment by Nicaragua's best!

Otoniel FloresLeandroIsaiasmarimba player
playing the marimba...

AND artisan potters from San Juan de Oriente,   Isaias and Leandro  Lopez.



We are excited and proud to announce this year's Lead Sponsors 


Dream Makers ($5000)

Bill and Rozann Knight

Jim and Elaine Gragg 

David Rogers and Stacey Jones


Service-Learning ($2500)

Jeff Beal and Ted Campbell

Open Source Congregation (Rochester NY)


Sustaining ($1000)

Austin and Kathy Linsley

    Charles Pearce and Gary Meadows

Stan and Barbara Grogg


Wine Flight ($400)

Kyle and Audrey Penrose

Colin and Becky Smith

Bob and Sheri Curry


Please consider joining these Lead Sponsors to help us make this the biggest Wine for Water ever! (click here for more information about sponsorships)


Get your tickets Before October 1 
and get the early bird price!
Sponsorships and Tickets

JustHope is a 501c3 organization dedicated to creating global partnerships, combating extreme poverty, and nurturing sustainable community.   
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 Leslie Penrose, Director                                                                                            leslie@justhope.org
918-260-7181    Toll free: 877-398-5878                                                                           www.justhope.org