JustHope Inc

Education Updates!


Creating global partnerships, combating poverty, nurturing sustainable community... 

February 7, 2013

Help Fulfill Dreams
 Support a young person getting their
high school education!
$110 per year helps provide a uniform, supplies, and transportation.

What's Needed in Nicaragua
safe transportation to school
white socks
other school supplies


March 15-22 to Santa Emilia & La Flor with St. Andrew's, Champagne, IL


April 13-21 to Chacraseca with Ktizo UCC, Phoenix, AZ 


May 17-25 Join a group of nursing students from Tulsa Community College on a Service-Learning trip 


May 19-26 Join a group of dental hygiene students from Tulsa Community College on a Service-Learning trip. 


May 25- June 2 Join a group of medical students on a Service-Learning trip to Chacraseca, Santa Emilia, and La Flor.


June 1-8 Join the Board and their families on a "come and see" trip.


June 23-30 to Chacraseca for Music Camp with UCV, Murrieta, CA


July 20-28 Join a group of medical students on a Service-Learning trip to Chacraseca, Santa Emilia, and La Flor.


July 27- Aug 3 Join DCC- Bartlesville in Chacraseca.


December? Join a group of audio-visual students and psychology students as they travel through Nicaragua.


Click here for more information on any of these trips. And feel free to email us with any questions!

Click here to read some reflections of our travelers.


We can help you or your group find or create a PartnerTrip that meets your needs!



You helped us prepare 310 elementary scholarships this year! 

Thank you!


Also, for the second year, the Nicaraguan government is providing a meal at school for every elementary student. Learning is much more effective when one's tummy is full... 


school supplies


Ricardo (below in the grey shirt) graduated high school last year at the top of his class and was just accepted to UNAN (Nicaragua's highly competitive public university, in which tuition is free)! The community is very excited for this brilliant young man! AND Juan Pablo's son, Irvin, was accepted to UNI (Nicaragua's public Engineering university), and will pursue his engineering degree! 


school supplies  


The communities of Chacraesca and La Flor are still hoping for several more high school scholarships

  • An organization that has provided 67 scholarships for the last several years has not renewed their commitment for 2013, so far
  • There are no school busses; part of each scholarship helps defray the $1 per day cost of public transportation. In La Flor, a 16 year old boy was struck by a vehicle while walking the dangerous road between his home and school. We are still praying for his full recovery. 

Teachers, parents, and students are all concerned about the safety and education of the young people in their communities. Please help our partners to succeed in their efforts to educate their young people. School starts February 11.


"Be a Sustaining Partner" 
We can do far more together than any of us can do alone!
woman and daughter
As little as $10 each month can make a huge difference in JustHope's work- creating global partnerships, combating poverty, and nurturing sustainable community. 
Your monthly donation is a guarantee of regular and predictable funds, which allows us to plan ahead effectively and commit to the long-term with our partners in Nicaragua. 
You can sign up by clicking here and using the "Subscribe" button OR email us and we'll be happy to set it up for you.
JustHope is a 501c3 organization dedicated to creating global partnerships, combating extreme poverty, and nurturing sustainable community.   
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 Leslie Penrose, Director                                                                                            leslie@justhope.org
918-260-7181    Toll free: 877-398-5878                                                                           www.justhope.org