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Quote of the Week
"You're free to make 
your own choices, but 
you will never be free 
of the consequences 
of your choices."


Volume 7, Issue 35May 21, 2015
Acting Up
Middle School Students Bring Mulan Jr. to the Stage
On May 15, Lakehill's seventh and eighth grade musical theater students invited audiences to step into the fantastic world of Mulan, Jr.

Disney's Mulan, Jris a heartwarming celebration of culture, honor, and the fighting spirit. The score includes such favorites as "Reflection," "Honor to Us All," and "I'll Make a Man Out of You."
Defying tradition, Mulan takes up arms and disguises herself as a boy in order to spare her father from having to serve in the army. The Huns have invaded, and it is up to Mulan and her mischievous sidekick Mushu to save the Emperor. 

Filled with spectacular costumes, the musical brought the entire Lakehill community together for family theater at its best.
Julia Bartholow charmed the audience as Mulan, while 
Alanna Stern entertained as Mushu. Emma CowsertGeorgia FergusonLeah HawthorneLauren Smith-Morris, and 
Montgomery Rotellini were in perfect harmony as Mulan's ancestors. Jada SilasMerritt McCaleb, and Zuri Williams
gave solid performances as Mulan's father, mother, and grandmother. 


Braden Burt was dashing as Captain Chang, while Jonah Shaw was engaging as  Chi Fu. Jason Herron-Loza gave a memorable performance as Shan-Yu. Stephanie DavisLaura Wildman, and Tyler McCall added a comic element as army recuits Yao, Qian-Po, and Ling. Strong performances from Heather Hines as the Emperor and Ryan Douglas as the Matchmaker rounded out the all-star cast. Hardworking ensemble members showed their versatility, some playing many different characters.

The musical was co-directed by Linda Booth and Tracy Herron. "Mulan is a story of a really strong girl - someone we would like our girls to emulate," said Booth. "The students worked very hard and did a great job. We are very proud of them." 

Senior Sentiments
Baccalaureate Brings Reflection, Thanks

Lakehill's Baccalaureate Ceremony was held on Sunday, May 17 at Lakehill's Alice and Erle Nye Family Environmental Science Center. 


A time-honored Lakehill tradition, the ceremony provides an opportunity for each member of the graduating class to publicly thank the people who have made it possible for them to get to this moment of achievement in their lives. The afternoon of thoughtful reflection and heartfelt emotion provided a more intimate opportunity to pause and reflect on this rite of passage.


Members of the Senior Class are currently completing two-week internships as part of their graduation requirements. They will take their final walk across the Lakehill stage on Friday, May 29 in Lakehill's forty-second Commencement Ceremony.   

 See more photos.

Little Sprouts Rocks
Garden Provides Hands-On Learning, Recognizes Donors

Lakehill's Little Sprouts Garden is providing a vital learning lab for students.


Melissa Carpenter, Director of Environmental Education at the Alice and Erle Nye Family Environmental Science Center, created the small, elevated garden a few years ago so that Lower School students would have a place to experience hands-on learning as they studied cycles of plant growth. 

To give the lab area an identity, Lakehill students and the Parent Faculty Club got involved and transformed the anonymous space. In 2012, Taylor Gardsbane, then a second-grader, won the Lower School's contest to name the garden with her submission of "Little Sprouts Garden." 

In the fall of 2013, the Senior Class used part of their traditional Workday with Mr. Perry to rebuild the garden support structure, add 40 large bags of select topsoil, and start a Donor Recognition Space. 


The Lakehill PFC also added sponsorship of the Little Sprouts Garden as an auction item in their annual gala spring fundraiser. Each year the name of that auction item's winning family is engraved into a stone and placed in the recognition space next to the garden. Special thanks to this year's winner, the Deason Family.  

Box Tops Brag
Funds Purchase New Equipment

Lower School students brought in a record number of Box Tops this year, with the third graders in Mrs. Rasheed's class bringing in the most. They were treated to a movie with popcorn and Tootsie pops for their efforts.

The entire third grade did a great job, and was rewarded with an extra recess and Popsicles.

The amount raised from the Box Tops was $639.50, which purchased two new soccer goals, a new basketball goal, and a replacement basketball backboard on the existing pole for the Lower School playground.

The new equipment has already been installed, and Lower School students report that the playground is more fun than ever! Some have already started saving for next year, thinking of what their Box Tops can purchase.
Around Campus

Middle School Students Elect Student Council, NJHS Officers

Officers have been selected for Middle School Student Council for the 2015-16 school year. Congratulations to the new Executive Council.


President - Jonah Shaw
Vice President - Ryan Douglas
Secretary - Jada Silas
Treasurer - Cole Johnson

Officers for the National Junior Honor Society have also been elected. Kate Langley will take the helm as President, and Elizabeth Motes as Vice-President.

Fourth Graders Receive Excellence in Computers Award

One of the final units of study in fourth grade is learning EXCEL, specifically how to create spreadsheets and utilize formulas. The unit culminates with a project called
The Shopping Spree. Students are given an imaginary $1,000 to spend at Walmart, with the challenge to spend as close to that amount as possible. They must take into account factors such as quantities and sales tax. Twelve fourth grade students were able to meet the challenge and spend exactly $1000. Taylor Gardsbane, Angus Gilbreath, Anna Knickel, Jon Paul Maney, James McKinney, Ibraheem Morsy, Maddie Muller, Tristan Osang, Avery Owen, Van Alex Ramey, Hannah Reister, and Aleena Wallace were honored at the Wonderful Wednesday assembly where they received a Walmart gift card.

Lower School Students Honored for Reading

Twenty-six Lower School students were honored at the Wonderful Wednesday assembly for exemplary reading. Read to Succeed is an exciting program that encourages students in kindergarten through grade four to read for fun. Students were required to complete six hours of recreational reading during the six-week window and record their progress on a special form. 

Kindergartners Anniston Barrett, Connor Byrd, Caroline Crum, Rygel Farr, Shelby Shook, Rowan Smith, Josie Terstriep, first graders Jason Dickerson, Bradley Edwards, Alex GardsbaneHarley Glazer, Ian Johnston, Mason Pedroza, Sadie Salas, Maya Tolia, second graders Katie Crum, Lola Salas, Maeve Smith, third graders Abby Dondis, Aileen Edwards, Olivia Johnston, Kellen Khan, Asa McCaleb, Sydney Nguyen, and fourth graders Taylor Gardsbane and Anna Knickel received a special certificate and a ticket to Six Flags for their efforts.

Sports Snippets
Warrior Workouts Begin
Lakehill Warriors L

Warrior Summer Workouts are available to all Warrior athletes in grades 7-12.


Weights, Agilities, and Speed Training:

  • RLP Field House - 7401 Ferguson Road
  • Mondays / Tuesdays / Thursdays
  • June 1st - July 23rd
  • Workouts are from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
  • Wear appropriate attire and shoes to run in - no sandals or flip flops
  • For ALL LPS athletes
  • It will be circuit training: speed / agility / strength
  • Bring a teammate to workout with. It builds teamwork!

Open Gyms

  • Lakehill Main Campus - 2720 Hillside Drive
  • Boys Basketball - Tuesdays / Thursdays
    • 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
  • Volleyball -
    • Mondays: 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
    • Tuesdays: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
This Week at the ESC

Students in first grade and kindergarten enjoyed their last visits of the year to the ESC. While many activities were held inside due to rain, they managed to head outdoors for a bit of sunshine whenever possible.


First grade worked on a variety of activities, including working on a hands-on math problem. Students counted the stools in the Great Room and calculated how many needed to be placed in each lab to have the same number of stools in each. After discussing rocks and fossils and listening to the story Everybody Needs a Rock by By Byrd Baylor, students enjoyed time outdoors to dig for their own fossils.

Kindergarten got cozy in the Great Hall to learn about how animals sleep. They also had time to reflect and complete their journal writing for the year.

See more photos from the ESC.

What's Happening?
finger with string
Business Office Reminders:
  • Tuition for the 2015-2016 school year (either paid in full or first monthly payment) is due on Monday, June 1. Late fees will apply for payments received after June 10.
  • After School Care bills for May will be mailed in the first week of June. Parents are encouraged to make sure their accounts are clear over the summer to avoid a delay at Registration in August.
Please contact Bruce McCoskey, Lakehill's Business Manager, at 214.826.2931 ext 115 or bmccoskey@lakehillprep.org if you have any questions.


Revised Calendar for 2015-16

Please note revised dates for Spring Break and Middle School Adventure Week.


Lakehill Summer Camps!  
June 8 - August 7 

Online registration for Summer Camps will continue all summer long. Check out the updated Summer Camps Guide and make plans to spend your summer with us! Register online for available camps. Find out more!

May 19 - 22
Reclamation Days
Main Hallway, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Don't forget to take a look and claim those lost gym clothes, lunch boxes, and other treasures. All items that remain on Friday afternoon will be donated to charity. 

May 21
Athletic Banquet
6:00 p.m., ESC

May 22
Upper School Awards Ceremony
11:00 a.m., Auditorium


May 22
Upper School Celebration
12:30 p.m.


May 22
Lower School Skating Party

May 22

K-5 Dismiss
May 25
Memorial Day - no classes

May 26-28

Semester Exams
Get the Exam Schedule.

May 29

Commencement Ceremony
7:30 p.m., Auditorium 
The Warrior Shop is Open!
Visit us for all your spirit wear needs! 
Mondays, 7:45-8:45 a.m.
Thursdays, 2:45-3:45 p.m.
Lakehill Summer Camps 2015
Over 1200 registrations have already been received for Lakehill Summer Camps 2015.

Camps begin June 8...what are you waiting for?