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The Warrior Weekly
Volume 6, Issue 17
January 9, 2014
In This Issue
A Night At Studio 54
Worldly and Wise
Lunch and Learn
Armchair Travelers
Senior Spotlight
Sports Snippets
What's Happening?

Warrior Web

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Truth, Honor, Loyalty
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
~Eleanor Roosevelt

A Night At Studio 54

Lakehill Benefit Auction: Venture Beyond the Velvet Rope

Mark your calendars for Friday, February 21, 2014 and the Parent Faculty Club's Annual Benefit Auction. This is one party you don't want to miss! 
Break out your bell bottoms, platform shoes, butterfly collars, and gold chains because this year's theme is a throwback to the 70's era that started all things disco: A NIGHT AT STUDIO 54: Venture Beyond the Velvet Rope. Come throw caution to the wind at the ultra-chic Hotel Palomar as we recreate that legendary 70's nightclub. The funky and famous DJ Soul Jah will be in charge of all music and disco sounds and the live auction will be run by Luis Murad. Dinner will be provided by the highly acclaimed Central 214 restaurant. There is even an "A-List After Party" for those who dare. The recommended attire is Disco-glam.
So, it's time to sharpen up your Hustle skills and get ready to dance the last dance. 

Worldly and Wise

Seventh Grader Tales Home Geo Bee Victory

Maya Desai knows a thing or two about the world. After her second place finish as a fifth grader in the 2012 Geo Bee, the seventh grader had her eye on the top spot this year. Maya knew that the Taklimakan Desert, home to Uyghur people in the Kunlun Mountains, is located in the Asian country of China.

Maya was declared Lakehill's champion after answering all three questions correctly in the championship round. Seventh grader Harrison Hall, the other finalist, claimed second place. Third place went to seventh grade student Kate Langley while seventh grader Madison Cunningham took fourth. 


The competition, held on January 8, was open to all students in grades four through eight. The bee consisted of seven rounds of questions, a final round, and a championship round. This is the 26th year the National Geographic Society has organized this bee, and each year thousands of schools in the United States participate in this entertaining and challenging test of geographic knowledge.


As a school winner, Maya will advance to the next level of competition, a 70-question written examination. The top 100 test takers in the state will then compete for the state title. Each state winner will advance to Washington, D.C. for the national finals in May. 

Lunch and Learn

PFC Hosts Speaker on Internet Safety

On Wednesday, January 15, make plans to attend a special "Lunch and Learn" sponsored by the Parent Faculty Club, from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in the Great Hall at Lakehill's Environmental Science Center.  

Mandy Griffith of the U. S. Attorney's Office, a highly sought after speaker, will talk about Internet safety and help parent become better educated about their children's Internet footprints and the technology that they use. All parents are encouraged to attend this informative presentation. 

A free lunch will be provided to all attendees. Please RSVP to Ms. Drake by Tuesday, January 14 at noon to guarantee a lunch.
Armchair Travelers

Third Grade Presents Trip Around World

Travelers to Lakehill's cafeteria on December 17 were treated to a fascinating global tour as third grade students shared the histories, cultures, costumes, and cuisines of a variety of countries.


No tickets, passports, or luggage were required for the annual Trip around the World. Visitors were free to wander from country to country, exploring the sights, sounds, and tastes from around the globe as third grade students served as ambassadors and tour guides. Third graders completed a research report, developed a poster highlighting interesting aspects of their country, and prepared a sample of the cuisine representative of that country. Some students dressed in native costumes and brought music and artifacts to share with visitors.

See more photos
Senior Spotlight

National Junior Honor Society Highlights Lakehill's Soon-to-be Graduates

In an effort to reveal the hidden talents, personalities, and accomplishments of Lakehill's most experienced students, the National Junior Honor Society presents:

NJHS Spotlight on Seniors!

This week's senior: Prince Giadalor

Prince Giadolor has been attending Lakehill for two years and has felt welcome ever since he arrived on campus. He says, "My experience at Lakehill has helped me meet different people with different views and get more advanced in my academics."


Prince has been captain of the basketball team and participated on the track team last year. He enjoys playing sports at Lakehill because of the hard work, dedication, and teamwork put forth by the coaches and players.


Off the basketball court, Prince helps feed senior citizens through the Meals on Wheels program. He also plays the drums at home during his free time. Prince's hidden talent is singing, at which he excels.


History is Prince's favorite subject. He likes learning about the past, and how it has molded the present world of today. It is not surprising that his favorite teacher is Mrs. Thorne because she is nice, kind, and a great teacher in general.


Prince says that the best advice his parents have given him is, "Put God first." This has made Prince keep his head straight, make good decisions, and focus in school, and has shaped him into the person he is today. His goals this year are to keep making good grades (he's made all As and Bs so far this year) and be the best basketball player he can be. 


Prince's favorite thing about Lakehill is the basketball program. Some of his biggest achievements were winning District MVP and making Second Team All-State as a junior, winning third place in the State Track meet, and being recognized by Vype Magazine as one of the Top 40 basketball players in DFW. His most memorable moment was scoring 44 points, shooting 90% from the free-throw line, shooting 55% from the field, and bringing down 15 rebounds - all in his first playoff game as a Lakehill Warrior.


Prince advises underclassmen  to never have any regrets. After Lakehill, Prince is hoping to attend either the University of North Texas, University of Texas El Paso, or Concordia University.


After graduation, Prince will miss his family, the people and friends at Lakehill, and the Warrior head in the middle of the gym floor he sees so often. But he will always be a Lakehill Warrior!


By: Gerard Franklin, eighth grade 

Sports Snippets

Lakehill's college-aged alumni joined students and faculty at the games on January 7 for a special celebration in their honor. "This was just the first of what we hope will become a long-standing tradition," explained Director of Development and Alumni Relations Ray Dent. "Everyone enjoyed reconnecting with our college-aged alums and hearing about their successes while they were home for the holidays." See more pictures.


The Lakehill Warriors JV and Varsity Boys and Varsity Boys lost to district rival Cambridge on January 7.


The Varsity Boys are 8-1 and ranked 8th in the state. They are 1-1 in district play.             


The Varsity Girls are 7-5 and 1-0 in district play after beating Cambridge on January 7.


See more pictures from January 7January 3-4,  December 31, and December 26.


The JV Boys and Varsity Girls and Boys are at Desoto Canterbury on January 10 starting at 4:30 p.m.


The Middle School teams are at home on January 10. The boys take on Cambridge at 4:00 p.m. and Desoto Canterbury at 6:00 p.m. while the girls take on Canterbury at 5:00 p.m. The teams play at Dallas International on January 13, beginning at 4:30 p.m.


Middle School Soccer

soccer shoes

The Middle School Soccer team will take on Dallas Covenant on Monday, January 13 in a home game at 4:30 p.m. at the Warrior Athletic Complex.

finger with stringWhat's Happening?   


January 11
No Shoreline Spruce Up This Saturday
A special Shoreline Spruce-Up, sponsored by Lower School and Middle School Community Connections, will be held on Wednesday, January 29, from 3:15 - 4:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Come when you can!
January 13
College Night for Juniors, 7:00 p.m.
Mrs. Dondis will discuss topics related to the college process such as researching colleges, testing, contacting colleges, and visiting campuses. All juniors and their parents should attend.
January 15
Lunch and Learn with Mandy Griffith
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the ESC
Free lunch provided to all attendees. 
January 16, 9:50 a.m.
Spelling Bee 
Students in grades 4-8 are invited to participate in Lakehill's annual Spelling Bee. Interested students are encouraged to study the words in the Study List (beginning with "foray"). Students will complete an elimination round by taking a written test in early January. The written test will consist of ten to fifteen words from these lists. Anyone with the minimum level of accuracy (70-80%) will be eligible to participate in the spelling bee. 
January 16
Tribe Meetings, 1:40 - 2:05 p.m. 

January 17
Admission Application Deadline
Applications for admission for NEW students for the 2014-15 school year are due to the Office of Admission.
January 17
Lower School Birthday Book Club, 2:15 p.m.

January 20
No school - MLK Holiday
January 21-22
NJHS Donuts and Hot Cocoa Sale, 7:30 - 8:00 a.m.
January 24
Freshman Visit Day
January 24
Upper School Day of Service, 8:00 a.m. - noon 
 January 31
Early Release Day/Faculty Development 
All students will be released at noon. After-care is available.

February 3
College Night for Sophomores
Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.
Mrs. Dondis will discuss PSAT scores as well as introduce topics related to the college process itself. All sophomores and their parents are encouraged to attend.

The Warrior Shop is Open!
Visit us for all your spirit wear needs!
Mondays, 7:45-8:45 a.m.
Thursdays, 2:45-3:45 p.m.

Middle School Adventure Week
March 3-6, 2014
Middle School Adventure Week will be here before you know it! All Middle School parents should have received an informational letter about this exciting Lakehill tradition. Please contact Kaye Hauschild with any questions.

Welcome Back!