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The Warrior Weekly
Volume 5, Issue 36
May 30, 2013
In This Issue
New Beginnings
Honor Athletes
Workin' At The Car Wash
Senior Spotlight
What's Happening?

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"Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good."

~Minor Myers, Jr. 

New Beginnings
Class of 2013 Prepares for Graduation

Val and Sals

The Class of 2013 stands at the threshold of new beginnings and opportunities, looking forward to the new challenges ahead.


This year's Valedictorian is Clayton Drazner. Clayton, who has attended Lakehill since the fifth grade, will attend Rice University in the fall where he will study computer science or biochemistry.


The Salutatorians are Lauren Davenport and Nina Unger. Lauren, who has attended Lakehill since the sixth grade, will study strategic communications at Oklahoma State University. Nina, who has attended Lakehill since the seventh grade, will attend the University of Texas to study art history and classical archaeology.


Members of the Senior Class are have just completed their two-week internships as part of their graduation requirements. They will take their final walk across the Lakehill stage on May 31 in Lakehill's fortieth Commencement Ceremony.
Lakehill congratulates the Class of 2013 and wishes them continued success. Seniors, in the words of Minor Myers, Jr., "Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good." We can't wait to hear about the good things you do. 
Once again, 100% of Lakehill graduates will continue on to college. You can read more about all of Lakehill's seniors and where they are headed in the upcoming issue of Milestones.
Honor Athletes
Athletes Celebrate Seasons at Varsity Athletic Banquet

Fighting Heart It was a time of celebration for the Athletic Department as Lakehill's Varsity teams wrapped up the year with their annual Awards Banquet. Upper School held their annual Athletic Banquet on May 23 at the Environmental Science Center.

Sponsored by the PFC, the Awards Ceremonies allowed each athletic team the opportunity to be recognized and gave coaches, students, and supporters the perfect opportunity to celebrate the season's successes and build momentum for the coming

Those athletes maintaining strong academic standards were recognized with honor awards. Selected by the coaches, the Fighting Heart Award is given to two student-athletes who lead by example, display pride, and put the team first, embodying the true spirit of a Lakehill athlete. This year's honorees were Josh Wood and Jenna Burch.

Congratulations and thanks to all the Lakehill athletes and coaches who dedicate their time and talents to these programs. A special thanks to PFC Athletic Chair Lori Trent and her committee for organizing the event.  
See more pictures from the Athletic Banquet.
Workin' At The Car Wash
NJHS Continues Tornado Relief Efforts

Car Wash

Get a clean ride and help the National Junior Honor Society raise money for victims of the recent tornadoes. The NJHS is sponsoring a Car Wash on Saturday, June 1, with all proceeds benefiting tornado victims. The Car Wash will be held from 9:00 a.m. until noon in the Burger House parking lot at 6248 E. Mockingbird Lane. 


To date, Lakehill has raised over $3,000 for tornado relief. Proceeds from the Car Wash will be added to the fund and donations given to the Red Cross for their efforts in Oklahoma. Other donated goods were delivered to Oklahoma this week. Thanks to everyone who donated money and supplies and to the McCaleb family for delivering the goods.

Senior Spotlight

National Junior Honor Society Highlights Lakehill's Soon-to-be Graduates

Clayton In an effort to reveal the hidden talents, personalities, and accomplishments of Lakehill's most experienced students, the National Junior Honor Society presents:

NJHS Spotlight on Seniors!

This week's senior: Clayton Drazner 

Soon-to-be Lakehill alumnus, Clayton Drazner, will graduate with the highest academic honor as the Valedictorian of the class of 2013. He will attend Rice University in the fall where he will pursue the degree of Computer Science which was his favorite subject at Lakehill.


Clayton's says his favorite classes have been English with Mr. Hagood and Musical Theater. The teacher that inspires him the most is Dr. Brigham. He says her classes are interesting and eye-opening, and he feels very fortunate to have had a teacher like her.


Clayton describes his experience at Lakehill as "busy" because there were so many classes and different things to do. His hobbies include playing the guitar, listening to music, playing video games, and playing tennis. He hopes to continue these hobbies in college. 


Clayton will miss Lakehill, especially the teachers, pep rallies, and his classmates. When asked what advice he would give to incoming freshman regarding high school, his response was to get ready to work hard. He considers his greatest accomplishment at Lakehill to be leading the Debate team to State in Austin and at the Model UN in Minnesota. 


Clayton is a National Merit Finalist and Scholarship winner. He is also one of 20 Texas high school seniors selected for the TASSP All-State Academic Excellence Team. Clayton says that if it wasn't for Lakehill and all of his teachers, he would not have received all of these awards. 


Special Contributor:
Varun Iyer, eighth grade
finger with stringWhat's Happening?   


Tuition Reminder
Please remember that tuition for the 2013-2014 school year (either full pay or first monthly installment) is d
ue on Monday, June 3. Late fees will apply to payments received after June 10.

Final After School Care bills will be sent the first week of June. Parents are encouraged to make sure their accounts are clear during the summer to avoid any complications at Registration in August.

Host an International Student! Find Out More!
May 30
Informational Meeting, 2:45 p.m. 

June 1
NJHS Car Wash 

Burger House Parking Lot on Mockingbird Lane

9:00 a.m. - noon 


Lakehill Summer Camps! 

Camps are still available. Register now.

Check out the Summer Camps Guide and make plans to spend your summer with us! Online Registration is open and camps are filling quickly.


May 31
Commencement Ceremony, 7:30 p.m.

Reception following ceremony in the cafeteria.

 Get Ready for 2012-13  Summer Reading Books Lists:Lower School Reading Lists
Middle and Upper School Reading Lists 

Take a look at the 2013-14 School Calendar or check RenWeb to see all the dates for the 2013-14 school year!

Summer Camps Logo
Summer Camps 2013
Have a great summer!
Read Mr. Perry's wishes for a happy summer.