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The Warrior Weekly
Volume 5, Issue 33
May 9, 2013
In This Issue
Upper School Honors and Traditions
Lower School Learning
Community Spotlight
Senior Spotlight
Sports Snippets
This Week at the ESC
What's Happening?

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"Shoot for the moon. 
Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

~Les Brown 

See pictures from recent events:

Upper School Honors and Traditions

Drazner and Graff Named National Merit Finalists

Lakehill seniors Clayton Drazner and Jacob Graff have been named National Merit Finalists, an honor reserved for the nation's most academically talented students.


First named as Semi-finalists in January from a highly competitive pool of students in Texas who were selected to apply to the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Competition in the fall, Clayton and Jacob advanced to Finalist standing in the competition by meeting high academic standards and fulfilling several requirements that included submitting a detailed scholarship application and presenting a record of high academic performance. Additionally, Clayton has been selected as a National Merit Scholarship winner.


Clayton Drazner Clayton was accepted to Brandeis University, Rice University, Southern Methodist University, Tufts University, University of Texas at Dallas, and Washington University in St. Louis. He plans to study biochemistry or computer science at Rice University.


Jacob Graff Jacob was accepted to Brandeis University, Brown University, Colorado School of Mines, Columbia University, University of California Berkeley, University of Michigan, and Washington University in St. Louis. Jacob plans to study in the engineering program at Columbia University.


Ring Luncheon

Junior-Senior Ring Luncheon

The Junior-Senior Ring Ceremony remains one of the most significant events of the Upper School years.

There has always been a special bond between the junior and senior classes at Lakehill, and this year's group is no exception. Held amidst the elegance of the Warwick Melrose Hotel, the Junior-Senior Ring Luncheon allowed the class of 2013 the opportunity to reflect, to celebrate, and to pass the torch to Lakehill's next class of leaders.


After a recap of their successful senior year, Senior Class President Ryan Kennedy introduced next year's President, Anastasia Walton. One by one, members of the senior class introduced each member of the junior class, paying tribute to each junior during this special Lakehill rite of passage.

See more photos from the Junior Senior Ring Luncheon.
Heritage Museum

Lower School Learning

Field Trips Enhance Studies 


Heritage Museum

Third graders became Dallas history detectives during a recent visit to the Dallas Heritage Museum, going on a scavenger hunt to find information on historic colonial homes. The students students enjoyed immersing themselves in the history of 19th century life. A teacher dressed in a costume shared what school was like for the children in those days. The students also watched women knit wool, met the famous donkeys Nip and Tuck, and visited the general store. 

Texas Discovery Gardens 

Discovery Gardens

On May 3, students in second grade culminated their studies of insects and butterflies with a trip to the Texas Discovery Gardens at Fair Park. They participated in the Butterflies, Bugs and Botany program - in conjunction with their butterfly unit and their year-long study of insects at the ESC. Students learned how different insects eat, explored three gardens, and ended the day by visiting the butterfly house. 


Dallas World Aquarium

Earlier this week, each first grade class took an exciting early morning commute on the DART train to the Dallas World Aquarium. Their journey began in the canopy of a South American Rainforest. The path took them past toucans, monkeys, river otters, crocodiles, and many more exotic species. They encountered manatees and monkeys. The river otters were a big hit, but perhaps the best part was the penguin exhibit featuring Black Footed penguins. The students are ending the school year with a class research project on  penguins. 

West We Care

Community Spotlight

Lakehill Organizes Events to Support West

Lakehill has organized a Blood Drive to help Carter Blood Care replenish depleted supplies after the tragedies in Boston, Massachusetts and in West, Texas. 


The Blood Drive is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15, from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Carter Blood Care, which will conduct the drive, will send a truck to Lakehill. There are slots available every 20 minutes. Donors must be 16 years of age or older. Sign up here to donate blood.


Middle School Student Council will also be collecting money to support our friends and neighbors in West. For a $5 donation, students and faculty will receive a black and red ribbon to wear on a special Jeans Day, May 15, the same day as the blood drive.


In addition, the Fifth Grade Class will be holding a Pizza Sale after school on the 15th with all proceeds benefiting the victims of the tragedy in West.

Lakehill Hosts Kite Day for Kids

Kite Day

A breezy day, a kite, and a kid - a Saturday morning at its finest. This old-school pastime became a new favorite for hundreds of students from Bayles Elementary and their families during this year's annual Kite Day celebration on May 4.


The fields at Lakehill's Roger L. Perry Campus provided the perfect location. Volunteers handed out 500 kites while Lakehill eighth grade students offered guidance to novice kite fliers and their families. The Lion's Club fired up the grill to provide a hot dog lunch to all who attended.


As the sky came alive with hundreds of colorful, dancing kites, spirits soared back on the ground.


See more pictures from Kite Day.


Children's Center Carnival

Carnival Lakehill Middle School students donated their time on Sunday afternoon to help out at The Children's Center annual carnival. 


Students manned the games and rides. According to organizers, "The Lakehill students were a tremendous help. Their positive attitudes, big smiles, and willingness to lead a variety of activities make them our 'go-to' group when looking for volunteers."

Laura Currey
Senior Spotlight

National Junior Honor Society Highlights Lakehill's Soon-to-be Graduates

In an effort to reveal the hidden talents, personalities, and accomplishments of Lakehill's most experienced students, the National Junior Honor Society presents:

NJHS Spotlight on Seniors!

This week's senior: Laura Currey 

Laura Currey has attended Lakehill for six years. Throughout her high school years, Laura has been a part of the Fine Dining Club, Cheerleading, PASF, Sisteens, National Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta. She says that her favorite Lakehill memory was being elected to the Homecoming Court with her sister Becca, who is a freshman at Lakehill.


When asked about her favorite class and which teacher has influenced her the most, Laura says, "Honestly, all of my teachers have inspired me to excel in my classes. I like all of my classes because I have amazing teachers, but my favorite subject is Physics this year because I love science."


Laura will attend the Oklahoma State University Honors College to study Pre-Veterinary Medicine. She also plans to continue riding horses, and wants to continue with her cheerleading in her sophomore year in college. 


In ten years, Laura said that she sees herself "becoming a D.V.M (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) and working as a small animal vet in a private practice, as well as volunteering at animal shelters and emergency animal clinics." 


Laura's words of advice for any student at Lakehill are "Have fun, enjoy everything, and never stop learning!"


Special Contributor:
Audrey Castaigne, ninth grade
Sports Snippets


Varsity Softball Team Ends Successful Season, Earns All-District Honors
The Lady Warriors Varsity Softball team advanced to the State Playoffs and concluded their season on May 2. See more pictures.
Fourteen Lady Warriors were selected for All-District Honors. Caroline Boles, Jenna Burch, Lauren Davenport, Maia Heard, and Kelly Werther were all selected for First Team All-District honors. Charlotte Abate, Emily BolesAudrey Castaigne, Ava Ecklin, Sam LaJone, Camryn ThompsonAnastasia Walton, and Haley York made Second Team All-District, and Kaeli Bunger received Honorable Mention.


Congratulations Lady Warriors on an outstanding season!


Varsity Track Team Claims Six Golds, One Silver in Regionals, Heads to State Meet in Seven Events
Lakehill's Varsity Track team competed in the Regional Track Meet on May 3 in Fort Worth. Emily Allton took first in the 3200m and the 1600m while Alexis Johnson claimed first in the long jump, 100m, and 200m. Maia Heard brought home a first-place finish in the 400m, and Prince Giadolor took second place in the 100m.
The team will compete in the State Track Meet on May 10 and 11 in Waco. Go Warriors!

This Week at the ESC

Fifth grade students made their last visit to the ESC this week and got to know one of their favorite places a little better through a scavenger hunt.The beautiful weather gave them the perfect opportunity to enjoy much of their visit outdoors, playing tether ball, horseshoes, and lawn darts. 


See more pictures from the ESC.

finger with stringWhat's Happening?   


Tuition Reminder
Please remember that tuition for the 2013-2014 school year (either full pay or first monthly installment) is
due on Monday, June 3. Late fees will apply to payments received after June 10.

Final After School Care bills will be sent the first week of June. Parents are encouraged to make sure their accounts are clear during the summer to avoid any complications at Registration in August.

Lakehill Summer Camps! 

Online Registration NOW OPEN!

Lakehill Summer Camps (June 10-August 9)

Check out the Summer Camps Guide and start making plans to spend your summer with us! Online Registration is now open and camps are filling quickly.


May 6-20
Mack Boost Campaign Benefiting Lakehill 
Just in time for Mother's Day, Lakehill has partnered with Mack Boost to offer parents fantastic deals on local merchants you love. The best part? A percentage of all sales comes directly back to our school! This is truly the easiest fundraiser you'll participate in. Don't forget to share these deals with friends! 
May 10
Lower School Field Day 
12:30 - 2:30 p.m. 
May 10
Middle School End-of-Year Party 
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. 
May 15
We're with West 
Blood Drive, Bake Sale, Jeans Day


May 17
Middle School Musical, The Little Mermaid 
7:00 p.m., Auditorium
May 18
NJHS Shoreline Spruce-Up
9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
May 19
1:30 p.m., ESC
May 21 
Performing Arts Reception
6:30 p.m., Auditorium
May 22
PFC General Meeting
8:15 a.m., Cafeteria
May 22
Lower School Awards Ceremony
2:00 p.m., Auditorium

May 23
Middle School Awards Ceremony
2:00 p.m., Auditorium
May 23
Athletic Banquet
6:30 p.m., ESC

May 24
Upper School Awards Ceremony
11:00 a.m., Auditorium


May 24
Upper School Celebration
Noon, RLP


May 24
K-5 Dismiss
May 27
Memorial Day - no classes
May 28-30
Get the Exam Schedule.
May 31
Commencement Ceremony, 7:30 p.m.


The Warrior Shop is Open!
Visit us for all your spirit wear needs!

Mondays, 7:45-8:45 a.m.
Thursdays, 2:45-3:45 p.m.


Take a look at the 2013-14 School Calendar.

Summer Camps Logo
Summer Camps 2013
Online Registration Now Open! 
Check out the Summer Camps 2013 Guide

Read more about Lakehill Summer Camps, as featured in articles in In The Loop Kids, Park Cities Bubblelife, and Lakewood Bubble Life.