Hampton Roads 
 Employment News

from Reliance Staffing & Recruiting
Volume 63            
June 2013 
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In this Issue
Workers' Compensation Q&A Part 3
Summer Is Prime Hiring Time
An Unexpected Safety Tool
Why Can't I See the I-9?
May 2013 Legal Roundup
Safety Tips of the Month: Housekeeping
Unemployment Rates
 May 13Apr 13May 12
*seasonally adjusted
 May 13Apr 13May 12
*seasonally adjusted
Workers' Compensation Q&A
Part 3  




The third in a series of answers to popular questions about worker's compensation from a webinar given by David Schmidt of employment law firm Schmidt Law.


Q. Does the employer have to create a position (or find a position) for an employee who returns back to work after their position was replaced due to lack of staffing? The employee was out on workers' compensation leave for almost a year; the position was replaced 3 months prior to him getting cleared to return to work.


A. This situation requires a detailed "business necessities" analysis. It must be shown that there was a true business necessity to replace them before they were able to recover enough to return to work. It is important to note that if they were replaced while on temporary disability, the employer is in a precarious position. You need to work hard to justify the business necessity since it cannot be shown that the employee would never be able to return.


If we can assume there was indeed a business necessity and that the injured worker was only temporarily disabled (i.e. they could now perform the role), then they should at least have a priority right of rehire.

Reliance in Our Communities

Donna Brooks, Placement Specialist in our Chesapeake office, participated in a clothing drive for the women and children who are helped by Samaritan House in Virginia Beach.


Summer Is Prime Hiring Time
While you might feel like putting hiring on hiatus for the next few months, summer is actually a great time to bring in new team members. What makes the summer season a perfect time to hire? Donna Brooks will be happy to tell you. 
An Unexpected Safety Tool
Beverley Baraniak explains why recordkeeping can be one of the best safety tools.
Why Can't I See the I-9?
Sharon Maynard explains why we can't share these employment forms with you.
May 2013 Legal Roundup
The NLRB had a bad month; the EEOC had a good one and Facebook pops up again.
Best in Staffing 2013: We Made Both Lists!
We're so proud! Reliance Staffing & Recruiting has been named to Inavero's 2013 Best of Staffing™ lists, for both client service and service to associates.
Reliance is the only local independent staffing firm to make either list, let alone both. Last year, we entered the Best of Staffing Client competition and made the list, so this year we decided to enter both competitions, and got a Yahtzee! 


To learn more about the award and what it means for you, click here.
Safety Tips of the Month: Housekeeping
Credit: allsafetyproducts.biz
It's not exactly a thrilling subject, but good housekeeping can prevent injuries, property damage, lost work time and even death. Your mom might have been onto something when she warned you about the dangers of messiness!

How can a mess cause a problem? Unseen or falling objects can cause falls and trips. Improperly stored chemicals can cause fumes and fires. A well-organized arrangement of the workspace with regular housekeeping habits can help keep everyone safe.

Not only that, good housekeeping means efficient performance. When materials, tools and equipment all have a place for orderly storage and are returned to that place after being used, they are easier to find and easier to inspect for damage and wear.

Here's how to keep a good house at work:
  • Develop a logical organizational plan for work areas, allowing enough room for people to get around comfortably. For storage areas, allow enough room for movement and for additional supplies.
  • Keep all aisles, stairways, passageways, exits and access ways to buildings free from obstructions at all times.
  • Mop up spills immediately, especially grease spills. Not only will that prevent falls, it might even prevent a stain. :-)
  • If a container can be moved or opened, such as a locker, hamper or wheeled unit, don't put stuff on top of it.
  • When stacking or piling items for storage, make sure the base is firm and level, and that the heaviest items are at the bottom.
  • When plugging in a new electronic device, make sure the cord won't cause any tripping hazards. Add an extension cord and move the longer cord around the edge of your work area, if necessary.
  • Clean out file drawers regularly. An overloaded file drawer, when pulled open, can tip a filing cabinet over, or simply crash down onto your feet.
  • Make sure all hazardous chemicals are stored in accordance with their Materials Safety Data Sheets.
This information provided to us by our friends at Gallagher Bassett.
"Do I need to pay my employees overtime?"


Are you required to pay overtime? What if your employees are salaried? What if you've offered them a better pay rate in exchange for overtime and they accepted the offer?

This eBook will show you:

  • How to determine if an employee is exempt or nonexempt
  • What the rules are for measuring the correct rate of pay
  • What the consequences are for violating the Fair Labor Standards Act
Visit this page to get your free eBook.


Client Comments

"I would like to personally thank Reliance Staffing Suffolk for coming out early on a Saturday morning and volunteering with us at the H.E.R. Shelter. Our ongoing partnership with Reliance is very important, but for the whole staff to come out with friends and family was amazing. Volunteering is the way of life for us here at Safco, and when our partners get involved it is even better. It makes me proud to be associated with such a great organization. We look forward to doing more with the amazing Reliance Suffolk office. You always follows through with your commitment."


Scott Bauer, SAFCO