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DDP Senior Staff to Attend PePcon
Phil and Sandy will be out of the office April 25 through May 2 attending PePcon, the premier InDesign conference. Of course the office is open while we're gone, but to lighten the load on our staff we'd love to finish your projects before April 24. Give us a call today and we'll give your project priority treatment.
Recent DDP Blogs
Creating Faded Edges in Photoshop - While there are many ways to accomplish the effect, here's how we usually do it.

Convert Microsoft Text to Tables quickly and easily. This video blog shows you how.

InDesign Special Characters - Smart Quotes and More - Using straight quotes when typographical ones are called for is unprofessional (or sloppy) desktop publishing. This video blog teaches
you how to create smart quotes and other special characters. 

April Holidays
(as some count holidays)
April 11 - National Barbershop Quartet Day - check out this video of the 2012 champions
April 19 - National Garlic Day - "There's no such thing as too much garlic" is our motto.
April 25 - World Penguin Day - read about it here.
Join Our Mailing List
DDP Alpha Channel
Alpha channel is a graphics and music term. We'd like to think it's also a communication term. While we know you get your news many places, we hope we'll be one of your alpha channels for all things desktop publishing. Enjoy!
Adobe to Stop Selling Boxed CD Sets
of Software Effective May 1st

Adobe, the maker of popular products like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Flash, Premiere, After Effects and Acrobat is ending the sale of physical discs in stores at the end of April, according to reports by several websites. In chatting with Adobe representatives today they would neither confirm or deny that plan. Here's a link to just one of the articles we've read. If true (and we suspect it is), all customers will be required to download the software they purchase. Some will take hours to download because they are complex, large programs.
New Book Release
Unleashing Your Creativity to Think Outside the Box

Brainstorming Book Front Cover

Turn your brainstorming sessions into profitable gatherings instead of a waste of time and resources.

This book provides ideas, step by step instructions, and checklists to make your next brainstorming session more productive and profitable.  



Initially released as a booklet about brainstorming, Sandy significantly enhanced the content for the book edition. The biggest changes were the addition of checklists, a Brainstorming Guidelines handout that can be copied for participants, and a new section on various brainstorming techniques that go beyond the basic formula.

You can check out the contents of the book here or purchase a copy here or here.  


PePcon - InDesign's Premier Conference

The world's top InDesign experts will be joined by members of the Adobe InDesign team at the premier InDesign Conference at the end of this month. The Print + ePublishing Conference, or PePcon, as it's affectionately known, is an annual conference held in a different city each year. This year you'll find the InDesign crowd gathering in Austin, TX April 28-May 1, 2013. Check out the 4-day schedule here. You can jump from there to learn about the speakers, registration, and just about anything else you'd like to know about the conference. It's a conference we've wanted to attend for many years. This year we'll be there. If you're going, let us know - we'll buy the first round of drinks!
Thanks for reading our e-newsletter. If you experience any glitches, please let us know. 
If you have a tip you'd like to share, let us know that, too. If we use it in a newsletter, we'll be happy to give you full credit for it.

Sandra Hovatter, Data Designs Publishing

 �20123, Data Designs Publishing, Norwalk, OH
Adobe�, Microsoft� and all product citations are owned by their respective companies.