Brought to you by Poison Control Centers
June 2007 Edition
A lick of hand sanitizer won't hurt a child or anyone else. Drinking it can cause alcohol poisoning, which can cause low blood sugar, coma, and seizures - though this is not common. Learn more...
DEET is an insect repellant which helps prevent bites, and illnesses, from mosquitos and ticks. There are rare reports of health problems associated with the use of DEET, but most have been because of using the product incorrectly. Learn more...
Look-alikes fool people who don't read the labels carefully! Mistakenly putting glue into your eyes or ears can cause pain and injury. Learn more...
The seeds of morning glory contain a chemical similar to LSD. Eating enough of them can cause many types of symptoms, from diarrhea to hallucinations requiring medical care. Learn more...
Inhalant abuse means trying to get high by breathing in vapors, fumes, or aerosol sprays. Thousands of products can be abused by inhaling. These are ordinary household products - and they are poisons. Nearly 20 percent of eighth-graders admit to abusing inhalants. Learn more...
Two ways to get help for a poison emergency:
Both are free and confidential. Both provide expert guidance based on age, weight, and amount.
�NCPC 2014
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