Brought to you by Poison Control Centers
October 2008 Edition
Mothballs are pesticides. They can be poisonous if swallowed or if large amounts of fumes are inhaled. Learn more...
Art products are mixtures of chemicals and should be used correctly. It's common for children to swallow these products or get them on the skin or eye. Most of the time, the children are fine but mishaps can occur, especially eye or skin irritation. Learn more...
There are many types of look-alike products. It is easy for an adult or a child to mistake a cleaning product for a soft drink or a container of glue for eye drops. Learn more...
Caustic products cause burns on contact with skin, eyes, and the gastrointestinal tract. More than other household products, caustic substances do their damage instantly. Injury cannot be reversed, only treated. Learn more...
Two ways to get help for a poison emergency:
Both are free and confidential. Both provide expert guidance based on age, weight, and amount.
�NCPC 2014
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